Club Sale | It’s done!

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Exactly, whoever meets the desired amount the Glazers want will own a part of the club.

You pay the money, you get something in return

Innit. We're good at this. I don't think that Finish bloke has a chance though. He's not got the cash IMO. So I can categorically say unless he's got 6b he won't be buying the club.
Innit. We're good at this. I don't think that Finish bloke has a chance though. He's not got the cash IMO. So I can categorically say unless he's got 6b he won't be buying the club.
Exactly, exactly.

If you want to buy a football you need to required money to purchase it.
Welcome to the forum, Owen.

At least he is not Goldbridge who stated that his sources told him that Qatar are favourites only to having to come out with another video 3 hours later basically saying the opposite
If the Glazers keep 20% like being reported with the INEOS offer will the shares they sell be converted to class A with only 1/10th of voting rights? Doesn't make sense for Ratcliffe or anyone else to do this, that's why I'm still hopeful it'll be a full sale
Well folks todays the big day, let’s hope we finally get a breakthrough with this deal. Fingers crossed they agree to sell!
Maybe its his hobby after he sells out? Or like Malc, leave something behind for his kids?

He is buying it through ineos money not his so it will probably leave with ineos. I wonder if the idea is to make ineos even more attractive to buyers
Well folks todays the big day, let’s hope we finally get a breakthrough with this deal. Fingers crossed they agree to sell!
Today isn’t the day the decision made though it is? Just the day the final bids go in?

This is actually a lot more important than our next few games when you think about it. Makes me:nervous:
At least he is not Goldbridge who stated that his sources told him that Qatar are favourites only to having to come out with another video 3 hours later basically saying the opposite

Anyone who listens to that berk needs their head checking.

He has no sources. He just looks on twitter like everyone else and he constantly contradicts himself all the time anyway.

He wants the Qataris so he will ensure that's the message he puts out quite clearly.
Today's the day when the bids have to be in, so we will probably be waiting a long time until we get told that a fourth round is being arranged.

Additionally, today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.
I really want the Glazers gone.

If they stay in any capacity, even as a minority, they will have some input and be expected to sanction budgets, sales, acquisitions etc. And how will the class A/B share thing work, will they relinquish control because obviously Ratcliffe won’t let them pull all the strings if he has so much equity tied up in the club? And if Ratcliffe did have control and wished to make any capital investments they would be expected to put up a proportionate amount of money to their share which they realistically won’t so any stadium upgrade works will be minimal and purely funded by further loans etc.

So many questions around this but I just can’t see how them staying would benefit the club on any level as they aren’t going to spend any of their own money which will curtail the club improving infrastructure and will still expect profits from us as their cash cow.

It must be a full sale only.
One of the biggest days in the club’s history, not exaggerating to say club’s future and survival are at stake. If these clowns continue in any capacity we’ll descend into a middling club given what’s happening with Newcastle and potentially other clubs if our sale doesn’t go through.
I'm just trying to imagine that first Ratcliffe interview if that bid goes through.

What combination of words does he thinks he can use to explain to United fans that he, an alleged lifelong United fan who understands the club and what it needs, has done a deal that'll allow the two most prominent Glazers a seat at the table.

Or does he just do an MUTV interview, dictate the questions and never even try to explain himself.
Could we have a separate 'it has to be a full sale or nothing' thread to avoid this thread hitting 8000 pages by dinner time?
I'm just trying to imagine that first Ratcliffe interview if that bid goes through.

What combination of words does he thinks he can use to explain to United fans that he, an alleged lifelong United fan who understands the club and what it needs, has done a deal that'll allow the two most prominent Glazers a seat at the table.

Or does he just do an MUTV interview, dictate the questions and never even try to explain himself.

No matter the winner I expect something like this:

Good thing that the saga will be over soon. If there's a fourth bid I'll just grab some popcorn and wait for the next leak of Beelzebub himself making a joint bid with Luthorcorp, the Umbrella Corporation and Wagner Group financed by Elliot and BoA that will also allow the Glazers to stay.
I hate the idea of either of them. feck ever being owned by Qatar. And Ratcliffe is a Tory donator and pro Brexit, which means I already hate him before we even consider his shite bid.

If those two options are the only ones available, I think I'd prefer to stay as we are. If we take on either of these and they aren't the wonderful promised land some seem to think, we're stuck with them for many years into the future. Whereas if we don't, one way or another the parasites aren't going to be here for the long term. Everyone hates them in a way that cannot be overcome, and they're already trying to sell the club. If they don't go now, they'll go soon enough. And maybe the next bidder will be someone at least marginally less awful.
Could we have a separate 'it has to be a full sale or nothing' thread to avoid this thread hitting 8000 pages by dinner time?
Is this not just part of the discussion that this thread is meant for? Just because it's a slightly different aspect of the sale doesn't need yet another thread.
I hate the idea of either of them. feck ever being owned by Qatar. And Ratcliffe is a Tory donator and pro Brexit, which means I already hate him before we even consider his shite bid.

If those two options are the only ones available, I think I'd prefer to stay as we are. If we take on either of these and they aren't the wonderful promised land some seem to think, we're stuck with them for many years into the future. Whereas if we don't, one way or another the parasites aren't going to be here for the long term. Everyone hates them in a way that cannot be overcome, and they're already trying to sell the club. If they don't go now, they'll go soon enough. And maybe the next bidder will be someone at least marginally less awful.

And who is this mythical next bidder going to be?

For a long time now our only options for a bidder realistically seemed to be JR (Very rich, actively interested in football) or a state like Qatar. Someone with the income to buy United and invest into the club isn’t going to just appear out of nowhere.
"The questions appear to be an attempt by the current Manchester United hierarchy to ensure any new owner complies with ethics tests recently proposed by the UK government. Ministers have announced plans for a new football regulator that would require owners of Premier League clubs to declare where their money comes from and their ability to manage debt, although the rules have not yet come into force".

The questions were sent by Raine Group, the US bankers employed by the current owners, the Glazer family, to oversee the potential sale of the club. The demands were made in recent days, according to people familiar with the discussions. They range from queries about the source of their money to debts that will be secured against the club and future financial models.

Questions on UBO and source of wealth is standard protocol. Media is just milking this story for clicks.
Laurie Whitwell (and The Athletic in general) comes across really desperate for the Glazers to stay.

Every story is about them staying. They need to get a room
I hate the idea of either of them. feck ever being owned by Qatar. And Ratcliffe is a Tory donator and pro Brexit, which means I already hate him before we even consider his shite bid.

If those two options are the only ones available, I think I'd prefer to stay as we are. If we take on either of these and they aren't the wonderful promised land some seem to think, we're stuck with them for many years into the future. Whereas if we don't, one way or another the parasites aren't going to be here for the long term. Everyone hates them in a way that cannot be overcome, and they're already trying to sell the club. If they don't go now, they'll go soon enough. And maybe the next bidder will be someone at least marginally less awful.

They don't sell this time, it will be another 5-10 years before they attempt again. Nobody will take them seriously any time soon. And they certainly won't have the likes of Raine trying to help them the next time around.
Laurie Whitwell (and The Athletic in general) comes across really desperate for the Glazers to stay.

Every story is about them staying. They need to get a room

I think its more so a case of the fan base being desparate for them to leave, which makes any story suggesting they may stay, appear as though its advocating as such.
Don't know what the general consensus is around here anymore, but i will just add that i think the Glazers might sell or stay with us. Just a hunch, but what do i know.

I know it’s widely believed that the Jassim bid is from the Qatari royal family/investment arm/state so how does Jassim honestly convince those that need convincing that the 5,6 whatever billions is his if he doesn’t have that kind of money, I might be naive here but how do you pull several billion out your arse from nowhere and make that look like it was yours all along?

Or does he actually have that kind of money? From everything I’ve read, he ain’t short of a bob or 2 but he hasn’t got nowhere near what it will take to buy United.
Qatar/full sale is the only good outcome on a purely footballing basis.

Everything else is a bit shit, ranging from the leeches joining other leeches to finish off the club (while Qatar propel Liverpool to join UAE/City and Saudi/Newcastle as dominant for decades to come), to SJR (which would still accompany our subordination to at least two nation states).

Having issues with being owned by Qatar is completely understandable, but given the PL have been supporting state ownership for almost two decades, it’s a fact of the game now. So I guess we all have our individual threshold for still supporting the club.

Anything that keeps the Glazers leeching from us is a shitshow though and should be protested against
I know it’s widely believed that the Jassim bid is from the Qatari royal family/investment arm/state so how does Jassim honestly convince those that need convincing that the 5,6 whatever billions is his if he doesn’t have that kind of money, I might be naive her but how do you pull several billion out your arse from nowhere and make that look like it was yours all along?

Or does he actually have that kind of money? From everything I’ve read, he ain’t short of a bob or 2 but he hasn’t got nowhere near what it will take to buy United.
His father , his bank , his investment group?
Doubt it will be hard for him.
I know it’s widely believed that the Jassim bid is from the Qatari royal family/investment arm/state so how does Jassim honestly convince those that need convincing that the 5,6 whatever billions is his if he doesn’t have that kind of money, I might be naive here but how do you pull several billion out your arse from nowhere and make that look like it was yours all along?

Or does he actually have that kind of money? From everything I’ve read, he ain’t short of a bob or 2 but he hasn’t got nowhere near what it will take to buy United.

Its been asked before earlier in the thread, but not answered in any satisfyingly meaningful way. The Qatari kid clearly doesn't have the money based on his own income. His Dad is wealthy, but its unclear whether he would have a spare 6billion plus new stadium and infrastructure funds in his pocket. Therefore its a fair question to ask, not just for the Qataris, but to all bidders.
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