Brother, I don't know if you're genuinely not reading what I'm saying to you - there are a lot of people that are at OT every weekend who aren't "locals". I know because I know them. There's no need of hypotheticals or to argue "likely" positions when the reality is that a lot of the faces at OT - religiously - every weekend are not Mancunians.
Your whole "more important fans" thing hinges on "the closer you are to the club the more likely you are to go - therefore local fans are more important". It's an example of the "observation: clouds - conclusion: dinosaurs" fallacy.
Again, why is there a need for a hierarchal system of importance when it comes to supporting a football club?
And I can see that it's now being reframed as "worth/value" from a monetary club perspective - which again, is shortsighted seeing as plenty of non-local fans pump thousands of pounds/dollars into United - even without attending games - and that's without mentioning that Wumminator's whole local fans superiority babble was being presented as emotive and romantic
that's the thing about waffle - it always has to shift to seem like it's valid
I said fans who attend regularly will tend to be local. Which is self-evidently true, because there are greater practical and economic barriers to attending the further away you live. The fact that you know some non-locals who are in the happy position to be able to attend doesn't change that, because I never argued that
all regular attendees were local.
The reality is that any breakdown of season-ticket holders will show it skews heavily based on geography, with the most recent study I could find from 2001 showing that 40% of our ticketholders were from within the Manchester postcode alone, let alone adjacent regions or the UK more broadly.
Where you define "local" in the context of an argument that began with Wumminator taking about fans from other countries is up to you, but the basic connection between living nearer to Old Trafford and having a greater ability to attend games regularly shouldn't even be an argument. I, living in Ireland, am unquestionably less likely to attend games regularly than a fan living in Manchester. Even if you nonetheless knew some people from Ireland who did attend regularly.
As for why there's a need to have a hierarchy of importance, I don't have that need at all. I only joined in this stupid conversation because other people derailed this thread with it. But my feelings don't change the fact that some fans
are clearly more important from the club's POV than others. Just ask Manchester United's sales/marketing teams, who depend on segmenting fans based on value, why
they feel the need to create these hierarchies. But it won't change the fact that those hierarchies exist.
And the reason I'm focusing on the financial aspect is simply because it's the most easily provable and inarguable demonstration that some fans
do contribute more to the club than others and
are of more worth from the club's POV. If you want to overlay arguments about the historical/cultural importance of having fans drawn from the the surrounding area, knock yourself out. Though as I already pointed out, fans at games contribute to the atmosphere in a way fans like me watching the TV at home don't. Which is another form of value.