Club Sale | It’s done!

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Ultimately yes, but that's a different question. The Qatar bid is not cleaner or simpler than the INEOS bid.
From a financial perspective and also from the Glazers perspective yes it is.

There will be no delay once it’s agreed. Nobody said a word about Newcastle and nothing would be different here.
The first sports team Ineos ever bought incidentally happened to be in football, when it bought Swiss Super League team FC Lausanne-Sport in 2017. Ratcliffe's first season owning the club unfortunately ended in relegation.

:lol: :lol:
Got relegated two years after that too.
It means feck all if the Glazers believe it will be worth more later. There’s risk in everything with regards to investments. Take the money now and our value spikes and they’ve left money on the table.
You know nothing about credit risk and PV
Just out of interest does anyone know how much we spend each year on the loans and interest each year ? I’ve read it’s £60 million a year in interest so it’d be interesting to know how much a year better off we’d be without the debt.
Yep. I'm familiar with all that. Is it me or is everyone quoting NPV conveniently ignoring the likelihood that a guy behind a $60 billion company and his advisors, or the Glazer's for that matter, would not consider NPV in the offer?

Yes there is counterparty risk but INEOS is a massive company so the residual risk is quite low especially with a derivative contract in place.
Derivatives contracts incur counterparty risk
Ofcourse it is.
Which is absolutely fine but the way you framed it as some widely held belief is a bit daft.

I think the opposite personally, the one thing we know for certain about the Glazers is that they are greedy.

Hypothetically if there was a chance for them to directly negotiate with Qatar to potentially get more money they would not turn down that opportunity. Neither would Raine as they would benefit also.
The two bids are much closer now than the Uk media would have you believe, however SJR probably offers two of the Glazers exactly what they want and therefore it’s easy for the 2 to convince the other 4 to go with SJR.

If SJ entourage have flown in for final talks, it’s possible but probably hyperbole, however it’s not completely impossible for a meeting at United headquarters in London or Claridges where at last minute 12th hour offer of £5.5bn not £5.2bn may actually turn the tide, with the additional offer caveat of being able to play NFL games in Qatar and ME also being used as a sweetener.

This deal can be done quicker than SJR put and Call layered offer because it’s much simpler and cleaner. It’s a complete buyout of controlling shares not a merger buy out deal, so it’s much simpler if due diligence has previously been done.
The two bids are much closer now than the Uk media would have you believe, however SJR probably offers two of the Glazers exactly what they want and therefore it’s easy for the 2 to convince the other 4 to go with SJR.

If SJ entourage have flown in for final talks, it’s possible but probably hyperbole, however it’s not completely impossible for a meeting at United headquarters in London or Claridges where at last minute 12th hour offer of £5.5bn not £5.2bn may actually turn the tide, with the additional offer caveat of being able to play NFL games in Qatar and ME also being used as a sweetener.

This deal can be done quicker than SJR put and Call layered offer because it’s much simpler and cleaner. It’s a complete buyout of controlling shares not a merger buy out deal, so it’s much simpler if due diligence has previously been done.
I think the NFL thing is a myth. I don’t think the owners have any say where the games are played.
The two bids are much closer now than the Uk media would have you believe, however SJR probably offers two of the Glazers exactly what they want and therefore it’s easy for the 2 to convince the other 4 to go with SJR.

If SJ entourage have flown in for final talks, it’s possible but probably hyperbole, however it’s not completely impossible for a meeting at United headquarters in London or Claridges where at last minute 12th hour offer of £5.5bn not £5.2bn may actually turn the tide, with the additional offer caveat of being able to play NFL games in Qatar and ME also being used as a sweetener.

This deal can be done quicker than SJR put and Call layered offer because it’s much simpler and cleaner. It’s a complete buyout of controlling shares not a merger buy out deal, so it’s much simpler if due diligence has previously been done.
Has Qatar flying in been reported anywhere?
But I thought Jimmy had this wrapped up and it was just a matter of time? Or could it be that as suspected, the journos have no idea what's going on
The journalists have created a win win scenario for themselves.

If Ratcliffe wins it’s we told you so. If Jassim wins well then it’s ’massive 11th hour bid” etc

Have you just ignored all the reports that say SJ's bids have undervalued the club compared to SJR's bids everytime, including the latest one?
The difference between the latest and SJR’s bids is not that large. The difference is that SJ they get all the money now whereas SJR they have to wait 3 years to get it all.

What they have to ask themselves is if they got all the money now and invested it elsewhere would they be better off than if they waited for SJR to cough up the remaining amount and have their capital locked for 3 years - the guaranteed ROI you need to compare is the difference between SJ and SJR’s bids compared to the return they could get investing SJ’s money in other investments for 3 years.

It’s not as black and white as one is valued higher than the other.

Know nothing so disregard their information.

I also have a contact at INEOS and they have consistently said THEY are confident and THEY think it will be them but if you spoke to someone on 9-2 side they would say the exact same.
The difference between the latest and SJR’s bids is not that large. The difference is that SJ they get all the money now whereas SJR they have to wait 3 years to get it all.

What they have to ask themselves is if they got all the money now and invested it elsewhere would they be better off than if they waited for SJR to cough up the remaining amount and have their capital locked for 3 years - the guaranteed ROI you need to compare is the difference between SJ and SJR’s bids compared to the return they could get investing SJ’s money in other investments for 3 years.

It’s not as black and white as one is valued higher than the other.
Exactly. It’s the reason why Ratcliffe hasn’t already ’won’

There is most likely differences of opinion on this very matter within the family which is causing the delay.

Know nothing so disregard their information.

I also have a contact at INEOS and they have consistently said THEY are confident and THEY think it will be them but if you spoke to someone on 9-2 side they would say the exact same.
Exactly. It’s the reason why Ratcliffe hasn’t already ’won’

There is most likely differences of opinion on this very matter within the family which is causing the delay.
And there is a period of exclusivity where there will be more negotiations and fine tuning. Qatar have cleverly advertised that they have an additional $1bn at their disposal to take into those negotiations whereas Ratcliffe has already had to be creative in his bid.
And there is a period of exclusivity where there will be more negotiations and fine tuning. Qatar have cleverly advertised that they have an additional $1bn at their disposal to take into those negotiations whereas Ratcliffe has already had to be creative in his bid.
Ratcliffe has a bid in for the full 69% of the Glazers class B shares too.
The difference between the latest and SJR’s bids is not that large. The difference is that SJ they get all the money now whereas SJR they have to wait 3 years to get it all.

What they have to ask themselves is if they got all the money now and invested it elsewhere would they be better off than if they waited for SJR to cough up the remaining amount and have their capital locked for 3 years - the guaranteed ROI you need to compare is the difference between SJ and SJR’s bids compared to the return they could get investing SJ’s money in other investments for 3 years.

It’s not as black and white as one is valued higher than the other.
Yes it is. Regardless of how the bids are structured or if they get the money now or in 3 years - it's been widely reported that SJ's bids value the shares of Manchester United lower than SJR's bids which is why, you could argue, SJR is even in the race to begin with, because if SJ offered what the Glazers were asking for at this point i'm pretty sure we'd already have new owners of Manchester United. Not that i'm saying they deserve to get it, they are asking for a grossly overinflated price as is standard for such greedy rats, but honestly if SJ is as rich as reported I don't see why he doesn't just pay what is no doubt chump change to him at this point.
And there is a period of exclusivity where there will be more negotiations and fine tuning. Qatar have cleverly advertised that they have an additional $1bn at their disposal to take into those negotiations whereas Ratcliffe has already had to be creative in his bid.
Yeah I always viewed the pledge thing as a bit of a flex and saying we’re not going to dance to the Glazer tune.
Expecting nothing new from the club this weekend, but a frenzy of contradictory speculation from all the journalists, YouTubers and Twitter people.
Yes it is. Regardless of how the bids are structured or if they get the money now or in 3 years - it's been widely reported that SJ's bids value the shares of Manchester United lower than SJR's bids which is why, you could argue, SJR is even in the race to begin with, because if SJ offered what the Glazers were asking for at this point i'm pretty sure we'd already have new owners of Manchester United. Not that i'm saying they deserve to get it, they are asking for a grossly overinflated price as is standard for such greedy rats, but honestly if SJ is as rich as reported I don't see why he doesn't just pay what is no doubt chump change to him at this point.
You’re completely missing the point.

If I offered you £100 now or £130 in 3 years time what would you take?

If I was an investor, I’d be confident that I could turn £100 into more than £130 in the space of 3 years.

But you’re saying I would be mad to turn down an offer that is 30% higher?

The thing is, the INEOS offer is nowhere near 30% higher. So the Glazers could be confident that in 3 years they would be better off if they invested in other interests rather than take INEOS guaranteed figure.
Pretty convinced the Glazers are just holding out until this thread overtakes the Trump one. Could be a while.
Another sad element of this is that we all thought when the Florida Goblins (not an NFL team) fecked off, there would be a huge celebrations outside Old Trafford, but with all that’s gone on and the divide amongst supporters, that isn’t happening.
Expecting nothing new from the club this weekend, but a frenzy of contradictory speculation from all the journalists, YouTubers and Twitter people.
There better be. They've been woefully quiet lately. How hard is it to make something up once a week?
You’re completely missing the point.

If I offered you £100 now or £130 in 3 years time what would you take?

If I was an investor, I’d be confident that I could turn £100 into more than £130 in the space of 3 years.

But you’re saying I would be mad to turn down an offer that is 30% higher?

The thing is, the INEOS offer is nowhere near 30% higher. So the Glazers could be confident that in 3 years they would be better off if they invested in other interests rather than take INEOS guaranteed figure.
No, you're missing my point. I understand what you are saying but again, regardless of whether you give me the money right now or in 3 years, the point is the offer over 3 years is offering more money per share, than the money being offered right now

So perhaps they should offer the same monetary share value of 130 but right now, SJ can afford it after all.
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