Can we just take a brief interval and discuss this post again? There are so many things wrong with this, it's possibly caused the worst mental image ever.
I imagine some sort of game show host. It's an old show, really cheesy. Stage lights are on and there's a low floor of fog covering the stage, the crowd have started to slow clap in anticipation. As they reach their climax, they are told to literally reach their climax, by a man who jumps on to the stage from somewhere at the back, has a microphone in his hand and shouts at the audience to get ready as thebest, himself, is here, and then demands them to start masturbating.
I have to assume at this point, it's an adult crowd, or my mind is blown. In this adult crowd, on this game show, apparently all of them are furiously undersexed, and not only need to masturbate in public, but do it on someone elses command. So, he's jumped onto the stage, pointed his fingers at the crowd and demand they start wanking, which everyone than cheers as this is truly, what everyone wants to do, at which point the post is finished, and our minds are left devastated at the logical next step of what would have happened. What kind of game show is this? Who are these sick people? What do they do when they are finished. No. I don't want to think about this. No. Please. But what about the mess?! No.....Stop......Argh.....ARGH!!!!