City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

I can't believe we're falling for this charade. This is just the next scene in this play. The epilogue will be the PL saying"well we tried" just like Uefa and their time boundedness. Yawn.

The precedent was set when the CL case fizzled out. Essentially gave them the freedom to do whatever they wanted. 2 years down the line from that, they are in the final and will probably win it. Makes a mockery of the CL and UEFA.
Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.
Yeah the owners of smaller clubs should be over the moon instead because while they and other clubs need to adhere to FFP City can do what they want.
This threads resurgence is pathetic given the widespread support on here for our potential ownership by Qatar. I’m sorry, but anybody who wants us to be owned by a nation state on the basis they’ll throw money at the club, and then has the bare faced cheek to come in here and piss and whine about City needs to give their head a wobble. From looking at the replies, there are quite a lot of you who’d sit plumb centre in the middle of that Venn diagram.

Myself, on the other hand am completely against Qatar because of this reason, so I can stay. Most of the rest of you need to bugger off.
This threads resurgence is pathetic given the widespread support on here for our potential ownership by Qatar. I’m sorry, but anybody who wants us to be owned by a nation state on the basis they’ll throw money at the club, and then has the bare faced cheek to come in here and piss and whine about City needs to give their head a wobble. From looking at the replies, there are quite a lot of you who’d sit plumb centre in the middle of that Venn diagram.

Myself, on the other hand am completely against Qatar because of this reason, so I can stay. Most of the rest of you need to bugger off.
The 115 charges are nothing to do with them being state owned. The charges are related to them committing financial fraud i.e. cooking the books. It is possible for a club to be state owned as you say and not commit fraud.
To be fair to Pep, it's purely a coincidence that he just happens to be around when cheating goes on, whether that's as a player or manager.

Let's not jump to any rash conclusions. I'm sure there's an innocent explanation for all of this...

Nah, Peps the guy in the mob who is seen at every crime scene but never convicted until one day they've got him but he immediately starts to squeal on everyone.
Like Al Capone, eventually caught on tax evasion I believe.
This threads resurgence is pathetic given the widespread support on here for our potential ownership by Qatar. I’m sorry, but anybody who wants us to be owned by a nation state on the basis they’ll throw money at the club, and then has the bare faced cheek to come in here and piss and whine about City needs to give their head a wobble. From looking at the replies, there are quite a lot of you who’d sit plumb centre in the middle of that Venn diagram.

Myself, on the other hand am completely against Qatar because of this reason, so I can stay. Most of the rest of you need to bugger off.
Big big difference is that we are already the biggest club in the country who simply need to stop being fed on by leeches and have an owner who is happy to invest our own money in building a great football team.

Man City on the other hand are a relatively small club who have to fabricate revenue and essentially cheat the FFP regulations in order to build a great football team.

The difference is actually chalk and cheese to be honest.
Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.
Cheating doesn't have to affect you directly for it to be wrong or for you to call it as wrong. Where is the line for you. Is paying referees ok as long as it is only against the big teams?
Disgusting cheating doped up fecking Cnut feckers led by a doped up bald fecking Cnut fraud and funded by fecking blood money straight out of the last scenes of scarface. Fecking Cnuts.

Yeah but your club legend is out here saying ‘I know they are cheats but look at Pep, isn’t he just amazing’.

Yeah but your club legend is out here saying ‘I know they are cheats but look at Pep, isn’t he just amazing’.

He needs to say that because the feckers who are employing him have already received cease and desist letters from the city lawyers along with the rest of the visual media.

In his heart, Jamie knows a doped up cheating fecker Cnut when he sees one.
Jamie is caught between hating City's bogus rise and dominance and not wanting to credit just how amazing United's Treble truly was. But he knows he'll draw more clicks and comments and likes by discounting United in any means possible.
Yeah but your club legend is out here saying ‘I know they are cheats but look at Pep, isn’t he just amazing’.

This is why when the question gets asked about why isn't anyone talking about City and their cheating, or why doesn't anyone care, it's because you got mouth-breathing plebs like this guy going "Yeah, they've broken the rules and cheated their way to the top and screwed everyone else over, and as a result are dominating their league now and for the foreseeable future...but that football they play, huh? phwoar!"
If city gets away with this I will just give up on the PL.
I love our club but I feel like I've already lost 10 years watching a fixed contest and I'm just tired of it.
Would be a shame if anyone seriously wants us to follow the Man City method of making up fake sponsorships to fund the club but because of the size of our club we should be making enough genuine revenue to compete anyway. The reason I want Sheikh Jassim is because they'll pay off the debt and allow us to actually invest all the revenue back into the club

Getting rid of the debt would be fantastic. It is perhaps worth remembering though, that being debt-free will only have a minimal impact on our ability to buy players (we'd be about £20m a year better off than we are now, which doesn't even buy you an average fullback these days). I want the club to be debt-free, but those thinking that a debt-free United can spend vastly more on players than we currently can do, are not correct.

I think that what has occurred at City and PSG should be a warning to those of are in favour of the Qatari bid - yes, their ownership will mean that the debt is finally cleared, but if the Qataris want to start spending at United like they have been doing at PSG, they will have no choice but to artificially inflate our revenues with dodgy sponsorship deals from Qatari companies - this is exactly what I expect them to do if they are successful with their takeover. Be warned.
If city gets away with this I will just give up on the PL.
I love our club but I feel like I've already lost 10 years watching a fixed contest and I'm just tired of it.

They have gotten away with it.

Hence it is never spoken about. Rather it’s endless stories about Guardiola’s genius in having a fresh squad while everyone else’s is utterly knackered after a World Cup season!
This threads resurgence is pathetic given the widespread support on here for our potential ownership by Qatar. I’m sorry, but anybody who wants us to be owned by a nation state on the basis they’ll throw money at the club, and then has the bare faced cheek to come in here and piss and whine about City needs to give their head a wobble. From looking at the replies, there are quite a lot of you who’d sit plumb centre in the middle of that Venn diagram.

Myself, on the other hand am completely against Qatar because of this reason, so I can stay. Most of the rest of you need to bugger off.
I have no problem with owners throwing money at the club, just don't cook the books and we will be fine.
Disgusting cheating doped up fecking Cnut feckers led by a doped up bald fecking Cnut fraud and funded by fecking blood money straight out of the last scenes of scarface. Fecking Cnuts.

You really have a way with words! Kudos!!!
They have gotten away with it.

Hence it is never spoken about. Rather it’s endless stories about Guardiola’s genius in having a fresh squad while everyone else’s is utterly knackered after a World Cup season!

It is spoken about, but people in the media have to be careful given how quickly City set a rabid pack of lawyers on to anyone that questions them.

I also think given City's action today, that they are concerned and are trying to shutdown the investigation rather than prove their innocence. This aggressive move from City is the strongest indicator yet that they are in serious trouble.
The 115 charges are nothing to do with them being state owned. The charges are related to them committing financial fraud i.e. cooking the books. It is possible for a club to be state owned as you say and not commit fraud.

And why do you think they cooked the books? Do you imagine Qatar would behave any differently to deliver the Football Manager wet dreams of people on here?

Big big difference is that we are already the biggest club in the country who simply need to stop being fed on by leeches and have an owner who is happy to invest our own money in building a great football team.

Man City on the other hand are a relatively small club who have to fabricate revenue and essentially cheat the FFP regulations in order to build a great football team.

The difference is actually chalk and cheese to be honest.

We’d have to fabricate revenue for Qatari overlords to make a difference. The glazers have squeezed the pips out of what is achievable in terms of actual revenues.

I have no problem with owners throwing money at the club, just don't cook the books and we will be fine.

You may not and City fans may not, but the rules don’t agree with you, them and Abu Dhabi.
I‘m more impressed with Klopp than that bald sweater wearing cheating feck, Klopp did it without financial doping.
If I am the owner of another Premier League side, I am already in contact with my fellow owners about voting City out of the League.

Even if it's only symbolic, it sends a clear message. In fact,every side should just sit down on the pitch so they win every game, but create a new trophy for the title winners, and give the 2nd place side the current PL trophy.

Just start fecking with them

I would love to see the other clubs refuse to play City next season but I know some clubs wont want to do it out of fear thdy might be punished.

I know Burnley probably wont do because of their links with City and the dodgy position it would put Vinny K in, would anyone be genuinely suprised if Burnley signed a load of players from City or announced a big new sponsorship deal with a UAE based company?
Maybe if they get away with it, then another smaller team gets done for some minor disdemenour in comparison, the the sh*t might hit the fan. I mentioned elsewhere if they come too dominant, more than United were, then it might actually dilute the brand. Why watch City games when you know they will just win. If they don't watch it the PL will become the farmers league we all laugh at. Think as someone else said it could be European teams who get p*ssed off first and set up their own ESL and Cup competition. Then if it starts attracting some of the other PL teams it could collapse pretty quickly.

Smaller teams get 1 charge and get points deductions between 3 and 9 points!
City have 100+ charges!

You suspect Pep will probably be on the Job after his next job bu the time it even comes close to court.

City will probably overtake our leagues and euro cups before we win either again.
That is the plan. We need to be managed better financially, not illegally doped.

Qatar is the only option on the table that’s willing to clear all debt. Also just because we’d be owned buy Sheikh Jassim doesn’t mean we’d be financially doped. If we’re debt free and run competently we’d be able to spend the money we generate and be competitive without the need of the owners to pump a ton of their own money in. The only cash they’d be required to put in themselves would be for stadium and infrastructure upgrades.
If the Premier League had anything about them, they'd remove Murray Rosen as City demand only to replace him with Sir Alex.
Disgusting cheating doped up fecking Cnut feckers led by a doped up bald fecking Cnut fraud and funded by fecking blood money straight out of the last scenes of scarface. Fecking Cnuts.

You seem like a nice rational not angry person. May I suggest you should probably start a petition or a vigil? it's what you guys excel at.

Your fanbase can all sign it as follows:
Very irritated cnutish, tough, idiotic, mental supporters.

Don't forget to write 6 times... and about you'd have 500m more league titles if city didn't exist.

Remember that time Gerrard said "this does not slip" then he slipped! I blame Pep, shot him down with mind bullets.
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Qatar is the only option on the table that’s willing to clear all debt. Also just because we’d be owned buy Sheikh Jassim doesn’t mean we’d be financially doped. If we’re debt free and run competently we’d be able to spend the money we generate and be competitive without the need of the owners to pump a ton of their own money in. The only cash they’d be required to put in themselves would be for stadium and infrastructure upgrades.
Ya I‘m not buying it. It is a vanity project for them, that‘s why they will cheat like City has. And PSG.
It is spoken about, but people in the media have to be careful given how quickly City set a rabid pack of lawyers on to anyone that questions them.

I also think given City's action today, that they are concerned and are trying to shutdown the investigation rather than prove their innocence. This aggressive move from City is the strongest indicator yet that they are in serious trouble.
Nick Harris doesn't seem too concerned he's the one who's banging the drum the loudest.
You seem like a nice rational not angry person. May I suggest you should probably start a petition or a vigil? it's what you guys excel at.

Your fanbase can all sign it as follows:
Very irritated cnutish, tough, idiotic, mental supporters.

Don't forget to write 6 times... and about you'd have 500m more league titles if city didn't exist.

Remember that time Gerrard said "this does not slip" then he slipped! I blame Pep, shot him down with mind bullets.
He is right though, your team is slick with oil money and ffp violations.
Ya I‘m not buying it. It is a vanity project for them, that‘s why they will cheat like City has. And PSG.

There’s a big difference between those clubs and us though. They had to start from the ground up and they’ve fast tracked themselves to where they are now by cheating to level the playing field with the other top clubs. We’re already there, we just need the debt cleared and to be run in a competent manner and we’re sorted. There’s no reason for them to have to cheat by artificially inflating sponsorships etc. the club can already bring in major sponsorship deals and high revenues off its own back.