Club Sale | It’s done!

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Of course it's hypothetical but it could still be an option for the reasons stated above. Glazers owning 20% of the club wouldn't stop Qatar doing what they wanted.

All I'm saying is if in the next few days we hear Qatar are acting in a similar way then I hope you bring the same noise down on them.

And also...let's not forget this is all the say of Mike Keegan. We don't know how many different bids Sir Jim has given. He may well prefer to get 100% of the club for what we know
Yes, Mike Keegan, who has been a mouthpiece for Qatar's PR team this whole process reported that Qatar's rival for the bid are proposing something that most of the fanbase would hate. I'm not saying it isn't true, but it's at least worth some skepticism.

And really, at the end of the day, the only reason we don't like the Glazers maintaining 20% is just out of spite. It would have no great or lesser effect on the club than if they were bought out completely. Except, perhaps, if it makes it easier for Ineos (or Qatar under the above hypothetical), to allocate money to the stadium/training ground updates that would have otherwise gone to Joel and Avram's pockets.

It's just an annoyance having the names of such distasteful dickheads registered as part owners. But you know what? We will have distasteful dick heads as the majority owners even in a full sale, whether that be Ineos or Qatar. As long as the Glazer fecks lose all power and control over the running of the club, I will be content and the club will be better off.
They'd have complete control if they allowed Glazers to keep 20% though. That's the point. Whoever gets over 50% doesn't have to answer to anyone.

Sheikh Mansoor has sold about 30% of Man City. Doesn't change anything for them.

Yeah, but we don't know how the A/B shares thing actually works.

If it were as simple as you suggest, we wouldn't be talking about Joel and/or Avram.

Because no buyer would have to worry about them - they could just buy out the others and presto.

ETA Joel and Avram are minority share holders as such. And they also own a minority of the shares owned by the Glazer family as such (the other siblings own a majority of the Glazer family shares).

So, again - just buy the shares not owned by Joel and Avram...and presto.

Only - not presto. Because it doesn't work like that. Or it may not work like that.

Based on what we know about the A/B thing, if Joel and Avram refuse to sell - they can actually remain in control of United even if the others decide to sell.
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I can think you can show disdain for Sir Jim teaming up with the Glazers and still prefer it to the status quo. Just being it's a shit option, doesn't mean it's not better.
Never lived in an INEOS town have you pal?

SJR's an aresehole.

We're hardly talking about bastions of virtue with any of the parties involved. Arsehole in the grand scheme is probably about as positive a word toucan use to describe any of the proposed bidders.

There are far, far worse words that can be used for some and the current mob in charge.
What’s an INEOS town?

A nightmarish place where kids joy ride in F1 cars and gangs of cyclists race on pavements. Then after dark, the All Blacks come out to heap misery on residents.

It's not all bad though, some say it's Nice enough.
I can think you can show disdain for Sir Jim teaming up with the Glazers and still prefer it to the status quo. Just being it's a shit option, doesn't mean it's not better.

Agreed, it's best to be practical. Also two of the Glazers isn't the Glazers as a whole. I think most of us have enough experience to know that when family is involved you don't necessarily do what you want to do, we know that the others only care about money when it comes to sport but we don't know what Joel and Avram would do or want to do if they don't have to take into account the majority of their family.

I get that people will likely take that negatively because as a family the Glazers have been a nuisance but Ratcliffe leading United while two Glazers are beside him as minority shareholders is a good enough outcome for me.
We can't have progress within our club without a full sale.
I disagree, United doesn’t and never has needed a sugar daddy owner. That’s the distinction. With both Busby and Ferguson our greatness was the result of a legendary manager building brilliant team after brilliant team to dominate our opponents on a level playing field.
ETH could be the next legendary manager but it won’t be quite the same if our future dominance is as a result of simply out-muscling our opponents financially.

The problem with this thinking is that it is based in the past. The oil money simply was not around when Busby and Ferguson bult their teams, it arrived in the latter part of SAF reign but the impact was still only beginning to be felt. The very real fear that all United fans are grappling with is that we are dealing with City already and now have Newcastle to contend with also. Clearly Qatar wants a PL club and if it is not us then it will most likely be Liverpool or Spurs and as we already know they will ultimately find a way to outspend and outbid us at every turn. I don't want to be an oil club but then I don't think any club should be owned as a sportswashing project but the reality is that what I want and what is going to happen are two entirely different things.

We have no divine right to be at the top of the game and if we have 3 or 4 domestic rivals with spending power beyond our wildest dreams we face the prospect of having to be content with moral superiority and the occasional cup run.
How it started: Page 1 of this thread.

How it's going: Pages 1061 to 1065.

I think eventually this will all settle with Qataris probably winning the bid. Then the main questions will be:

A) Will they pay the debt?
B) Will they build a competitive squad?
C) Will they remodel Old Trafford?

I think these questions shall become more important than where does the money come from.

Yes to A and C. Only time will tell whether B happens, however I feel we'll be far more decisive in the transfer market.
Yeah, but we don't know how the A/B shares thing actually works.

If it were as simple as you suggest, we wouldn't be talking about Joel and/or Avram.

Because no buyer would have to worry about them - they could just buy out the others and presto.

ETA Joel and Avram are minority share holders as such. And they also own a minority of the shares owned by the Glazer family as such (the other siblings own a majority of the Glazer family shares).

So, again - just buy the shares not owned by Joel and Avram...and presto.

Only - not presto. Because it doesn't work like that. Or it may not work like that.

Based on what we know about the A/B thing, if Joel and Avram refuse to sell - they can actually remain in control of United even if the others decide to sell.
Correct, there is supposedly something where if a Glazer sells their shares to people outside the family, they conver to A shares, as has happened when some of them have done just that.

HOWEVER, thats not government regulation. It's the company's rules which can be changed. If this is something SJR is actually proposing, then it is clear that he is working with Joel and Avram on this, too, because for him to have +50% and Joel and Avram to maintain 20%, would require buying a few of Joel and Avram's shares as well (they own more than 20% combined now).

I think we can be certain that such a deal would be structured so that that rule is voided and that SJR is buying control.
Sounds dreadful, can spin it how you want but the whole point of this process was for them to be gone, no half asks.

I imagine Jim will be thrown to the wolves by the fans, the damage is already done.

You would have thought so but clearly the ones who detest state ownership haven't been swayed at all by Ratcliffe joining Glazers
The problem with this thinking is that it is based in the past. The oil money simply was not around when Busby and Ferguson bult their teams, it arrived in the latter part of SAF reign but the impact was still only beginning to be felt. The very real fear that all United fans are grappling with is that we are dealing with City already and now have Newcastle to contend with also. Clearly Qatar wants a PL club and if it is not us then it will most likely be Liverpool or Spurs and as we already know they will ultimately find a way to outspend and outbid us at every turn. I don't want to be an oil club but then I don't think any club should be owned as a sportswashing project but the reality is that what I want and what is going to happen are two entirely different things.

We have no divine right to be at the top of the game and if we have 3 or 4 domestic rivals with spending power beyond our wildest dreams we face the prospect of having to be content with moral superiority and the occasional cup run.
We’ve won very little since 2013 because we have been run appallingly by a bunch of clueless goons. We have made some shocking signings and terrible decisions, and poured good money away after bad.
Financially even with paying for the Glazer debt and dividends we have still matched our opponents. We have broken numerous transfer records - just generally on the wrong players. Our managers have all been backed but they have been the wrong managers.
This influx of state money has achieved very little so far - even city struggled until they got Pep. A fat bank balance is nice but it’s not the decisive factor.
You'd have to think that if the Qataris thought the Glazers would only sell for £6bn, they'd have simply put the money up in full long ago. History shows that when the Qataris really want something, they have both the desire and resources to get it pretty much every time.
You would have thought so but clearly the ones who detest state ownership haven't been swayed at all by Ratcliffe joining Glazers
Thing is though, he isn’t. If he’s going to spend billions to buy control of the club then he will be calling the shots - guaranteed. That’s a very different prospect to minority investment propping up the Glazers ownership and leaving them in control.
Why does the "Sir" carry so much weight? So many in here are seemingly tied to some kind of dated etiquette rule that forbids them calling the guy Ratcliffe.

SJR, fine. I don't want to have Dallas flashbacks. Sir Jim? That's just :lol: . But of course, I wasn't raised in a society that inexplicably decides to entitle someone for something.
Why does the "Sir" carry so much weight? So many in here are seemingly tied to some kind of dated etiquette rule that forbids them to call the guy Ratcliffe.

SJR, fine. I don't want to have Dallas flashbacks. Sir Jim? That's just :lol: . But of course, I wasn't raised in a society that inexplicably decides to entitle someone for something.
Sir Jim is = Sheikh Jassim. They both have their titles. We can’t refer to them both as SJ!!
Ratcliffe is a chancer. I don’t trust him at all, he just looks like the kind of person who would run us into the ground.

I have nothing to base this on. Just a hunch.
They don't. At all.

Given the choice of 6 Glazers with full control, or 2 Glazers with no control it's a pretty simple choice for all of us.

The "buy the whole club" option seems to be a non starter, so if you don't support the 2 Glazer choice, by default you must be in favour of keeping all 6 at this time?

To be clear, I don't actually think anyone would actually prefer that, but this faux outrage over the proposed bid from Ratcliffe just doesy make sense when you factor in the clear unwillingness of Joel and Avram Glazer to sell their stake at this time.

Once again, the only way this deal is acceptable is if Ratcliffe gains a controlling stake and effectively takes over the club.

For all the rich kids bluster and the vast wealth of Qatar, even they cannot force those who don't want to sell, to sell. Ratcliffe new proposal is about as close to a confirmation that they won't sell as we are likely to get, so the smart play for any bidder is to adapt of they are really determined to become the new owner of Manchester United.

Fans crying "full sale only" are literally saying it's either all or nothing... And well, that's support for nothing isn't it?
Good post.

Theoretically the Glazers will have no more power than any other minority shareholder, and they won't get special treatment on dividends (I'm assuming).

I'd even throw in a board seat for each of them. For all their faults, they've done some great commercial deals and we can surely use them on that side. As long as they're not leeching off the club or holding any actual power, I'm fine with it.
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