Mail said:Dramatic drive to cut NHS costs unveiled: binmen to perform amputations; elderly patients to be used as incinerators
'she is ever the vicar's daughter':
Meanwhile in Cambridge...
Man who grabbed horse's penis and swung it round in front of teenagers on Jesus Green avoids jail
When interviewed by police about the incident, Cuff said "his son had noticed his horse’s penis was in need of a clean and had put some baby oil on it and rubbed it to get the dirt off."
'she is ever the vicar's daughter':
"Who's got a juicy biff then?"
The Cotswolds yellow car saga continues
Vauxhall to rename entire colour after this Corsa which was vandalised for 'spoiling the view'
Their range of cars is now named 'Maddox Yellow' after Peter Maddox, 84, was blamed for ruining the view of picturesque Bibury by parking outside his Cotswold cottage. May hosted a private dinner for the Daily Mail editor, Paul Dacre, at 10 Downing Street last year, the government has disclosed.
Dacre was the only media figure to receive hospitality from the new prime minister in the first six months she was in post.
The dinner in October underlines the closeness of the Daily Mail to the prime minister, who hired the newspaper’s political editor, James Slack, to be her spokesman last year.
Bah, a serious post in the DM thread.
Love how no one has commented since as they're in a state of shock and awe!Ridiculously Sexy Contestant On ‘Romania’s Got Talent’ Performs A Dance So Seductive That Judges Appear To Messy Up Their Underpants
Yellow car owners join rally in support of 'ugly' car
No, they're not morons (at least not all of them). They're vile scum.Someone who was responsible for the death of 3% of the World's population was not such a bad bloke and at least he was a vegetarian who liked animals.
Do they supply free moron pills with every edition of the Mail