Grossly mis-informed.
I'm a met police officer, I've been on a response team for three and a half years. An overwhelming majority of the searches I conduct are based off calls made to police by members of the public.
I mean, people just don't like answers when you give it to them that don't fit in with what they want to hear'. I've said it time and time again, there are racist officers out there, in the Met, in the counties and then a massive amount more in the states (where in particular officers getting away with it seems to happen all the time, There's
literally a post of me saying this in this thread).
How can there not be? This is just a reflection of society, racism is everywhere, its in the NHS, its in politics, its in football, its in the police force. It's been near enough impossible to eradicate it in all these areas but there efforts to curb it, well over her in the UK anyway, like I've said I don't know what's going in America but I know in the UK they are trying to educate officers, they are actively hiring more non white officers. You wont get results over night though and you certainly have to address outside issues too and by that I mean society.
People want this and that statistic explained and when you hit them with the reality that 'racist officers' don't tell the whole story, they just don't like it. Despite all the overwhelming examples of racism outside the police on a daily basis, they just cant seem to accept that the racism outside is going to form part of what happens in the police.