That woman prime minister in doctor who seemed ok, brave too.
From everyone's favourite journalist, Richard Littlejohn.........
Is there no human life on Planet Labour?
What is it with these people? First, Veggie Benn tells us that taking out a second mortgage to pay for a gallon of petrol is good for the soul.
Then the equally absurd Caroline Flint, a senior NCO in Labour's monstrous regiment of women, suggests the way to beat the credit crunch is for us to sell our houses to the council and rent them back.
Sometimes, as I believe I may have observed in the past, it is difficult to know where to start.
Only in New Labour La-La Land is the thought of people having to pay thirty bob for a litre of unleaded A Good Thing.
No doubt as Benn is chauffeured from muesli breakfast to tofu dinner in a gas-guzzling government limo, he reclines in the back seat and congratulates himself on all the polar bears being saved by the rampant spivvery in the oil futures casino and his own government's tax gluttony.
This is cost-free compassion at its most disgusting. There's nothing ministers enjoy more than salving their own consciences at the public's expense.
Of course, all this caring for the planet/Third World poor/blah blah never comes at any personal cost to politicians themselves.
Gordon Brown cheerfully pours £800 million of our money into the Swiss bank accounts of African tyrants so he can have his picture taken with Nelson Mandela.
So it's hardly surprising that barmy Benn - living proof that the apple rarely falls far from the tree - thinks that making motorists suffer for the sake of the Great Global Warming Lie is a price worth paying.
After all, he doesn't have to pay it, any more than he has to pick up the bill for a plasma telly from John Lewis.
Meanwhile, Westminster's Village Idiots are peddling the line that we are to be spared another 2p rise in petrol tax because Gordon really, really feels our pain.
We are supposed to fall to our knees, genuflecting in the direction of Downing Street, in humble gratitude at this act of generosity - which we are told will 'cost' the Treasury billions.
For a start, it won't 'cost' the Treasury anything. It's our money. Why the hell should we give thanks that the Government has decided to confiscate a few coppers less?
The Treasury has already raked in an extra £5 billion as a result of the rocketing price of petrol. Foregoing another 2p a litre scarcely amounts to hardship. We won't be seeing Alistair Darling begging in Whitehall with a mangy dog on a piece of string just yet.
However, the boys in the bubble think that this is what passes for 'news'.
Which brings us to Caroline Flint. Only in the Wonderful World of Westminster would this old boiler be considered something of a sex symbol.
I guess if you spent your life looking at Margaret Beckett and Ann Widdecombe, you would start to fantasise about Caroline Flint.
But frankly, she's always struck me as a hatchet-faced hag in need of a good wash. You'd have to drag her through a sheep dip full of Swarfega before I'd climb over Pole Dance Polly to buy her a candlelit supper. The ugliness comes from the inside, as it does with most of these gormless harridans.
But I can only assume she must be there for her looks. Because her brains aren't up to much.
Her Big Idea for solving the rising cost of mortgages is for people to sell their homes to the council under a 'rent-back' scheme.
Where does she think the councils are going to get the money from?
And was she too busy pouring lighter fuel on her Wonderbra at Greenham Common to notice that one of Mrs Thatcher's most popular policies was selling off council houses?
Only someone who has her mortgage interest and grocery bills met by the British taxpayer could possibly think that anyone who has scrimped and saved to buy their own home would voluntarily submit themselves to the tyranny of the Town Hall.
Most of us would rather repair to a cardboard box at the back of a pissoir.
I've remarked before on Labour's Back To The Future tendency. Thirty years ago, they were kicked out because the rubbish bins weren't emptied during the Winter of Discontent.
Now it's official policy not to collect the rubbish. And a quarter of a century after the Thatcher revolution, which enabled millions to become owner-occupiers, Labour's housing minister proposes turning Britain back into one giant council estate.
Where do they find these people?
Anyone else asking that question?
Littlejohn likes to keep it over-simple to the point of inanity so he can understand it.
He reads books with big print and lots of pictures usually.
He is as poisonous as he is thick, unfortunately.
You do not need to see Lars von Trier's Antichrist (which is released later this week) to know how revolting it is.
I haven't seen it myself, nor shall I - and I speak as a broad-minded arts critic, strongly libertarian in tendency. But merely reading about Antichrist is stomach-turning, and enough to form a judgment.
its not about sharing views its about looking at things long term and putting things into a historical context. the crap that is being spouted at the minute is simply media hacks (and I include the broadsheets in that) wanting change for the sake of it, basically because the don't like the look of the sour faced scot in no. 10. The prats and expenses comments are shortsighted and pathetic. I don't agree with everything labour has done or continue to do but the alternative is too grim to think about.
Heading for another recession? By what measure? The economy is still exceeding projected growth rates and the only problem is the housing market, a problem caused not by the government but by banks in the US.
The Daily Mail have always been small minded bigots who pander to the small mindedness of their demographic.
The Daily Mail have always been small minded bigots who pander to the small mindedness of their demographic.
cnut of a paper read by absolute cnuts - i only read its e version
errr p_ps-sock come out come wherever you are![]()
Good ole Richard Littlejohn. Quote "No wonder Cherie's got Swine Flu. The Blairs have had their snouts in the trough for years".
Bliar and New Liebour -deserve each other and Brown a fitting successor to Bliar
Cherie has to be a fitting sow for Honest Tone (my government will be whiter than white) but of course he knew he was colour blind
spot on Wibble cnut of a paper read by absolute cnuts - I only read its E version to see what more rubbish they can fabricate and print - and it never disappoints me the crap they come up with to print
must also appeal to eejits defacing property or chucking things at people who just happen to have done summat they disagree with.
Small minded bigots sums them up just perfect
With anyone else, you'd assume these were puns about the New Labour lies.
But with topper, you suspect they're just typos.
You have to be smartly dressed at those things...It's no guarantee they weren't filthy commoners.
Well it's been on twitter all day and being (rightly) vilified, I doubt Charlie Brooker made them change it.
errr p_ps-sock come out come wherever you are![]()
You mean those horrendous stick thin anorexic looking ones.Forget the headline...what the hell is going on with that womans legs?
Manchester United's reputation as the biggest draw in English football has been underlined by ITV's decision to show them rather than Manchester City in the Champions League.
Television executives have chosen United's opener against Benfica as their live game on ITV1 next month, even though City's debut in the competition is on the same night.
United traditionally attract the biggest TV audience in the country but the excitement generated by City's £400million spending spree means there will also be plenty of interest in their first Champions League game, against Napoli on September 14.
'A choice had to be made for their opening fixture,' a source said. 'City are in the news a great deal but United have a huge following and their visit to Benfica is a very attractive looking game.'
The Manchester clubs are scheduled to play their six group games on the same night as each other - three on Tuesdays and three on Wednesdays.
Sky Sports will show the Tuesday night games and its multi-channel facility will allow it to show both clubs live at the same time.
IT V has to choose which team to show on its flagship station for its three Wednesday night games. No firm decision has been made for fixtures after the opening ties.
Meanwhile, Paul Scholes will hold talks with manager Sir Alex Ferguson over a coaching role this week.
I'm glad these photos are out in the world view because there is something deeply wrong in the UK culture and it all stems from too many rights and freedoms; a total degeneration of a society. Scenes like this would be unheard of in Britain even in the 1980's, this all started from the 1990's and the liberal elite agendas. Now we have a society of worthless people, addicted to booze and benefits and are immoral and disgusting. Ashamed to be British.
- laura, oxford, 21/9/2011 17:36
Read more: Maciej Dakowicz 'Cardiff After Dark' binge-drinking images turned Britain into laughing stock | Mail Online
Maciej Dakowicz 'Cardiff After Dark' binge-drinking images turned Britain into laughing stock | Mail Online
Pictures are quite good but the comments underneath are even better.
Could've done without seeing the unwiped arse, myself.
The unwiped arse of a liberal society.