Gaming Cyberpunk 2077 (PC, PS4/5, Xbox One)

Started PL yesterday night and got to the bit where you can leave Dogtown if you want. It's already unbelievable.

Yep, same for me. Definitely in my top 5 alongside TW3. It's insane how it's gone from being an utter mess at launch into something so damn good.

I think I need to get a better GPU. I stuck Path Tracing on for a few seconds on my 2060 and even at 10fps you could tell that it looked stunning. I don't think another game competes in terms of graphical fidelity. How it can be an open world game and the best looking thing on the market at the same time boggles my mind.


Seriously, HOW?!?!

Feeeeeck, that screenshot. I saw your post yesterday and spent a good bit of time watching videos on YouTube of people playing on high end settings on PC. The game already looks great, but looks something else when pushed. Shiiiiiit. What a game.

The more I play it, the more I love it. I initially switched my driving/riding camera to third person, but switched it back to first person and it's so much more immersing. Riding the streets at night time in that viewpoint is just beautiful. What a game. Amazing set of characters, too. It's just great. I'm glad I jumped into it when I did.
I've actually started playing this and so far it's looking good, guunplay was fine too which I worried about. I'm holding off for now as the world looks so immersive and I plan to mod it into VR when I get the PSVR2 PC adapter this week.
I've actually started playing this and so far it's looking good, guunplay was fine too which I worried about. I'm holding off for now as the world looks so immersive and I plan to mod it into VR when I get the PSVR2 PC adapter this week.
Is it possible to also play it in vr via steam?
This all shows up the issues I've been banging on about on here and many other places over and over about game development.

People who give a shit, give a shit. People out for money who don't care...well...

I'm genuinely glad you guys are enjoying this now. The talent that made this are unreal, but please just don't think it's over with how this came to be.
This all shows up the issues I've been banging on about on here and many other places over and over about game development.

People who give a shit, give a shit. People out for money who don't care...well...

I'm genuinely glad you guys are enjoying this now. The talent that made this are unreal, but please just don't think it's over with how this came to be.

What do you mean exactly, specifically that last bit?
What do you mean exactly, specifically that last bit?
Publisher will release half finished shit in future was my take on it? Maybe the developers dont deserve grief and given time they'll get a good product out?
Going to give this another try.

Can anyone who’s played it for a bit suggest what kind of builds are best? I typically prefer stealth to going full-on assault if that helps :)
Going to give this another try.

Can anyone who’s played it for a bit suggest what kind of builds are best? I typically prefer stealth to going full-on assault if that helps :)
I’d really recommend a katana melee build. Once you get the slowdown ability through the augment it’s so ridiculously strong, zipping from enemy to enemy dodging bullet and cutting them down. I supplemented that with the knife throwing abilities for stealthy takedowns and then just a pistol for longer range encounters. The build diversity is underrated, you just need to commit to something and not spread the perks too thin.
Have had this since launch. Didn't play past the club scene after creating the character. Will give it another go. Tired of COD
Going to give this another try.

Can anyone who’s played it for a bit suggest what kind of builds are best? I typically prefer stealth to going full-on assault if that helps :)
Not sure it matters all that much. My first build was apparently not ideal but I loved it. Once you get mantis arms or gorilla fists, it's just smash city regardless. Had her start as a street rat with the Valentinos. Only problem with fem-V is that you can't bang Pan Am. So have to do a second play through just for that.

Second time, set up as corporate dude start and was pumping everything into hacking and stealth and it was boring.
Going to give this another try.

Can anyone who’s played it for a bit suggest what kind of builds are best? I typically prefer stealth to going full-on assault if that helps :)
Firstly, use this and plan out your build. You can respec ability points once per playthrough and for a high cost at that. Perk points can be swapped around anytime which allows for some flexibility.

Secondly, YouTube is your friend - it’s flooded with so much good content on builds.

Finally, the rule is that you can max out three ability trees, the fourth can go up to the 18 (that too very late game) and you’re best leaving the last one alone.

So you have to see what sort of stealth you’re up for - hacking / pistol (the only type of gun with a silencer mod) / throwable knives. I will be playing something like this in my next play though so I’d problem go with
- Intelligence (to get all the netrunning / hacking perks)
- Refexes (to allow for movement and blades perks because they’re just so much fun)
- Technical ability (because it allows you to go bigger with cyberware and again, that blends well with net running and is just fun to have the option to do)
- Cool - while this is really want you want for a pure pistol stealth build, for me it doesn’t add fun factor and more than build a specific build, I want my build to be fun.

And on that last note, personally I’d focus on your personal preference as well as fun factor. Try to go with a build that lets you explore a couple of ways to play as that’s the magic of the game’s systems - to be able to switch between weapons, cyberware and play styles mid playthrough to keep things fresh.
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Firstly use this and plan out your build. You can respect ability points once per playthrough and for a high cost at that. Perk points can be swapped around anytime which allows for some flexibility.

Secondly YouTube is your friend - it’s flooded with so much good content on builds.

Finally the rule is that you can max out three ability trees, the fourth can go up to the 18 (that too very late game) and you’re best leaving the last one alone.

So you have to see what sort of stealth you’re up for - hacking / pistol (the only type of gun with a silencer mod) / throwable knives. I will be playing something like this in my next play though so I’d probably go with
- Intelligence (to get all the netrunning / hacking perks)
- Refexes (to allow for movement and blades perks because they’re just so much fun)
- Technical ability (because it just allows you to go bigger with cyberware and again, that blends well with net running and is just fun to have the option to do)
- Cool - while this is really want you want for a pure pistol stealth build, for me it doesn’t add fun factor and more than build a specific build, I want my build to be fun.

And on that last note, personally I’d focus on your personal preference as well as fun factor. Try to go with a build that lets you explore a couple of ways to play as that’s the magic of the game’s systems - to be able to switch between weapons, cyberware and play styles mid playthrough to keep things fresh.

I was literally typing a post that said pretty much the same thing. Focus on 'intelligence' and 'technical' predominantly, whilst looking at 'cool' if possible. For that type of build, anyway.

I started off the game focusing on 'body' to begin with, but I eventually found that intelligence and technical were more my sort of thing. I've been using the suicide quickhack quite a bit and it's fun to just feck around with enemies, toying with them before going in guns a-blazing.
I was literally typing a post that said pretty much the same thing. Focus on 'intelligence' and 'technical' predominantly, whilst looking at 'cool' if possible. For that type of build, anyway.

I started off the game focusing on 'body' to begin with, but I eventually found that intelligence and technical were more my sort of thing. I've been using the suicide quickhack quite a bit and it's fun to just feck around with enemies, toying with them before going in guns a-blazing.
I’ve played it four times but I’ve got a net runner / stealth build to try in my (maybe) final play though.

My last one was a 2.0 one and focused on body / tech / reflex and it was an absolute blast as each of these trees is so vastly improved over how it used to be. The new body abilities with the rush, pound, finisher and throw ability make gorilla arms absurdly fun - turns it into like a melee doom of sorts. Reflex and blades too dash and katana moves including deflect are now terrific. Finally, probably a hidden gem and one of my personal favourites was the bolt ability as part of the tech tree which allows you to charge your weapon for an electric shock current. This combined with some of the tech weapons (shout out to Satara and the sub machine gun I’m forgetting) is great too.
I’ve played it four times but I’ve got a net runner / stealth build to try in my (maybe) final play though.

My last one was a 2.0 one and focused on body / tech / reflex and it was an absolute blast as each of these trees is so vastly improved over how it used to be. The new body abilities with the rush, pound, finisher and throw ability make gorilla arms absurdly fun - turns it into like a melee doom of sorts. Reflex and blades too dash and katana moves including deflect are now terrific. Finally, probably a hidden gem and one of my personal favourites was the bolt ability as part of the tech tree which allows you to charge your weapon for an electric shock current. This combined with some of the tech weapons (shout out to Satara and the sub machine gun I’m forgetting) is great too.

Man, I've not even made it to the end of my first playthrough yet. 4 runs is amazing. I'm in awe. :cool:

It's such a great game. My opinion of it has grown the further through the story I have gone and as the rest of the sidequests and other stories have opened up. I love the world that has been created. My only criticsm of the game is that I don't feel like I know every inch of Night City in the same way that I knew the world within The Witcher 3. It isn't so obvious to me yet that I'm in a specific part of the city, unless it's somewhere obvious like the Badlands or Japantown. I felt a similar thing at times with GTAV. It's a bit more obvious in games like The Witcher 3 as Skellige looks so different to Novigrad, for example.
I was actually going to tag you in that post - but figured you would reply!!! :lol:

I didn’t say my approach was always successful!

But for a few blissful seconds it is!

It was usually my fault anyway TBF, forgetting the controls and throwing grenades :lol: SE is still some of the best multiplayer I've ever played.
It was usually my fault anyway TBF, forgetting the controls and throwing grenades :lol: SE is still some of the best multiplayer I've ever played.

I think we still have a couple of missions to do - would be good to finish them off!

I think we still have a couple of missions to do - would be good to finish them off!

Yeah I think I've still got a couple left to do, don't think I played a great deal unless you were online, didn't feel right going in alone, I'll have to re download it and see what I've got left to do
Yeah I think I've still got a couple left to do, don't think I played a great deal unless you were online, didn't feel right going in alone, I'll have to re download it and see what I've got left to do
There were a couple new levels on sale so I just bought them :)
Haven't been big into gaming for years now. Played a few games on my PS4 but it really wasn't a lot.

Bought a PS5 and Cyberpunk this week and my god, what an absolutely incredible game it is. Need to find the time to put serious hours into it though, which will be tricky.
How long does it take before you stop being stuck in really long sequences where you learn a new, boring mechanic?

This first two hours has made the chapter one of RDR2 look thrilling.
How long does it take before you stop being stuck in really long sequences where you learn a new, boring mechanic?

This first two hours has made the chapter one of RDR2 look thrilling.
There’s only a handful of missions until the major one in Act 1. It doesn’t have early 00s gameplay like RDR2 too so that helps.

Haven't been big into gaming for years now. Played a few games on my PS4 but it really wasn't a lot.

Bought a PS5 and Cyberpunk this week and my god, what an absolutely incredible game it is. Need to find the time to put serious hours into it though, which will be tricky.
I picked it back up for a little while recently after not playing for a good year or so. Has it really changed that much? Do I need to start a new save to get the new updates? I couldn't say I noticed a massive difference. The world still felt very robotic & shallow, the driving still sucks and it just feels like an open world shooter more than an RPG.
I picked it back up for a little while recently after not playing for a good year or so. Has it really changed that much? Do I need to start a new save to get the new updates? I couldn't say I noticed a massive difference. The world still felt very robotic & shallow, the driving still sucks and it just feels like an open world shooter more than an RPG.
This was my experience with the base game and I couldn't do another playthrough.

Phantom Liberty is an improvement in every way though and worth playing even on its own.
Instead of these rancid nothing patches, they could already add street bike racing... or do I have to mod it myself, like every bethesda slop there is out there.
I picked it back up for a little while recently after not playing for a good year or so. Has it really changed that much? Do I need to start a new save to get the new updates? I couldn't say I noticed a massive difference. The world still felt very robotic & shallow, the driving still sucks and it just feels like an open world shooter more than an RPG.
If you’re looking for an open world sandbox to poke and prod or deep Larian / JRPG style RPG then you won’t find it here. Cyberpunk is essentially an open world action game. It’s strengths are
- Storytelling and Characters
- Atmosphere and soundtrack
- Night City and Dogtown
- Combat
- Combat build diversity (that’s where its main RPG efforts are concentrated. You’d be surprised at how varied you can be)
Instead of these rancid nothing patches, they could already add street bike racing... or do I have to mod it myself, like every bethesda slop there is out there.
There are some missions which let you race. Not sure if you can take a bike on them.

On the nothing patches, are friggin bike races more important than varied augmentations and abilities, in a cyberpunk themed game?
There are some missions which let you race. Not sure if you can take a bike on them.

On the nothing patches, are friggin bike races more important than varied augmentations and abilities, in a cyberpunk themed game?
This game is inspired also by Akira. Bikes should be one of essential things.

Hard to care about rpg builds, in a game where npc's are below GTA San Andreas level from 2004. Selling believability in open world should also be a priority.
I need to get back into this! I think my partner is away on Saturday so might give it a bash.
This game is inspired also by Akira. Bikes should be one of essential things.

Hard to care about rpg builds, in a game where npc's are below GTA San Andreas level from 2004. Selling believability in open world should also be a priority.
Good thing that essential thing is there then. Bikes are the best mode of transport to take in the sights of NC.

That’s fine if you don’t care about builds but it’s at its heart a narrative driven open world action game so variety in combat is hugely important. You can play GTA5 if you want to play around with NPC and endure its combat.
Good thing that essential thing is there then. Bikes are the best mode of transport to take in the sights of NC.

That’s fine if you don’t care about builds but it’s at its heart a narrative driven open world action game so variety in combat is hugely important. You can play GTA5 if you want to play around with NPC and endure its combat.
Hahah. Yeah, variety in combat is hugely important.

Original Cyberpunk RPG had 4 melee styles of combat. Aikido, Judo, Karate and Taekwondo. This unfinished video game doesn't even have proper parkour to utilise these styles as it brings nothing new to the table. Deus Ex did stealth and gameplay variety, way earlier.

There should be bike gangs roaming Night City from release day one, feckin shit up, and stirring chaos. They missed that opportunity, and bikes are simply underused.

Imagine open world action game with supposedly strong RPG elements, and downplaying the interactivity with NPC's. Even GTA V had bike racing.
Hahah. Yeah, variety in combat is hugely important.

Original Cyberpunk RPG had 4 melee styles of combat. Aikido, Judo, Karate and Taekwondo. This unfinished video game doesn't even have proper parkour to utilise these styles as it brings nothing new to the table. Deus Ex did stealth and gameplay variety, way earlier.

There should be bike gangs roaming Night City from release day one, feckin shit up, and stirring chaos. They missed that opportunity, and bikes are simply underused.

Imagine open world action game with supposedly strong RPG elements, and downplaying the interactivity with NPC's. Even GTA V had bike racing.
Well Deus Ex was arguably the best video game ever made so not innovating like it did is no slight.

And maybe not parkour but mobility is wonderful i Cyberpunk. Get either the double or charged jump along with the dash mechanic and you can hope around rooftops and around groups of enemies in combat - it’s fantastic. You wouldn’t know given you haven’t even managed to somehow see bikes.

There are gangs in NC and sometimes they’ll chase you on vehicle. Those moments are pretty fun if that’s your jam (not really mine per se)

An open world action game doesn’t necessarily need very strong NPC interaction (whatever that means) to be great as this proves. The actual characters that matter are brilliantly written which is infinitely more important.

Then again I’m conversing with someone who didn’t know the game had bikes which is utterly bemusing. I think you should go for a bike ride instead of wasting time in this thread. It’s your true destiny.