Club Sale | It’s done!

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Ratcliffe is a chancer. I don’t trust him at all, he just looks like the kind of person who would run us into the ground.

I have nothing to base this on. Just a hunch.

Jassim is a banker
Avrams almost lost his hair
Ratcliffe is a chancer. I don’t trust him at all, he just looks like the kind of person who would run us into the ground.

I have nothing to base this on. Just a hunch.
Well there is evidens he is clueless. Look at the state of his two football clubs. They are worse than before his takeover.
Good post.

Theoretically the Glazers will have no more power than any other minority shareholder, and they won't get special treatment on dividends (I'm assuming).

I'd even throw in a board seat for each of them. For all their faults, they've done some great commercial deals and we can surely use them on that side. As long as they're not leeching off the club or holding any actual power, I'm fine with it.

Which is why I'm not taking the faux outrage seriously. The important part in this alleged offer is that Ratcliffe takes control and that when all is said and done, is the most important factor.

It's far from the perfect situation and nobody is pretending otherwise but those who look at the whole picture can see it's a far better option than the realistic alternative on offer.

Another thing I've been thinking about is that of the 6 siblings, Joel, and particularly Avram have always been far more aligned with their father's way of thinking and for them, in some twisted way, they may well have more of a connection with the club because of that. Not because they care about Manchester United, but that it was their dads prized possession, arguably his greatest ever bit of business from a purely business sense. Hopefully nobody takes this as me suggesting they secretly love the club, it's the complete opposite and rather their last connection with their dad.
Can't accept this.

So it’s literally nothing new then, the Glazers will still have the final say even if they do go into partnership with Ratcliffe.

It just seems more & more that Jassim is our only hope to rid ourselves once and for all of these leeches.
There is a very easy way to fix that. Ratcliffe purchase all the Glazer shares and immediately sell a predetermined amount to Joel and Avram. We are not talking about an insumontable issue and the other Glazers will not jeopardize the sell for that kind of thing while Ratcliffe isn't purchasing a football club to not have control of it.
There is a very easy way to fix that. Ratcliffe purchase all the Glazer shares and immediately sell a predetermined amount to Joel and Avram. We are not talking about an insumontable issue and the other Glazers will not jeopardize the sell for that kind of thing while Ratcliffe isn't purchasing a football club to not have control of it.
Exactly. They can restructure the shares
Can't accept this.

The whole A and B shares thing was done purely to raise personal capital for them while maintaining control of the club.

The very first thing on the agenda in any negotiations will be the removal of that clause. Otherwise it becomes pointless even bothering. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a stipulation in place already that negates the clause in the event of a sale.
There is a very easy way to fix that. Ratcliffe purchase all the Glazer shares and immediately sell a predetermined amount to Joel and Avram. We are not talking about an insumontable issue and the other Glazers will not jeopardize the sell for that kind of thing while Ratcliffe isn't purchasing a football club to not have control of it.

Imagine if this had to happen and SJR refuse to sell those shares to Joel and Avram
The whole A and B shares thing was done purely to raise personal capital for them while maintaining control of the club.

The very first thing on the agenda in any negotiations will be the removal of that clause. Otherwise it becomes pointless even bothering. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a stipulation in place already that negates the clause in the event of a sale.

Wouldn't that cause problems with A shares who are on the market suddenly become far more powerful then expected?
Wouldn't that cause problems with A shares who are on the market suddenly become far more powerful then expected?

The easy solution to that is that the shares Ratcliffe buys maintain their B status. The clause says they would be converted to A shares so you just remove that clause and Ratcliffe becomes the controlling party.
No way Jim is buying the club without having a majority voting rights, makes no sense, c'mon.
The easy solution to that is that the shares Ratcliffe buys maintain their B status. The clause says they would be converted to A shares so you just remove that clause and Ratcliffe becomes the controlling party.

They can change the mechanism to include Ratcliffe in the mix
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