Club Sale | It’s done!

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Matchgoing United fans who travel the world watching the club in the flesh week in week out, clearly have a very different relationship with the club than people who have never stepped foot inside the ground and watch the match on TV. That shouldn't be a controversial opinion. They have a closer connection to what's going on, regardless of where they live.

Funny thing is since I gave up my ST/Membership due to the Glazers, I became one of those TV watching fans. My relationship with the club changed when that happened.
Matchgoing United fans who travel the world watching the club in the flesh week in week out, clearly have a very different relationship with the club than people who have never stepped foot inside the ground and watch the match on TV. That shouldn't be a controversial opinion. They have a closer connection to what's going on, regardless of where they live.

Funny thing is since I gave up my ST/Membership due to the Glazers, I became one of those TV watching fans. My relationship with the club changed when that happened.
Very fair and reasonable. I felt closer to the team and the city when I had more time and less financial burdens to take the train and watch games.
Suspect Ratcliffes appearance at Old Trafford will not count for anything in the grand scheme of things, he simply cannot bring to the table what Qatar can offer, including business opportunities which Jassim can throw in as a sweetener.
SJR better get there early and prepare to spend 15 hours or no deal
Just pointing out because when it was reported that SJR was working with JPM and GS on structuring the bid and his financing, it was argued by many that the involvement of bankers was a fatal flaw in the bid in their view.
Becaused in that case they were going to provide finance. Totally different.
I'd imagine if any of those United legends back the Qatar bid, wumminator will be telling us he's more important to United and superior to them too

They’re at the Lowry right now, drinking tea in the bar, on the phone to Jassim “it’s pissed down all day, the toilets are swimming in piss and the swimming pool at Carrington looked fecking old and had a pissed Phil Jones in it floating on a lilo drinking Chartreuse and smoking a massive dubh…2bn and one of those robes we gave to Messi should do it”
If we do get bought out by Qataris and it results in Wumminator denouncing his allegiance to the club, and stops posting verbal diarrhea on the regular, then it is a massive plus in my books.
So, hold on. We’re saying that a personal local connection IS important to how you feel about a football club?

Big if true
Of course is important to him, but does not make him a more important "superior fan". How is that difficult to understand?
Right, I genuinely don’t want to get anyone banned here - not my style at all - but I can see you can’t really post without insults or saying I deserve to be insulted so I’ll back out of this thread again.

Qatar still murdered hundreds of migrants, they still have horrendous laws for women and minorities and nothing will change. Some are okay with that, some think this is not acceptable for their club. I will leave you all in peace because after two people being warned after I questioned them I think it’s unfair to continue to post and risk them getting banned.

PS - I didn’t report you for this post so if someone else gets you warned it genuinely wasn’t me.
Don't make promises you can't keep, you've 'backed' out of this thread once before which resulted in there being actual discussion in here instead of inflammatory remarks.

On a side note did those members get warned because you are a 'superior' fan?
So many civil and constructive posts right now :drool: makes the thread much more superior
Qataris were drenched in piss when they saw the facilities and were initially pissed off but then were told that was no ordinary piss, that was superior piss of superior local fans and now they are launching a second superior bid.:drool: Now I get it.
Essentially Sokol now saying what we all thought: this is now a pride at stake issue for the Sheikh and he will get the club.
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