City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Since 2008 they have been blatantly cheat and no one can do anything about it. I don't think this time will be any different.

Maximum penalty will be just a fine which is a slap in a wrist for City. End of story.
If I am the owner of another Premier League side, I am already in contact with my fellow owners about voting City out of the League.

Even if it's only symbolic, it sends a clear message. In fact,every side should just sit down on the pitch so they win every game, but create a new trophy for the title winners, and give the 2nd place side the current PL trophy.

Just start fecking with them
If I am the owner of another Premier League side, I am already in contact with my fellow owners about voting City out of the League.

Even if it's only symbolic, it sends a clear message. In fact,every side should just sit down on the pitch so they win every game, but create a new trophy for the title winners, and give the 2nd place side the current PL trophy.

Just start fecking with them

Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.
I know there's been an influx of oil money and all that but can't anyone also see, even united and some other teams have spent mind boggling sums on terrible projects too?
Other teams regularly outspend them but achieve worse results cos of poor management.
Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.
What? :wenger:

There is a difference between spending money and literally breaking hundreds of rules. Why would any other Premier League Club be okay with someone getting away without punishment when they have clearly done a lot wrong?
Don't think anyone wants us to start cheating

I haven't seen anyone openly say they want us to "cheat". However, in support of the Qatari bid, there has been a lot of talk about investing insane sums on transfers and the need to match or exceed the spending power of City/PSG, hence the necessity for state-backed owners at United (so we can "keep up"). That kind of spending can only happen with cheating (artificially inflating United's revenues with numerous bogus sponsorship deals). Without this, we're hamstrung by the financial sustainability regulations and will never be able to buy our way back to the top or sustain a position there.
Which is why City have to be. If they aren't there should be uproar from the other clubs, but half of them will be too happy that City put good food on for them when they go to the Etihad.

Oh yeah they have other clubs in back pocket
City have too much money to be properly punished, it's unfortunate but it's the World we live in

Best hope of their decline will be if their owner gets bored and stops bankrolling the club
City have too much money to be properly punished, it's unfortunate but it's the World we live in

Best hope of their decline will be if their owner gets bored and stops bankrolling the club

Mansour has only attended one game at the Etihad in 15 years. I don't think he has the slightest interest in football, but he isn't the one running or bankrolling the club (despite what City might claim).

I don't think they'll ever truly decline (short of a shooting war in the ME). They should drop off a little when Guardiola eventually packs it in - it was a lot simpler dealing with the Hughes/Mancini/Pellegrini City than this Guardiola iteration, but that's because he's probably the best coach in the game. They won't be able to replace like with like.
Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.

Integrity of the competition. If one club is allowed to cheat with impunity, then there is no competition.

And no Premier League side is really a small club in a financial sense. We have seen what well run clubs can do in recent years, and that is made a little harder when one side does as they please.

The Brightons, Brentfords, Arsenals and Villas of the world have all shown these so called small clubs can compete so it would be in their interests that they do so on at least some sort of level playground in terms of fairness.

I would much rather clubs that are financially doping are punished by extreme measures, that clubs who fall into financial difficulty only for the FA and leagues to compound their struggles and what basically amounts to trying to force them out of existence.
I haven't seen anyone openly say they want us to "cheat". However, in support of the Qatari bid, there has been a lot of talk about investing insane sums on transfers and the need to match or exceed the spending power of City/PSG, hence the necessity for state-backed owners at United (so we can "keep up"). That kind of spending can only happen with cheating (artificially inflating United's revenues with numerous bogus sponsorship deals). Without this, we're hamstrung by the financial sustainability regulations and will never be able to buy our way back to the top or sustain a position there.
United have never had problem getting sponsors, a bigger stadium would generate even more money than we do already. We already have the name, City were the other team in Manchester at the time.
City have too much money to be properly punished, it's unfortunate but it's the World we live in

Best hope of their decline will be if their owner gets bored and stops bankrolling the club

The last few years have shown us all that if there is enough will, enough noise and enough desire, even the rich can be toppled.
Hopefully. They're shameless cheats regardless.

I am beginning to wonder have City's lawyers been in touch with Sky / BT to ensure they keep their mouths shut about this too, because its insane to me that it's not central to any analysis of how great City are at football. They are cheats.
It's insane that every piece about them isn't pre or postfaced by a reminder of the allegations that they are being looked into about. It's just like nothing is happening and this is all a fairytale. It says a lot about the state of sports "journalism" (which I think has been done to death on here), but it never stops being surprising.
United have never had problem getting sponsors, a bigger stadium would generate even more money than we do already. We already have the name, City were the other team in Manchester at the time.

Our commercial revenues have been flat since 2016. Our current kit deal is smaller than our previous one and, despite searching for a replacement, thus far none have been forthcoming. United are a huge name, but we've fallen behind commercially because we've fallen behind on the pitch. If Qatar manage to get a deal over the line, we'll shortly be reading about a mammoth £1bn eight-year shirt deal with Qatar Airways or similar.
Let's be honest, if they're pulling that out of the hat it confirms they're guilty.

Guilty as sin without doubt
Since 2008 they have been blatantly cheat and no one can do anything about it. I don't think this time will be any different.

Maximum penalty will be just a fine which is a slap in a wrist for City. End of story.

Well if they get a fine the justice system is a joke
Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.

You are one of the biggest ABU clowns on here
The only two people who don't think anything untoward has gone on...


I haven't seen anyone openly say they want us to "cheat". However, in support of the Qatari bid, there has been a lot of talk about investing insane sums on transfers and the need to match or exceed the spending power of City/PSG, hence the necessity for state-backed owners at United (so we can "keep up"). That kind of spending can only happen with cheating (artificially inflating United's revenues with numerous bogus sponsorship deals). Without this, we're hamstrung by the financial sustainability regulations and will never be able to buy our way back to the top or sustain a position there.
Would be a shame if anyone seriously wants us to follow the Man City method of making up fake sponsorships to fund the club but because of the size of our club we should be making enough genuine revenue to compete anyway. The reason I want Sheikh Jassim is because they'll pay off the debt and allow us to actually invest all the revenue back into the club
I haven't seen anyone openly say they want us to "cheat". However, in support of the Qatari bid, there has been a lot of talk about investing insane sums on transfers and the need to match or exceed the spending power of City/PSG, hence the necessity for state-backed owners at United (so we can "keep up"). That kind of spending can only happen with cheating (artificially inflating United's revenues with numerous bogus sponsorship deals). Without this, we're hamstrung by the financial sustainability regulations and will never be able to buy our way back to the top or sustain a position there.
This is what I have been saying to all those who think a Qatar takeover solves all our problems.

To be fair to Pep, it's purely a coincidence that he just happens to be around when cheating goes on, whether that's as a player or manager.

Let's not jump to any rash conclusions. I'm sure there's an innocent explanation for all of this...

Nah, Peps the guy in the mob who is seen at every crime scene but never convicted until one day they've got him but he immediately starts to squeal on everyone.
To be fair to Pep, it's purely a coincidence that he just happens to be around when cheating goes on, whether that's as a player or manager.

Let's not jump to any rash conclusions. I'm sure there's an innocent explanation for all of this...

Nah, Peps the guy in the mob who is seen at every crime scene but never convicted until one day they've got him but he immediately starts to squeal on everyone.
Keyser Pepsi.
To be fair to Pep, it's purely a coincidence that he just happens to be around when cheating goes on, whether that's as a player or manager.

Let's not jump to any rash conclusions. I'm sure there's an innocent explanation for all of this...

Nah, Peps the guy in the mob who is seen at every crime scene but never convicted until one day they've got him but he immediately starts to squeal on everyone.

Ah yes wasn't there a drugs thing when he was a player then also the stuff with the doctor at Bayern as well. Now I am starting to see why him and City were definitely made for each other.
I think they do, some don‘t care if we cheat as long as we win. Allowing Qatar to buy us will lead to cheating, I have no doubt whatsoever.

Not cheating unless we starting inventing sponsorships which we wouldn't need to do
I think they do, some don‘t care if we cheat as long as we win. Allowing Qatar to buy us will lead to cheating, I have no doubt whatsoever.

Except we'd have no reason to cheat? We're already a sporting juggernaut without the oil money, without the albatross of parasitic owners and a spiraling debt, we'd easily be able to spend our own revenue which would be plentiful.
Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.
You can't seriously be thick enough to actually believe this. Or did you feel like just annoying people for no reason?
Except we'd have no reason to cheat? We're already a sporting juggernaut without the oil money, without the albatross of parasitic owners and a spiraling debt, we'd easily be able to spend our own revenue which would be plentiful.
Nope, we are hamstrung by ffp rules. We can spend 100 million this summer. That won‘t be enough for the Qatarese to achieve their wet dreams.
Disgusting cheating doped up fecking Cnut feckers led by a doped up bald fecking Cnut fraud and funded by fecking blood money straight out of the last scenes of scarface. Fecking Cnuts.
Nope, we are hamstrung by ffp rules. We can spend 100 million this summer. That won‘t be enough for the Qatarese to achieve their wet dreams.

To be fair I think this is a valid concern. There's no evidence at all that SJ / Qatar would do this, at least nothing in the public domain that I know of, but the pressure to compete and be seen to compete with Abu Dhabi and the Saudis would be massive for local bragging rights. That could easily spill over into all sorts of shenanigans. I think it would be quite instructive if the City case were to be heard and resolved prior to our sale (I know it won't be in likelihood, although with the way the Glazers are dragging it out who knows). At least then if Qatar were the owners they might hopefully have been sent a clear message about not doing it - or that it's tolerated in the worst case outcome.

Its 100% not ok and I hope to goodness we never are embroiled in such chicanery, but I can see how it could come to pass.
Disgusting cheating doped up fecking Cnut feckers led by a doped up bald fecking Cnut fraud and funded by fecking blood money straight out of the last scenes of scarface. Fecking Cnuts.

Not often I applaud a scouser but fair play
Why would these owners of smaller clubs be more annoyed about City being able to outspend them, than Utd, who also do it?

It’s time to admit that this is nothing to do with helping smaller clubs, but about ensuring Utd’s place at the top of the financial tree for eternity.

Get in the fecking bin!