Daily Mail

Apparently Londoners are more important than German and Irish people:

In July 2012, three people were killed by a bank bomb in Frankfurt. A month later, 15 people were killed in Dublin. And in September, in tragic events that will never be forgotten, 36 people were killed by explosions across the City of London.
I'm keeping my eye on the French from now on to be honest. They have have in for us Island nations.
There's a total of 11 pictures in that article. 11!...And quite a few of the women aren't even dressed that bad.

I was going to invent some ludicrous 'quotes' but the Mail beat me to it.
I have to stop automatically going to best and worst rated comments for the lulz
There's a total of 11 pictures in that article. 11!...And quite a few of the women aren't even dressed that bad.


They admitted to the 'they're going to ban Christmas' type stories and all. I'll have a scan for it when I can be arsed. Which means never. Probably.

But...cracking paper and all that.
'Why DO young women go out dressed like this?'

Totally made-up quotes ahoy!

Cue predictable sexism, outrage, classism and crap journalism:

Why DO young women go out dressed like this? We meet nightclubbers to find the unsettling answer | Mail Online

Do you think the photographer asked those women "Do you mind if we take your photo so we can mock and deride you in a national newspaper, cast judgement on your morals and invite the most ignorant members of the country - our readership - to also say whatever they like about you, things that they would never have the nerve to say to your face?"
t’s OK to be a slut as long as you use protection

They are not thinking about web traffic- hell they could have a field day with a related 'sex in secs' type sister website:drool:
Not just one, it's the 2nd. Even more depressing is that the Daily Star is the 4th, selling twice as many as the Guardian & The Independent combined and only fractionally less than the Guardian & The Times combined.

If you want to buy a shit redtop with tits in it and a distain for actual news, buy The Sun, surely? Who buys the Star? People who think The Sun has too much news in it?

Imagine The Sun being too highbrow for you. Jesus wept.
Not just one, it's the 2nd. Even more depressing is that the Daily Star is the 4th, selling twice as many as the Guardian & The Independent combined and only fractionally less than the Guardian & The Times combined.

If you want to buy a shit redtop with tits in it and a distain for actual news, buy The Sun, surely? Who buys the Star? People who think The Sun has too much news in it?

Imagine The Sun being too highbrow for you. Jesus wept.
:lol::lol: well said
I'm just surprised they haven't noticed this outrageous bit of smut from the BBC's Christmas advert yet.

You have to wonder what their "reporters/journalists" are told to do if this is what they come out with. It's dreadful, part of me thinks it was just an attempt at trolling which lasted too long.
I'd say that was almost certainly down to the amount of links to stupid articles/sensationalist rumours/bullshit that get posted on other sites....like this one. It's amazing to see the comments sections under their more egregious pieces. It's almost entirely well meaning web warriors having a go at them...Blithely unaware that all they're doing is giving them more hits.
Nah, it's all the celeb shite no one reads the lesbian Poles nicking our women hard news.
That's partly covered in "sensationalist rumours" which is basically all "celeb gossip" is.

Of course there is a large part of it down to the fact that a lot of the general public are complete twats.
You know what, sometimes I think maybe we'd be better off if the yanks and russians had just nuked the whole world at some point in the 80's.
When the Daily Mail calls rightwingers stupid, the result is dumbogeddon

...Now Mail Online has gone one step further by running a story that not only insults its own readers, but cruelly invites them to underline the insult by making fools of themselves. In what has to be a deliberate act of "trolling", last Friday it carried a story headlined "Rightwingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study". In terms of enraging your core readership, this is the equivalent of Nuts magazine suddenly claiming only gay men masturbate to Hollyoaks babes.

The Mail's report went on to detail the results of a study carried out by a group of Canadian academics, which appears to show some correlation between low childhood intelligence and rightwing politics. It also claimed that stupid people hold rightwing views in order to feel "safe". Other items they hold in order to feel safe include clubs, rocks and dustbin lids. But those are easy to let go of. Political beliefs get stuck to your hands. And the only way to remove them is to hold your brain under the hot tap and scrub vigorously for several decades.

As you might expect, many Mail Online readers didn't take kindly to a report that strived to paint them as simplistic, terrified dimwits. Many leapt from the tyres they were swinging in to furrow their brows and howl in anger. Others, tragically, began tapping rudimentary responses into the comments box. Which is where the tragi-fun really began.

"Stupidest study of them all," raged a reader called Beth. "So were the testers conservative for being so thick or were they left and using a non study to make themselves look better?" Hmmm. There's no easy answer to that. Because it doesn't make sense.

"I seem to remember 'academics' once upon a time stating that the world was flat and the Sun orbitted the Earth," scoffed Ted, who has presumably been keeping his personal brand of scepticism alive since the middle ages.

"Sounds like a BBC study, type of thing they would waste the Licence fee on, load of Cods wallop," claimed Terry from Leicester, thereby managing to ignore the findings while simultaneously attacking public service broadcasting for something it hadn't done. For his next trick, Terry will learn to whistle and shit at the same time.

Not all the respondents were stupid. Some were merely deluded. Someone calling themselves "Hillside" from Sydney claimed: "I have an IQ over 200, have six degrees and diplomas and am 'right-wing', as are others I know at this higher level of intelligence." His IQ score is particularly impressive considering the maximum possible score on Mensa's preferred IQ test is 161.

Whatever the numbers: intellectual dick-measuring isn't to everyone's tastes anyway. Simply by highlighting his own intelligence "Hillside" alienated several of his commentbox brethren.

"If there is one person I can not stand and that is a snob who thinks they are intelligent because if they were intelligent and educated they wouldn't be snobs," argued Liz from London. Once you've clambered over the broken grammar, deliberately placed at the start of the sentence like a rudimentary barricade of piled-up chairs, there's a tragic conundrum at work here. She claims intellectual snootiness is ugly, which it is, but unfortunately she says it in such a stupid way it's impossible for anyone smarter than a steak-and-ale pie not to look down on her. Thus, for Liz, the crushing cycle of snobbery continues.

On and on the comments went, turning a rather stark write-up of a daft-sounding study into a sublime piece of live online performance art. A chimps' tea party of the damned. The Mail has long been a master at trolling lefties; now it's mischievously turned on its own readers, and the results could only be funnier if the website came with free plastic lawn furniture for them to lob at the screen. You couldn't make it up.

Charlie Brooker: When the Daily Mail calls rightwingers stupid, the result is dumbogeddon | Comment is free | The Guardian
That was doing the rounds at work. Very good article, and I'm not normally a Brooker fan.
I love Brookers stuff, mainly as I have the same sense of humour, at least my friends tell me so, which probably means I'm a massive twat.

Anyway, I'd say there's plenty of intelligent right wingers but while they take idealogical stances they're vastly outnumbered by their less intelligent fellows who simply follow headline logic.

A female friend tried to set me up the other week with a girl who turned out to be a right wing moron :( Really does put you off a girl when they start talking about immigrants having only met them 30 minutes prior :lol:
I love Brookers stuff, mainly as I have the same sense of humour, at least my friends tell me so, which probably means I'm a massive twat.

Anyway, I'd say there's plenty of intelligent right wingers but while they take idealogical stances they're vastly outnumbered by their less intelligent fellows who simply follow headline logic.

A female friend tried to set me up the other week with a girl who turned out to be a right wing moron :( Really does put you off a girl when they start talking about immigrants having only met them 30 minutes prior :lol:

Agreed, there's also a fair few left-wing idiots, as evidenced by some posts you see on here! Generally an amusing article though.
The thing is 'right-winger' breaks down into lots of different categories, and I doubt it's all of them contributing to the low intelligence scores.

In other words, I doubt it's the free-market economists or the realpolitik cynics or the anti-tax libertarian lot.

It's the authoritarians dragging them down, I reckon. Sheep-like people are likely to be impressed by politicians whose rhetoric relies on in-group supremacy, religiosity and fear. And I suspect they're also likely to be stupid.


I think most of the comics on here are right wing. You don't need the hyphen BTW.

Found one
What you wrote was fine. Left wing is usually the noun phrase, left-wing the adjective:

Left wing | Define Left wing at Dictionary.com

British English generally allows more unhyphenated forms but your usage was perfectly correct. In fact, the British National Corpus has 8 times as many examples of [left-wing + n] than [left wing + n].

It's best to ignore Weaste's edicts in all matters other than fiscal policy, the career of Ruben Baraja, and perving strangers.