According to Newsworks, the highest demographic of Mail readers is women over 55 (incidentally anyone under 44 account for less than 25% of their readership*) More often than not married, stay at home or retired, and obviously quite well off. Align that with the Mail's general M.O of proving how the country's gone to the dogs, and you can see why stories bitching about the younger generation of (usually lower class [than them]) women appeals to it's core readership of gossipy housewives.
For example, things like this...
According to Tabloid Watch, the MailOnline has published 97 articles mentioning Kim Kardashian since 1 June.
Top quality news.
* Incidentally, The Sun's biggest demo is men under 44. So even when the bitchy old croans who read the Mail die off, we're still fecked.
Though on the bright side, the highest demo of Guardian & Independent readers is the 15-25 age group....So come on younger generation! We believe in you!! - Even if the Mail doesn't
Well, I'm almost exactly in the demographic you quote, 54, retired, married, stay-at-home. I'm surprised but I don't doubt you at all. My surprise stems from the fact that I can't imagine many women my age being remotely interested in what young women half their age are doing.
I'm not a bitchy old crone but maybe that's because I don't read the DM.