Pogue Mahone
Yes, I gather that this is the case for the vocal minority who don't want him back. Its not about football, but more of a nagging annoyance of the circus and his muppet faboys, not so much the player himself.
As a member of that vocal minority, I can assure you that you're wrong in what you say there.
Fanboys and circus aside, his behaviour as a footballer is frequently incredibly annoying. Whether that be standing around in a sulk, with his hands on his hips, getting irritated when a teammate steals his glory or celebrating a meaningless penalty like he's single-handedly won the WC, he can be an exquisitely irritating presence on the pitch.
By all accounts, he's a lovely bloke off the pitch but it's really not hard to see why he divides opinions when he's on it. He's the anti-Messi in many ways (oh yes, I went there) who is allegedly an occasional diva when he's not playing matches but plays football exactly the way it's supposed to be played and never gets criticised for the way he acts when he's in a match (other than by the most rabid of CR7 fanboys)