Daily Mail

According to Newsworks, the highest demographic of Mail readers is women over 55 (incidentally anyone under 44 account for less than 25% of their readership*) More often than not married, stay at home or retired, and obviously quite well off. Align that with the Mail's general M.O of proving how the country's gone to the dogs, and you can see why stories bitching about the younger generation of (usually lower class [than them]) women appeals to it's core readership of gossipy housewives.

For example, things like this...


According to Tabloid Watch, the MailOnline has published 97 articles mentioning Kim Kardashian since 1 June.

Top quality news.

* Incidentally, The Sun's biggest demo is men under 44. So even when the bitchy old croans who read the Mail die off, we're still fecked.

Though on the bright side, the highest demo of Guardian & Independent readers is the 15-25 age group....So come on younger generation! We believe in you!! - Even if the Mail doesn't

Well, I'm almost exactly in the demographic you quote, 54, retired, married, stay-at-home. I'm surprised but I don't doubt you at all. My surprise stems from the fact that I can't imagine many women my age being remotely interested in what young women half their age are doing.

I'm not a bitchy old crone but maybe that's because I don't read the DM.
Is there anything in the world (according to the Mail) that doesn't give you cancer?
Well, I'm almost exactly in the demographic you quote, 54, retired, married, stay-at-home. I'm surprised but I don't doubt you at all. My surprise stems from the fact that I can't imagine many women my age being remotely interested in what young women half their age are doing.

Well remember, they have to think the county (nay, the World) has gone to the dogs, and everything and everyone is potentially about to kill you. It's not simply a product of their age and sex.

I'm not a bitchy old crone but maybe that's because I don't read the DM.

I think it's probably a chicken egg situation. Does being a bitchy old crone make you read the Daily Mail? or does reading the Daily Mail make you a bitchy old crone?

Answers on a postcard to

Paul Dacre
Northcliffe House
2 Derry Street
London W8 5TT
Jan Moir & Amanda Platell were almost certainly bitchy old crones before they started working for the Mail. But for all we know, they could've been weened on it for years, groomed if you will, secretly, by Dacre, from a far, with the express purpose of eventually being employed by the mail, as a woman, commenting on woman's issues, from a firmly anti modern woman perspective.

I'm pretty sure this is how he operates. There are probably several sleeper cells of black writers out there as we speak, slowly being conditioned to grow up and write about immigration. They probably don't even know it!
Well remember, they have to think the county (nay, the World) has gone to the dogs, and everything and everyone is potentially about to kill you. It's not simply a product of their age and sex.

I think it's probably a chicken egg situation. Does being a bitchy old crone make you read the Daily Mail? or does reading the Daily Mail make you a bitchy old crone?

Answers on a postcard to

Paul Dacre
Northcliffe House
2 Derry Street
London W8 5TT

Well, we've run away to Italy but that's because the weather in England has gone to the dogs, rather than anything else. And the only thing I'm worried about is spiders.

But I'll avoid the DM, thanks for the heads-up :)
Jan Moir & Amanda Platell were almost certainly bitchy old crones before they started working for the Mail. But for all we know, they could've been weened on it for years, groomed if you will, secretly, by Dacre, from a far, with the express purpose of eventually being employed by the mail, as a woman, commenting on woman's issues, from a firmly anti modern woman perspective.

I'm pretty sure this is how he operates. There are probably several sleeper cells of black writers out there as we speak, slowly being conditioned to grow up and write about immigration. They probably don't even know it!

I'd imagine it's a bit like The Manchurian Candidate, except instead of being triggered by the Queen of Diamonds it's by the Princess of Wales.
According to Tabloid Watch, the MailOnline has published 97 articles mentioning Kim Kardashian since 1 June.

It's the biggest news site in the world now, and it's managed that by becoming weirdly American, hence subbing out Kelly Brook for Ms Kardashian as their weird crush/obsession. She's almost completely unknown on this side of the pond ffs.
That's... that's amazing. It's like the entire paper is on one perpetual wind-up.

Perhaps their chief really, really hates women, and has decided that the best way to bring down the feminist movement is to try and corrupt it from the inside.
Femail seems to be the reason that most people buy it, it's not meant to be taken too seriously. As someone once said it's a tabloid in broadsheet clothing. I have to say that I don't really understand the lefty obsession with the Mail. At the other end of the spectrum the Mirror prints an similar amount of nonsense. There's a temptation to characterise the right as Daily Mailesque and yet the same people want to associate themselves with the Guardian or Independent. What I would say is that we would prefer to be judged on the Telegraph!
The Daily Mail are being the Daily Mail again.

The front page story on their website is 'Britain's hardest working Dad' decided to leave the United Kingdom with his wife and 12 children.

The story bangs on about how things are difficult here, how there are no short or long term prospects and that they are leaving for Australia. This guy has no overtly special skills, he has no job lined up yet the Daily Mail glosses over that and the fact Australia has a reputation for being especially strict on immigration.

For a newspaper that likes to pride itself in patriotism it does know how to put a negative spin on everything. What makes it especially hilarious is if an Australian family with 12 kids, with the father going from job to job without specialised qualifications brought them to the United Kingdom with no job lined up they would have a front page story ridiculing them and ridiculing us - such a family goes the other way and still they ridicule us.


If he has no qualifications how did he get into Australia?

I'd also like to see you feed a family of 14 for 250 quid. Our family of 3 spends close to that. Australia is no longer cheap for food. And the idea that you could get a house for 100K quid in Brisbane is laughable. Especially a large one capable of housing 14. I'd guess that buying a house in Cumbria would be cheaper than Brisbane.

That said with his work ethic he'd probably do well over here.
Femail seems to be the reason that most people buy it, it's not meant to be taken too seriously. As someone once said it's a tabloid in broadsheet clothing. I have to say that I don't really understand the lefty obsession with the Mail. At the other end of the spectrum the Mirror prints an similar amount of nonsense. There's a temptation to characterise the right as Daily Mailesque and yet the same people want to associate themselves with the Guardian or Independent. What I would say is that we would prefer to be judged on the Telegraph!

The Mirror is the left wing version of The Sun. The Mail is the right wing version of the Guardian and thus dumbed down for their demographic.
The Mirror is the left wing version of The Sun. The Mail is the right wing version of the Guardian and thus dumbed down for their demographic.

I disagree strongly; the Guardian is a broadsheet and the Mail is more of a tabloid than a broadsheet. The left don't really have anything between tabloid and broadsheet, it's certainly not the Guardian.
Femail seems to be the reason that most people buy it, it's not meant to be taken too seriously. As someone once said it's a tabloid in broadsheet clothing. I have to say that I don't really understand the lefty obsession with the Mail. At the other end of the spectrum the Mirror prints an similar amount of nonsense. There's a temptation to characterise the right as Daily Mailesque and yet the same people want to associate themselves with the Guardian or Independent. What I would say is that we would prefer to be judged on the Telegraph!

The only people I judge based on the Daily Mail are those that actually read it...
I disagree strongly; the Guardian is a broadsheet and the Mail is more of a tabloid than a broadsheet. The left don't really have anything between tabloid and broadsheet, it's certainly not the Guardian.

The mid/left don't need one because their average demographic isn't as thick.
The Mirror is the left wing version of The Sun. The Mail is the right wing version of the Guardian and thus dumbed down for their demographic.
The Mirror isn't left wing any more and has dumbed down to compete with the Sun. It used to be a very good popular paper with a balance of trivia and serious stuff (but that was all a long time ago).
I haven't read it since the 80's and it was shit then but it sounds worse now.

The point remains about middle of the road right wingers being stupid enough to read The Mail though.

Thank feck that most newspaper will die a natural death soon enough.
That old chestnut, I assure you that the left has its fair share of cretins.

It does. But the right has middle of the road cretins that read The Daily Mail. Middle of the road lefties read The Guardian. I rest my case.
It does. But the right has middle of the road cretins that read The Daily Mail. Middle of the road lefties read The Guardian. I rest my case.

Whether they understand it is another matter altogether, at least our cretins can grasp the material in the Mail! Your lot probably read the "I" anyway, as I said there isn't really a lefty version of the Mail (between broadsheet and tabloid). On reflection, for me to compare it to the Mirror is just as silly as you comparing it to the Guardian.
Thank feck that most newspaper will die a natural death soon enough.

The Daily Mail will not die. While there is hatred of immigrants, righteous moralising and a love of semi pornographic celebrity pictures straddling meaningless tittle tattle, there will always been a demand for what they are peddling. The paper version may eventually fold (I actually think if any newspapers survive it will probably be the DM) but either way, the online version will live on and on.
The Daily Mail is actually reinventing itself as an online news source, disturbingly. So whilst newspapers in general die a slow death, the Mail is only getting stronger.
Femail seems to be the reason that most people buy it, it's not meant to be taken too seriously.

By who? It's a newspaper, not a film. And it's the 2nd highest selling one in the country. Yes Femail may be a huge boon for them, but these women still vote, and there are still over 2 million men who read it (1.5m more than the Guardian) who probably skip past that to stories about EU funded muslim benefit cheats.

As someone once said it's a tabloid in broadsheet clothing. I have to say that I don't really understand the lefty obsession with the Mail. At the other end of the spectrum the Mirror prints an similar amount of nonsense. There's a temptation to characterise the right as Daily Mailesque and yet the same people want to associate themselves with the Guardian or Independent. What I would say is that we would prefer to be judged on the Telegraph!

I personally don't equate any mainstream right wing politician with the Mail (apart from Mellor and Archer types) I generally would peg most of them as Telegraph readers.

There is the same tendency to peg the left with the Guardian, the only difference being the Guardian's numbers are dwarfed by both the Mail's and the Telegraph's. Voting patterns don't really correlate with the huge swing towards right wing news sources (assuming everyone who reads the Mail, Telegraph & Express are entrenched Tory voters, and the Sun & Times were both advocates last time out, there shouldn't have been any need for a coalition if they did - not that it's that simple of course) which implies left wingers aren't as interested in brand loyalty, and probably get their news from a variety of outlets (as, obviously some right wingers do to) thus making it harder to attach them lazily to one peg.

I agree with you though that it isn't analogous with anything on the left. The Mirror's attempts to paint Cameron as "that posh twit" during the election were the closest anything's come in a while to a leftist version of the Mail's simplistic prejudice pandering, but I agree with pete that it stopped being left wing when it started competing with The Sun. It's now just a slightly less shit Sun.

The closest things to the Mail are all on the right, like Fox news, but then Fox news likes to make up shit it's demographic will be scared by and then agree with them, whereas increasingly the Mail has started wumming it's own demographic (and the left) in a seemingly successful attempt to increase it's hit rate.
The Daily Mail is absolutely brilliant in terms of having a laugh. They're obviously taking the piss in their offices - the whole Samantha Brick thing was an absolute genius WUM, which got them billions of hits on their site.
Yes but it still has a damaging impact. I've never gotten the "it shouldn't be taken seriously" argument about tabloid journalism. It's only not taken seriously by people savvy enough to see that it shouldn't. But they aren't the people who buy it, read it and are influenced by it. Scientology shouldn't be taken seriously. Creationism shouldn't be taken seriously. But they are. Fox News shouldn't either, but it influences huge sways of American voters to be incredibly reactionary and ill informed. That is serious.
Fox News has high ratings compared to other news shows, but the US media market is very fragmented and no-one watches the news anyway. It only hits about 3-4 million viewers. That's like one in a hundred yanks - about as many as watch the World Cup.
Fox News has high ratings compared to other news shows, but the US media market is very fragmented and no-one watches the news anyway. It only hits about 3-4 million viewers. That's like one in a hundred yanks - about as many as watch the World Cup.

But the kind of people who would happily vote for Sarah Palin as President aren't getting their news from informed sources. If they're not getting it from Fox, they're getting it from a trickle down effect of it's rhetoric and agenda. Things like Fox & The Mail aren't creating these mind sets admittedly, but they're entrenching them. Which is just as bad IMO.

I'm pretty sure you're still worried the Republicans have a strong chance at the next election? Or were until very recently. After the year they've had, the fact they have any chance at all has to surely, at least in part, be down to the kind of mindset promoted by Fox, and eaten up all over the shop.