Here the thing no one but the 6 glaziers siblings know what the true bottom line that they will accept, we have to assume that the Qatari Bid is based on a like for like purchase of 69% of Glazier voting shares
like SJR so assuming that SJR max’s out at €5bn and Qatar max out at €5.6bn which is $6bn or $1bn for each Glazier sibling you’d expect for them to say yes plus there would be external pressure from the other shareholders to max out on $21-24 per share. The Qatari owners would then need to spend another £1-1.2bn on taken the club off the NYSE.
If this happens watch the media and the PR spin that the final sale price is actually
£5.4bn or €6.1bn or $6.7bn initial payment as the club debt of £620m is rolled into the purchase plus a further £3.6bn further payments in buying public shares, transfer and infra structure development and a new stadium being built or renovated are fixed future agreed payments.