Cole Palmer | Chelsea Player

First: he seriously needs to sack his agent. And anyone else represented by that moron also should change asap. I can't believe he had nobody close to him to stop him from doing something so stupid either. Wow

Second: how much is he gonna earn?

"Having joined on a contract worth around £80,000-a-week last summer, Palmer is now thought to be at a similar level to midfielders Enzo Fernandez and Moises Caicedo on salaries worth more than £120,000-a-week."

Caicedo I think is earning £150K and Enzo around £180K so Palmer's probably somewhere around that range. Bonuses not included in that of course.
meh not sure i agree with that first part. Yeah he could sign a new contract in a couple years for money, or he could get injured tomorrow and never play again. Im sure he is getting paid pretty well. He has just secured generational wealth, i think he will be just fine.
He obtains similar with a 5 year contract and doesn't sign away control over the better part of his career. Not to mention he's also significantly weakened his position when it comes to his next raise - because however high his current deal might be now, it probably won't be in 5-6 years time, when big clubs' revenues might be nearly double what they are now and players of his level are signing contracts worth twice as much
It will take a long time to see if this trend of offering longer contracts was the correct path forward.

Recently I was thinking United should stop offering the usual 4-5 year deals because they are so bad at selling, reducing the contracts to 3 years and using the carrot of a higher salary (which very few clubs can match) to get the players you wish to keep to extend etc.
I'm not really sure what you mean by disability insurance either! That sounds like something an individual would get.

There may be some kind of policy excess for the kind of policy a Premier League club will have but it won't be anywhere close to 40% of the value of the contract.
It might not be 40% but it would probably be above 20%. And the premiums on that insurance are going to be extremely high as well.

It's of course a gamble by the club.
I thought you couldn’t give 9 year contracts anymore?
You can, it's the amortisation period that has been reduced to 5 years.
He obtains similar with a 5 year contract and doesn't sign away control over the better part of his career. Not to mention he's also significantly weakened his position when it comes to his next raise - because however high his current deal might be now, it probably won't be in 5-6 years time, when big clubs' revenues might be nearly double what they are now and players of his level are signing contracts worth twice as much
This sort of thing is taken care of with clauses such as the weekly wage having to increase in order to be within 15% of the maximum salary paid to a player at the club.
So they've given him a 9 year contract with no amortisation benefit? I would have thought that was the entire purpose. Seems bizarre.

I wonder if there is a benefit to this on the transfer fee amortisation front. Pretty sure Palmer was signed after that loophole was closed so the £40m was being amortised over 5 years, but if he signed an extension, does the club not get to spread the amortisation over an extra 2 years?

"Having joined on a contract worth around £80,000-a-week last summer, Palmer is now thought to be at a similar level to midfielders Enzo Fernandez and Moises Caicedo on salaries worth more than £120,000-a-week."

Caicedo I think is earning £150K and Enzo around £180K so Palmer's probably somewhere around that range. Bonuses not included in that of course.
Those are surprisingly reasonable wages relative to their transfer fees.
First: he seriously needs to sack his agent. And anyone else represented by that moron also should change asap. I can't believe he had nobody close to him to stop him from doing something so stupid either. Wow

Second: how much is he gonna earn?
He was on a seven year contract and just got more money after one year, if players improve and play well, clubs always give out raises. We could have kept Bruno on that initial contract which would have ran until he was 32, we offered him a new one within maybe 18 months because it’s the only way to keep them happy, and you need your best players happy.

The lad could snap his leg tomorrow and make £150k a week for nine years, it’s a great deal for him.

I really have no idea what Chelsea are thinking. How many players from 2015-2020 would Chelsea actually want playing for them right now. Rahman Baba on a 9 year contract? Batshuayi on a 9 year contract? These are the Mudryk’s and Neto’s of 9 years ago. Maybe Cole Palmer will become a proper star, but it’s not guaranteed and not worth all the shit they’re going to need to clear out of the squad in a few years.
Everyone is waiting for Chelsea to properly crash and burn.
We keep expecting it but will it happen?
Jackson is on pretty low wages for Chelsea standards. I don't think I'd be rushing to giving him an increase just yet, but he did kind of outperform his contract. I don't see a problem with rewarding players who perform above expectations.

If anything, it shows signing a long contract doesn't mean you get trapped on whatever the number you agree to for the length of that contract, even if you exceed expectations. Bumping Palmer and Jackson up provides a good incentive to the rest of the squad.
My personal understanding of the “project” was that this is how it would eventually work. The foundation of players would be set, the new base of the wage structure would be set, and then contracts would get re-negotiated when merit warranted it. If a player doesnt nail down a spot or gets beaten out by one of the younger “future potentials” then they get moved, usually at a profit most of the players we signed after the shambles first windows.

We still have some stumbling blocks to get over. (Like finding that base, dropping outlier contracts like Sterling and Chilwell, finally starting to create some manager continuity)

But the wage scale, and rewarding players that prove themselves with contracts that more reflect their contributions; I’m all for that.
Tbf it’s security for him and none for chelsea really. It’s much harder for an unhappy club to exit a contract like this early than it is for a player. See Bale and how easily a contracted player gets shown the door if they say they want out. Chelsea are the stupid ones here.
He was on a seven year contract and just got more money after one year, if players improve and play well, clubs always give out raises. We could have kept Bruno on that initial contract which would have ran until he was 32, we offered him a new one within maybe 18 months because it’s the only way to keep them happy, and you need your best players happy.

The lad could snap his leg tomorrow and make £150k a week for nine years, it’s a great deal for him.

I really have no idea what Chelsea are thinking. How many players from 2015-2020 would Chelsea actually want playing for them right now. Rahman Baba on a 9 year contract? Batshuayi on a 9 year contract? These are the Mudryk’s and Neto’s of 9 years ago. Maybe Cole Palmer will become a proper star, but it’s not guaranteed and not worth all the shit they’re going to need to clear out of the squad in a few years.
If they injure themselves so catastrophically they can’t play, then again, you have insurance.

So, this is the advantage of the wage structure. Let’s take Mudryk. He’s got serious confidence issues. There is literally nothing he can’t do with a football. But when he steps off the practice field into the pitch he seems frozen by doubt when it comes time for the final ball or end product. BUT he makes like 80k a week. We had another player with similar speed and skill set that was worse trash when he stepped on a competitive pitch: Mo Salah. Eventually found his confidence in Italy, and has done pretty well for himself.

We would have lots of takers on Mudryk. He has t hit list of his add on targets, so we didn’t pay as much for him as people think and he has low wage. If he gets sold and he wants better terms, then the buying team can say “only if it is on a shorter deal”

There is lots of flexibility. And this applies to pretty much the whole team outside of the outliers like Sterling I mentioned in my other post.

And comparing Neto to Bats and Baba? Really? C’mon. Should be noted I believe we made money off both of them as well though.
He obtains similar with a 5 year contract and doesn't sign away control over the better part of his career. Not to mention he's also significantly weakened his position when it comes to his next raise - because however high his current deal might be now, it probably won't be in 5-6 years time, when big clubs' revenues might be nearly double what they are now and players of his level are signing contracts worth twice as much
once again you have to make assumptions on things, even if it is likely that some will happen. If he gets injured tomorrow and can never play, a 5 year contract costs him 4 years of wages compared to this 9 year contract he is signing. Maybe he just never wanted to have to go thru contract negotiations again, and just wants the security of knowing he literally will have more money than he could reasonably spend. As long as he doesnt just get fleets of jets he will never have to worry about money again.
I wonder if there is a benefit to this on the transfer fee amortisation front. Pretty sure Palmer was signed after that loophole was closed so the £40m was being amortised over 5 years, but if he signed an extension, does the club not get to spread the amortisation over an extra 2 years?
He signed on 1/9/23. At that point PSR allowance in terms of amortisation was the length of contract the rule change took effect I believe only was in respect of transfers from Jan24. So his fee will be divided by 7 in PSR calculations

The UEFa restriction was introduced prior to1/9/23 so his fee will be divided by 5

I too wondered re the amortisation benefit pretty sure they will be any in numbers submitted to UEFA but there would have been some transitional allowances in the Pl calculations so I wouldn’t dismiss the possibility
If they injure themselves so catastrophically they can’t play, then again, you have insurance.

So, this is the advantage of the wage structure. Let’s take Mudryk. He’s got serious confidence issues. There is literally nothing he can’t do with a football. But when he steps off the practice field into the pitch he seems frozen by doubt when it comes time for the final ball or end product. BUT he makes like 80k a week. We had another player with similar speed and skill set that was worse trash when he stepped on a competitive pitch: Mo Salah. Eventually found his confidence in Italy, and has done pretty well for himself.

We would have lots of takers on Mudryk. He has t hit list of his add on targets, so we didn’t pay as much for him as people think and he has low wage. If he gets sold and he wants better terms, then the buying team can say “only if it is on a shorter deal”

There is lots of flexibility. And this applies to pretty much the whole team outside of the outliers like Sterling I mentioned in my other post.

And comparing Neto to Bats and Baba? Really? C’mon. Should be noted I believe we made money off both of them as well though.
How much are you saying Mudryk was signed for? Lowest I’ve seen is £60 million. So if you want to offload him next summer, you’ll need a team ready to pay £43 million to not take any kind of loss in PSR terms.

That team will also have to cover the remaining 6 years of the contract at £100k a week, unless you can make a deal with him or the buying club. You’re literally talking about English teams, because no foreign club that has that kind of money will want a Europa League level player. Added to the fact that you’ve had an under performing player for 2.5 years and already lost a year of CL money because of those underperforming players. Clubs aren’t stupid, you’ll get money for proven PL players like Mount and Gallagher, not so much Mudryk. Maybe his confidence is shot because the only time he’s looked decent is in the Ukrainian league.

I’m not sure how you’re claiming a profit on Batshyui. Signed for £35 million and sold for £3 million. Even the twenty different loan fees won’t make that up. Rahman signed for £20 million and released about seven years later. The only reason they hung around so long is because they saw out their contract and no one wanted to buy them from you. Now imagine that with double the contract length.
How do we know their isn’t clauses/release clauses in the contract?
or that there arent just normal pay rise per year amount in there? If he signed something for 9 years that includes just a basic even like 5 percent raise per year that is pretty good when coupled with the just absolutely insane job security he has now
How much are you saying Mudryk was signed for? Lowest I’ve seen is £60 million. So if you want to offload him next summer, you’ll need a team ready to pay £43 million to not take any kind of loss in PSR terms.

That team will also have to cover the remaining 6 years of the contract at £100k a week, unless you can make a deal with him or the buying club. You’re literally talking about English teams, because no foreign club that has that kind of money will want a Europa League level player. Added to the fact that you’ve had an under performing player for 2.5 years and already lost a year of CL money because of those underperforming players. Clubs aren’t stupid, you’ll get money for proven PL players like Mount and Gallagher, not so much Mudryk. Maybe his confidence is shot because the only time he’s looked decent is in the Ukrainian league.

I’m not sure how you’re claiming a profit on Batshyui. Signed for £35 million and sold for £3 million. Even the twenty different loan fees won’t make that up. Rahman signed for £20 million and released about seven years later. The only reason they hung around so long is because they saw out their contract and no one wanted to buy them from you. Now imagine that with double the contract length.
In relation to Batshuayi at the point he was sold he had little to no value left to be amortised so technically we did make a profit on him. Rahaman cost £14 million and I very much doubt that any of the add on clauses were activated. Like you I can’t see any type of profit .
Both those players signed contract extensions .
When players are bought out of their contracts rarely are they paid the full sum that would be paid but yes if he were to have his contract cancelled he would get a hefty pay off and indeed any remaining fee would be accounted for in one year but I would imagine that we ar3 a way off that happening a loan or two would probably be the likely outcome
In relation to Batshuayi at the point he was sold he had little to no value left to be amortised so technically we did make a profit on him. Rahaman cost £14 million and I very much doubt that any of the add on clauses were activated. Like you I can’t see any type of profit .
Both those players signed contract extensions .
When players are bought out of their contracts rarely are they paid the full sum that would be paid but yes if he were to have his contract cancelled he would get a hefty pay off and indeed any remaining fee would be accounted for in one year but I would imagine that we ar3 a way off that happening a loan or two would probably be the likely outcome
Yes, in PSR terms, Batshuayi didn’t you lose any extra than what you committed with the original transfer fee. But you still spent £30 million for an average player. Had he been on a 9 year contract, he would have been an extra burden on PSR, which is my point about these new signings.

Problem is that you can loan out Mudryk and off set that £7 million a year PSR cost a little, but that means buying a replacement player. Now imagine if the replacement player isn’t amazing. You’re still paying Mudryk and the replacement player, and then need another replacement. Than can happen in a 8 year contract. Obviously we’re talking extremes but it’s not smart.
9 years is daft, that's why nobody does it in the world of football. Better players than Palmer have turned shit through the years. Imagine doing that to Hazard.

I saw a Cole Palmer thread and for a split second thought we were rumoured to bid for him.

It’s lucky Chelsea got around to this in time. He only had seven years left on his contract, tying him down until he was 29. Must be a huge sigh of relief to know that’s now been extended to nine years and 31. Along with a pay rise.

On a serious note, I think Chelsea’s hierarchy are just addicted to doing deals. Can’t sign anyone today? Extend a contract! They’re a bunch of nutters.

Obviously there will be some faux brainiac pub fan who’ll be along to tell me shortly why this is in fact really smart, as is their whole transfer strategy. But the rest of us who aren’t hell bent on doing mental gymnastics to explain the machinations of a certifiable ownership group, just call it for what it is……a mental way to run a football club.

Nevertheless, amongst their 73 man squad, they have some good players and they should do alright this season. And we can rest assured in the knowledge that if the first half of the season doesn’t go as well as expected, they’ll sign another five players in January and extend an injured Reece James to 2037.

Of course, none of this addresses the most pertinent concern of all….are Chelsea players a good investment in FPL, when there are so many competing players for minutes?
Why would he commit his future to Chelsea? I don't get it. He'll never win anything there.
did well to fight through the bodies at the training ground to get out and collect his award.
Was he named after Andy Cole? I know he's a United fan, is his family all United crazy?

He’s such a weird dude. £100k+ a week, shaped like a sapling and he’s not paying someone to tell him not to wear a boxy double breasted suit.

Top player though. Would hand him a 7 year contract here quite happily.