City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

The issue is, anything other than titles being revoked and / or thrown down the tiers isn't really a punishment.

Spend more than allowed, win trophies, pay a fine.
It's not really a deterrent is it.

If they get a 10, even 50 points deduction next year, it's one year without a challenge. It's just a minor bump in the road on a journey of success

Makes their chances of 4 in a row harder though
When I was growing up, Manchester City fans used to tell me that United were ruining football with money and commercialisation. Then again, look at the state of our Qatar worshippers.
Actually there’s a fair amount of City fans who don’t bother with it anymore.
Actually there’s a fair amount of City fans who don’t bother with it anymore.

I don't know any personally, I did know someone, who, in contrast to Zen's friends, spent the relegation years supporting County instead. He's been back with City for some time now and is very keen to talk about how much he loves them (again).
I bet the amounts of money changing hands throughout that club is disgusting.. Pep has said he wants a break from football twice, now he’s completely changed his mind once they’re found breaking financial rules? .. sure.
He’s just getting paid huge amounts under the table like they all are, he stays there because no club in the world can give him the amount of money he’s on, and everytime he flirts with leaving they’ll offer him more.
he’s not stupid, he knows these things drag out for years, by which point he’ll be long gone anyway, I reckon he’ll be there another 2 years and then call it a day and go to manage the national team
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Yeah at least @padr81 knows that his team could well be in a lot of trouble,however is unsure they will be found guilty

They pretend they’re not bothered, like when they used to cry about how they don’t care about winning about the CL.

Yeah, they’re a weird bunch. Had to really bite my tongue and control myself not lose my shit at him and be the dickhead round the table.

Unfortunately, this was before the BBC snippet was released, which I happen to think is quite a big development. For the BBC to make comment like they have they are usually sitting right on the fence could be significant.
Yeah, they’re a weird bunch. Had to really bite my tongue and control myself not lose my shit at him and be the dickhead round the table.

Unfortunately, this was before the BBC snippet was released, which I happen to think is quite a big development. For the BBC to make comment like they have they are usually sitting right on the fence could be significant.

What BBC snippet,remind me
Actually there’s a fair amount of City fans who don’t bother with it anymore.

The majority of their match going fans arnt local these days, if you stand on Oldham Road before a City home match all you see is coach after coach bringing City fans from down south.

Of course he does. Rules don’t matter to him.

Maybe he is scared that if he walks away they'll pull finding on his brothers club and put them out of business.
Then you are not conflicted. You want them to be punished but are sceptical it will happen to the fullest and fairest degree.

Yeah, I worded it wrongly.

What I meant was that I find it likely that they don’t get punished (or at least get any significant punishment) but at the same time can see why the PL kind of have to if they don’t want to risk making the vast majority of fans (United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea) lose interest because of apathy. As in “what’s the point if City and soon to be Newcastle just win every year because they’re allowed to cheat”.
Easy to predict how this will play out. They'll be found guilty, hit with a serious punishment, appeal the verdict, win the appeal.
Easy to predict how this will play out. They'll be found guilty, hit with a serious punishment, appeal the verdict, win the appeal.

Very hard to see given any appeal is essentially a rehash of the exact same process which found them guilty, only with different people. A new panel gets selected to deliberate, that's the only thing that changes on appeal. If the initial result is unanimous then it's impossible to see how it gets overturned in the appeals process.
They are gaming as hard as they can, which indicates worry. Also it’s not a democracy; these owners, being autocrats, are used to calling the shots. It’s possible that this works against them too. Football is governed by bureaucrats, a very different construct of reality. In my view a heavy punishment is now almost inevitable. Of course there is massive wriggle room even within that. I don’t know about you, but I think the asterisk looming above was felt, even in the celebrations. It had an ever so slight feeling of being forced. “Ah. Okay everyone. Let’s get the party started. Err… we are going to play a few tunes for you ‘till the band gets here.”
Juventus given 15 points deduction, appealed to 10, for fishy accounting, knocking them from 2nd to 7th.
That would be a good start for City, but because the EPL has more slots for CL, you’d have to increase it for the same impact (I.e. preventing them from playing in the CL in those years). Deduct 25 points from each season’s tally. That effectively strips them of every title. Then the clubs they cheated can round up the attorneys and have at it.
Had to laugh at Pep calling for a quick decision yesterday...... after City's lawyers doing everything they can to frustrate and obstruct the process!

Would love them to say, ok here's your quick decision - your club is systematically and cataclsymically guilty of all 115 charges and extra ones we've found.
Your sentence is to be stripped of all titles, huge fine, actually huge fine (£200million), and relegation to the local park division 7 of the Stockport and Cock league.
I think laws should be changed to accommodate Man City’s dirty tricks. Such as: you get caught robbing a bank? You are forced to give back one sack of cash, but you can keep the rest. Etc
Said leave if guilty due to being lied to. Suddenly "morals" say he will stay regardless..

Im kind of inclined to think they "will" be guilty but no real punichment.. he already knows this hence the backtrack.
I have never seen a person/club can still be so confident after being charged with 115 breaches. Either they have extremely good lawyers or PL is shit with the charges.

Man City has track record of taking on UEFA and won convincingly. I think the 115 won't stick.
Trying to stop money coming in to football is beyond moronic.

What we need is a team level salary cap, sorted through UEFA for the CL and domestic leagues.

Even Neville realises how utterly cretinous the current implementation of FFP is. It should never have been agreed.
I have never seen a person/club can still be so confident after being charged with 115 breaches. Either they have extremely good lawyers or PL is shit with the charges.

Man City has track record of taking on UEFA and won convincingly. I think the 115 won't stick.

They didn't win convincingly. They probably bribed the FIFA judges, making them interpret the procedural rules in a specific way. These judges ruled that the statute of limitations applied to the charges and that the timing should be calculated from a particular date... Consequently, their "victory" was achieved through exploiting a technicality rather than addressing the core issue... The evidence itself was not dismissed by the FIFA court.
I have never seen a person/club can still be so confident after being charged with 115 breaches. Either they have extremely good lawyers or PL is shit with the charges.

Man City has track record of taking on UEFA and won convincingly. I think the 115 won't stick.

They arnt confident thats why they are going out of their way to try and get the charges blocked or wrapped in red tape.

They didnt beat UEFA convincingly they appealed and lost then had to pay a fine but got away with the ban because of some stupid rule that time barred the evidence.

Even Neville realises how utterly cretinous the current implementation of FFP is. It should never have been agreed.

I personally dont care what Neville says anymore, he is so far up City's backside its unreal.
I have never seen a person/club can still be so confident after being charged with 115 breaches. Either they have extremely good lawyers or PL is shit with the charges.

Man City has track record of taking on UEFA and won convincingly. I think the 115 won't stick.
Except they didnt. They got away on technicality as few evidence were time bound and couldnt be used against them. PL made sure this wont happen with their charges
They didn't win convincingly. They probably bribed the FIFA judges, making them interpret the procedural rules in a specific way. These judges ruled that the statute of limitations applied to the charges and that the timing should be calculated from a particular date... Consequently, their "victory" was achieved through exploiting a technicality rather than addressing the core issue... The evidence itself was not dismissed by the FIFA court.

To me that is winning convincingly. So many years and hundreds of breaches. Got away with just a fine from UEFA. What do you call this?
Except they didnt. They got away on technicality as few evidence were time bound and couldnt be used against them. PL made sure this wont happen with their charges

Their lawyers already knew how to fight the case, time barred and etc. The point is they just got a fine after shitting on UEFA laws for years. This is convincing victory.

I am sure their lawyers also have strategy to fight PL in different ways. 115 charges to them are nothing.
They arnt confident thats why they are going out of their way to try and get the charges blocked or wrapped in red tape.

They didnt beat UEFA convincingly they appealed and lost then had to pay a fine but got away with the ban because of some stupid rule that time barred the evidence

These are part of their strategy to fight the case of 115 breaches. They have a team of experienced best lawyers in the world to take on PL. They know what they are doing. Even Pep sounds very confident.

To me they did shit on UEFA.
I'm conflicted on this.

On one hand, I have almost zero faith that they'll get any meaningful punishment.

But on the other, them not being punished heavily for having broken the rules repeatedly for years would surely damage the PL brand to a degree that the higher ups can't accept.

I think the league are in an awkward position where they have to strike a balance. They have to be seen as tough enough to pacify the other 19 teams, and the government (to avoid an independent football regulator) and like you say to not damage their brand by making it look like a league where the wealthy can just cheat, so what's the point in hoping for the best if you're not a supporter of that small group of clubs.

But what could also damage their brand considerably is 'undoing' too much from previous seasons. That messes with the belief people have in the certainty of its outcomes in the future, as well as drawing a LOT of attention to how long City were able to get away with it under their noses.

That's why I think stripping titles might be off the table, and any points deductions/fines will need to in that sweet spot where they're punitive but not so severe as to be a historic moment that's talked about for years and colours people's perceptions of previous seasons and the Premier League 'product' as a whole.

Something like a £50,000,000 fine and 25-point deduction would probably be about right (not right as in just, it's way too lenient - but 'right' from the perspective of these optics).
I think the league are in an awkward position where they have to strike a balance. They have to be seen as tough enough to pacify the other 19 teams, and the government (to avoid an independent football regulator) and like you say to not damage their brand by making it look like a league where the wealthy can just cheat, so what's the point in hoping for the best if you're not a supporter of that small group of clubs.

But what could also damage their brand considerably is 'undoing' too much from previous seasons. That messes with the belief people have in the certainty of its outcomes in the future, as well as drawing a LOT of attention to how long City were able to get away with it under their noses.

That's why I think stripping titles might be off the table, and any points deductions/fines will need to in that sweet spot where they're punitive but not so severe as to be a historic moment that's talked about for years and colours people's perceptions of previous seasons and the Premier League 'product' as a whole.

Something like a £50,000,000 fine and 25-point deduction would probably be about right (not right as in just, it's way too lenient - but 'right' from the perspective of these optics).
Disagree here. If they had any backbone they would relegate them. It’s bigger than just the league. It would send a global message that cheating of any kind in sport is wrong.
It might even elevate the premier leagues reputation.
Disagree here. If they had any backbone they would relegate them. It’s bigger than just the league. It would send a global message that cheating of any kind in sport is wrong.
It might even elevate the premier leagues reputation.

They have to do what Seria A did. The Premier league wasnt made worldwide followed league by the likes of City. Its still one of least supported clubs in the league at all.
They have to do what Seria A did. The Premier league wasnt made worldwide followed league by the likes of City. Its still one of least supported clubs in the league at all.
I feel they should be thrown out of the football league altogether, but maybe Im biased.
On a side note, I saw a video last week covering the news of two high profile competitive fishermen being caught red handed with weights inside the fish they caught.
The anger from the other competitors around them as the fish were being cut open was palpable, and it was surprising that it didn’t break out into violence.
They were put in jail and banned from competition for 3 years, among other things.
They have to do what Seria A did. The Premier league wasnt made worldwide followed league by the likes of City. Its still one of least supported clubs in the league at all.
PL has reputation around the world by being the most honest league (playing by the rules).
So if in Italy (lets be real, Seria A was always dodgy league) biggest club gets 10 point deduction for one crime then City should be relegated. Every other punishment will be a farce.