City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Your whole post is written like a true Man City fan apologist.

So basically, the FFP rules are the problem and not the fact City have breached them. Good work pal.
Well both things are the problem .
The very nature of FFP aids the status quo and benefits the traditional Big Clubs .

But having said that once the rules are in place it's imperative they are enforced and if clubs have issues with them then create a dialogue around them and get enough support to get them changed rather then make compete mockery of them but it's easier said than done to be honest .
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Ok. Lets say they fake their income. United has spent more than them in the past 6-7 years.
spending wise we have the advantage. You know where they have the true advantage? The football people making the decisions.
While you're right about the decision making, i think you're not being holistic. Us and other clubs are having to spend more and more because of having to play catchup to the insane spending by city in the first place. While our spending spree is now tapering off, as we can longer afford it, they can keep going on by adding another couple of spurious Abu Dhabi sponsors. They make the highest revenues in world football, ahead of much more popular clubs, can you imagine that :lol:
Manchester City didn't agree to the FFP rules, they voted against them. Why should they accept being bullied out of the Premier League through mob rule?

I would doubt that we do most of the time, which is why you get worthless echo chambers like this thread.
Nothing can be more pathetic than an ‘argument’ that the accused should not accept a punishment because it doesn’t agree with the provision of the law. I’d rather not have such stupidity echoing in my chamber.
It’s actually bizarre how so many in this thread think the accusations of City cheating is because they’ve “spent money” and they haven’t done anything different to what we’ve done.

The same ludicrously uninformed people who say if Qataris take us over we'll be the same as City.
The latter is correct but for the former the allegations are that City have not been reporting the real money they have actually spent

Is this not illegal? Like, above the level of football authorities and on the level of government tax authorities illegal?
Moan Moan Moan. FFP breaches doesnt even matter, in fact the whole FFP system might even be illegal. They havent broken any rules by law or nor are they under any allegations for fraud or tax fraud from any government.

Do we want them to be ? Yes sure, feck them. But this is just getting silly.

We've spent just as much as them, but we end up with Sancho, De Beek or Maguire instead

They're facing 115 charges for exactly breaking rules :lol:
Manchester City didn't agree to the FFP rules, they voted against them. Why should they accept being bullied out of the Premier League through mob rule?

I don't want to add to the pile on or anything mate but this is quite the hot take. Mob rule is literally just a cruder term for democracy, which is how we (most of us?) all have to live our lives. This is a bit like saying I voted against a specific government so I should not have to abide by their policies.
Manchester City didn't agree to the FFP rules, they voted against them. Why should they accept being bullied out of the Premier League through mob rule?
This surely is a post of the year.

You dont agree with the rule of law, so that rule doesnt apply to you. :lol:
Moan Moan Moan. FFP breaches doesnt even matter, in fact the whole FFP system might even be illegal. They havent broken any rules by law or nor are they under any allegations for fraud or tax fraud from any government.
Are you sure about that?
Is this not illegal? Like, above the level of football authorities and on the level of government tax authorities illegal?
If they've overstated their income then they've paid more tax than was due. I'm sure they'll forgive them.
This surely is a post of the year.

You dont agree with the rule of law, so that rule doesnt apply to you. :lol:

I didn't agree with the law of being jailed for murder, so I can murder freely without the risk of jail.
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There's a question of fairness here. If City have circumvented the same rules that all clubs must abide by then of course they should be punished.
Coming at this from the perspective of someone who is more a general fan of English football than of any one particular team, this thread is actually extraordinarily pathetic.

Manchester City have put together an incredible squad at a lower cost in transfer fees than Chelsea's and on a lower overall wage bill than both Manchester United and Chelsea (and no, Manchester City's transfer fees/wages for this season are not part of the charges brought against them by the Premier League).

In any case, those FFP rules that Manchester City are accused of breaking are despicable in their nature. I will never understand why it should be fair that teams like Manchester United and Real Madrid be legally protected to continuously outspend all their rivals simply through having created more revenue historically, leading to a perpetual cycle of anti-competitive protectionism where the fresh investment required for new competition is throttled.

I also notice a distinct lack of appreciation for what Manchester City have given to English football. Since 2009, Manchester City have brought a large volume of star players to the Premier League, contributed some of the league's most defining moments, contributed to England's coefficient in Europe and ultimately been a major reason behind the dramatic increase in television revenues which have benefitted the entire league and wider football pyramid.

I understand that there is also this "sportswashing" angle, but as with the above aspects, I also do not understand it at all - what exactly is the practical point that those who use this argument are trying to make?
Everybody cares about human rights abuses across the world and specifically in this instance, the related issues in the Middle East.
However, if Abu Dhabi hadn't purchased Manchester City, would all the political prisoners being held in the UAE now be free? If England had given the UAE and other Middle Eastern countries the cold shoulder in the past, would their subsequent pivot towards China and Russia have improved the human rights situations there?
Simply holding the position that you don't want such states to be involved in English football, with zero additional thought given to the wider context within which this viewpoint sits, is a completely closed-minded and morally indefensible position to hold. The way these situations improve is through dialogue and communication, through giving Qatar the World Cup then using this to push through the abolition of the kafala system.
It does not improve with stonewalling through the adoption of an us vs them attitude.
Mate, just stop this hypocrisy and say that you're a City fan. It'll be easier to accept all that you have written. A "general English football fan" will never approve the financial doping that City has been doing. If you were a general fan, you would appreciate teams like Leicester, who won the league in 2016 without financial backing) and the United side from '99 which won the treble mainly through academy graduates. You are most definitely NOT a general football fan.
Ok. Lets say they fake their income. United has spent more than them in the past 6-7 years.
spending wise we have the advantage. You know where they have the true advantage? The football people making the decisions.
Yes everybody knows that. Are you suggesting medium sized fast growing businesses should be allowed to commit fraud if the owners of blue chip businesses are incompetent? I don’t understand this constant reference to our spending. What next - City are allowed to pay off refs like Barcelona because they are run well?
Mate, just stop this hypocrisy and say that you're a City fan. It'll be easier to accept all that you have written. A "general English football fan" will never approve the financial doping that City has been doing. If you were a general fan, you would appreciate teams like Leicester, who won the league in 2016 without financial backing) and the United side from '99 which won the treble mainly through academy graduates. You are most definitely NOT a general football fan.
Same Leicester who not only breached FFP in championship but challenged the legality of it as well and on top of that propped up their revenues using their owners other business to gain promotion to PL does that remind of any one .
I guess you didn't even know that .

See the thing is people hate City more because they destroyed the established order and wanted to dine at top table unlike Leicester who knew their place .
It's just hypocritical .

Having said my piece I would just say that though I am against FFP but once it's was there you simply can't breach it and get away with it.

Challenge the legality of it get it removed by building consensus but as long as it's there abide by it or face the consequences if you breach it.
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It's a sunny Saturday afternoon, most of their support is local, and they can't muster more than 100 or so fans to celebrate outside the ground.

Can you imagine how many Barcelona, or Bayern, fans, who are used to winning regularly, would be celebrating outside the ground when they win the league?

The richest club in the World.
Most common shirt I see now in Asia is Mbappe or Halaand.
Ok. Lets say they fake their income. United has spent more than them in the past 6-7 years.
spending wise we have the advantage. You know where they have the true advantage? The football people making the decisions.
Why are you only looking at the last 6 or 7 years, the charges date back to 2009 and they've spent more than anyone in that time. Just because we had Ed Woodward wasting money for 10 years it doesn't justify what City did and allow them to cheat because they don't agree with the rules they're signed up to
Why would HMRC care about City cooking the books? It's not like they are hiding money, they are claiming to make more which means more money for HMRC.
If they are guilty of underhand payments, you can bet some of that has gone to government officials and EPL big wigs.

Let them be punished when they are proven guilty.
The unfair advantage they have gained over the years doesn't really bother me as a neutral because they don't have Neymar, Mbappe, KDB, Messi, etc the very best in every position and more on the bench. They sign very good players and get a lot out of them over a good number of years.
They still have to find solutions on the pitch (Delph and Zinny at LB, No striker, 4 CBs this season with Stones dropping in)
If they were guilty of PEDs, blood transfusions at half time and all that good stuff (if they are doing this, most likely most clubs are doing same), then yea the victories on the pitch won't mean anything.

Other than that... it's great entertainment. Come on Citeh, Come on Citeh
Moan Moan Moan. FFP breaches doesnt even matter, in fact the whole FFP system might even be illegal. They havent broken any rules by law or nor are they under any allegations for fraud or tax fraud from any government.

Do we want them to be ? Yes sure, feck them. But this is just getting silly.

We've spent just as much as them, but we end up with Sancho, De Beek or Maguire instead
Even if they don't agree with the FFP system they have to follow the rules the same as every other club in the league.
If the allegations are true about not declaring all the wages for staff and players then yes they should be under investigation for tax fraud, just look at the leaked information about Mancini's contract
Surprised by the number of journalists referring to financial doping. Thought it would be whitewashed.
How culpable are the players in these charges?

I know nothing will happen to them but should there be punishments for players who accept money off the books?
How culpable are the players in these charges?

I know nothing will happen to them but should there be punishments for players who accept money off the books?
Don't think players have broken any rules. Even if found guilty, we are a long way from punishment. It's taken nearly four years for charges to be brought after the investigation. I think it will take another four before we know where these charges are headed.
Don't think players have broken any rules. Even if found guilty, we are a long way from punishment. It's taken nearly four years for charges to be brought after the investigation. I think it will take another four before we know where these charges are headed.
Something that will be much harder to prove as it would take leaks with financials of shell companies in tax havens but would definitely implicate the players is if they are being paid a second salary off the books.
And i think thats a can of worms as a lot of clubs have done shady dealings to get players. (See Neymar to Barcelona, Bebe to United:lol:…etc, companies in South America buying into players and selling them to clubs )
Moan Moan Moan. FFP breaches doesnt even matter, in fact the whole FFP system might even be illegal. They havent broken any rules by law or nor are they under any allegations for fraud or tax fraud from any government.

They certainly have in the past. Mancini acknowledged this… And we have reasons to believe they are still doing it.
Something that will be much harder to prove as it would take leaks with financials of shell companies in tax havens but would definitely implicate the players is if they are being paid a second salary off the books.
Wasn’t that the allegation against Mancini. That he was paid a second salary via shell companies?
Not that it'll happen, but if this is a rare case where justice is served and they're found guilty (which everyone already knows they are) - how serious could it be?

Seen talk of stripping them of their titles, relegating them etc. But could those cnut moneybag owners be banned from owning a PL club?
Surprised by the number of journalists referring to financial doping. Thought it would be whitewashed.

It's never not been discussed, this is a paranoid myth from supporters desperate for state ownership, along with a load of baseless racism accusations, because they want to buy a United shirt with Mpappe on the back.
Most common shirt I see now in Asia is Mbappe or Halaand.

Got sources estimating Man City's non-local support?

Your personal opinion means nothing.

For all we know saw 20 Mbappe jerseys in a pub during the WC plus one Halaand jersey in the mirror and came to this conclusion.