City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Yeah I agree it will not be backdated punishments, but if they are punished those title are worse than worthless.
Tbh I think if they are found guilty, that’s enough punishment with regards to their previous titles even if they get to keep them. The whole world will know they were dirty titles and have no credibility for them anyway.
I really doubt they''d strip City of their past titles but i'd love to see a points deduction for this season and a transfer ban.

Wonder what's the most likely outcome in terms of punishment? I just don't have any faith that it'd be anything as strong as what some people are mentioning here but an example will surely have to be set, otherwise it's just another case of them getting away with it.
The EPL is worried about a government regulator. They want to show that they're willing to enforce their own laws, for the time being at least. As soon the threat of government regulation goes away, things will go back to normal, i.e. the EPL will go back to ignoring City's transgressions.
Nice tin foil hat
My reaction is given how our club is, if we wanted to give Pere 6.5m it could easily have been put into agent fees when negotiating deals, given we have 4 or 5 of his clients on the books and Pep has signed like 3 contracts since he's been here (that we know about, not knowing if he's had any consultant roles in Abu Dhabi) and there'd be zero comeback in giving him money like that. Not even the potential for comeback.

The reaility of the Girona deal is that it was a deal in both parties interests. Pere wanted to buy Girona and City Football Group were constantly hoovering up clubs all over the world. It was a no brainer for City at £6.5m for half a La Liga club given what we paid for some other clubs. Its like the one deal we're not cheating on.

Your reasoning for deciding there’s nothing shady going on is essentially that “why would a rich man take money under the table when he already has money” which just strikes me as specious.
Their refusal to cooperate with the investigation looks a bizarre choice now. Presumably the CAS overturning of UEFA's ban led them to believe if they stonewalled it the case would run out of steam. If nothing else refusing to cooperate with an investigation should be a points deduction by itself.
The key thing though is that regardless of how big the fine and deduction is, they are going to have to clean up their act and that breaks their current business model.

They won’t be able to afford to sustain their current investment levels without secret payments and dodgy sponsors. Everything they do is going to be under the microscope.

One of the things that comes out of this should be a yearly audit of their accounts by an independent body.

This is very true. It'll be interesting to see how they adapt if punished and it closes down a lot of their income streams.

The last point in the screenshot going around about possible punishment literally says they can make any other punishment that they see fit.

I guess so, but as it isn't stipulated and is a nuclear option, I could see them having trouble applying that. The others will be much easier to implement without going back to forth in appeals.
The key thing though is that regardless of how big the fine and deduction is, they are going to have to clean up their act and that breaks their current business model.

They won’t be able to afford to sustain their current investment levels without secret payments and dodgy sponsors. Everything they do is going to be under the microscope.

One of the things that comes out of this should be a yearly audit of their accounts by an independent body.

Isn’t their current business model more sustainable than most. Aren’t they one of the only (maybe the only?) CL team to actually turn a profit on player transfers over the last couple of windows?
Backdated punishments are irrelevant largely. An editing of a Wikipedia page. City fans will always have fond memories of those titles, teams that missed out will always have the knot in their stomach. Retrospectively rewarding them to the team that finished second will mean nothing to anyone.

Hit them where it hurts now
We've been through this already, Pere paid 6.5m for his share of Girona... The entire club sold for £13m. 44% City, 44% Pere and 12% going to the Supporters Trust.

Pere Guardiola is one of the main men at SEG, representing everyone from Pep to Ten Hag to Van Persie, not to mention popstars, actors etc... He was also Luis Suarez agent. The idea he hasn't got £6.5m to buy a stake in a football club is ridiculous. His net worth is something like €50m.

I'm not sure I'd fancy a day on Bluemoon the same day that United were charged with breaching more than 100 Premier League regulations. Fair play, mate, you have taken it like an adult!

All jokes aside, it's a dark day in the history of your club and many City fans absolutely did not ask for this.
Their refusal to cooperate with the investigation looks a bizarre choice now. Presumably the CAS overturning of UEFA's ban led them to believe if they stonewalled it the case would run out of steam. If nothing else refusing to cooperate with an investigation should be a points deduction by itself.

That's like a drunk driver refusing a breath test. No test result No Problem.
Move on.

They won't get punished. This is like one of those news stories where some prick with 97 convictions commits another crime and gets let off with a suspended sentence as he says sorry and he has a hard time a few years ago
Beginning of the end of Pep?
Isn’t their current business model more sustainable than most. Aren’t they one of the only (maybe the only?) CL team to actually turn a profit on player transfers over the last couple of windows?
Yup. Their squad depth is insane and their (fake) revenues are also now the highest in football. They are now at the stage where they can be run normally and compete. It’s taken 10 years of cheating to get to this point but as of now they’ve reached the top of the mountain.
Isn’t their current business model more sustainable than most. Aren’t they one of the only (maybe the only?) CL team to actually turn a profit on player transfers over the last couple of windows?

If you count raw transfer fees in and out maybe but after all we found out today do you really believe that’s all the figures for the real net value? Factor in agent fees, wages and brown envelopes changing hands and I would be very confident that it’s not a sustainable model.
Your reasoning for deciding there’s nothing shady going on is essentially that “why would a rich man take money under the table when he already has money” which just strikes me as specious.

Thats not my reasoning at all... I literally showed a clear example of how he could be given the same amount of money more under the table and in a totally unquestionable way... My reasoning is why do something so public and traceable when theres a way to achieve the same goal in a completely untraceable manner. Your reasoning is City and the managers brother share ownership of a club, City must have bought it for him. At least mine makes sense.
At risk of being very unpopular, having to compete against doped City has been like playing a game on hard mode and it’s made every team in the league better. It annoys me slightly when we actually look like we could catch and depose them as they are, with their cheat codes enabled, and we’re going to be denied that by belated action on the PL’s behalf. They’ll always be able to claim that the competition is stacked against them.

Without financially doped City, Pool wouldn’t have become as good as they did, Ole/Jose would probably be competitive and still here and, we’d not be aiming for the levels we currently are.

Their cheating has probably cemented the PL’s hegemony, and we’ll all benefit from it in a roundabout way. I can’t bring myself to summon the same levels of indignant outrage as most on here, partially because we’ve all known this for years as well. This all feels about 5-10 years too late.
This shit is what makes me nervous about the whole 'come take my gaping hole' appeals to state-funded ownership we've seen in the United section these last few months
If they get found guilty then surely they only punishment can be losing everything the rules they have broken has let them 'win', with proper sanctions for what they can do from now on also put in place, there can't be any middle ground, you don't get a few points knocked off and a bit of fine for doing that they have been accused of, it would be totally disproportionalte.

They'd be better off just finding them gullty and doing nothing if they aren't going to do it properly.
I'm not sure I'd fancy a day on Bluemoon the same day that United were charged with breaching more than 100 Premier League regulations. Fair play, mate, you have taken it like an adult!

All jokes aside, it's a dark day in the history of your club and many City fans absolutely did not ask for this.

Honestly bud, you wouldn't be allowed on bluemoon for a day, pretty sure even I wouldn't.

It is what it is far as I'm concerned, do the crime (and found guilty), do the time. City will be City regardless of if we end up starting outside the football league again unless we end up winding up or something. I'm kinda hopeful that at least we're forced to change ownership when all this is over, even if we wangle our way out of the charges.

Its the most City thing of all time for us to win the CL this season and right as we're about to get the trophy, the club goes out of business.
your last paragraph… you can’t say for certain whether your club is corrupt beyond all measure, but “you’d wager” several other clubs in the league are equally so?
And that is wrong, how? Are you telling me you are certain Chelsea is clean of any wrongdoing? Leicester, Wolverhampton? Are you 100% certain United wouldn't stack up a eye-watering amount of cases if put under the microscope for 4 years? How would you know? With the amount of corruption in this world I wouldn't be confident at all. But City are already deemed to have wrongdoings worthy of stripping away accolades and points for. Again, how would we know?

And I know it doesn't really matter. We are the one investigated, and there are obviously reasons for that, and we will be the ones to face the consequenses. But it is Worth considering since a tally of a 100 breaches seems massive, but given how we know nothing about how clubs are run, and no other PL clubs have been given the same treatment, we have no reference point. We have no idea how many cases could be built against any given club if they took a look at their dealings for the last 13 years. Therefore, we have no idea if 100 breaches is an abnormal amount, or if a similiar number would be uncovered in a large chunk of organisations.

As I said, when these are uncovered in relations to us, they have to be dealt with and it is irrelevant whether there is just as much corruption out there or not. But it was more an interesting thought than a "this is unfair, what about the others?" kind of comment
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Timing, I have to wonder if the timing of this announcement was done on purpose. We are expected to start receiving our bids for ownership this week. Was this timed right before Dubai attempts to buy us, to deter them from buying us?
Thats not my reasoning at all... I literally showed a clear example of how he could be given the same amount of money more under the table and in a totally unquestionable way... My reasoning is why do something so public and traceable when theres a way to achieve the same goal in a completely untraceable manner. Your reasoning is City and the managers brother share ownership of a club, City must have bought it for him. At least mine makes sense.

Dude go back and read your first post on the matter and that literally was your reasoning, you expounded on it later but that was absolutely your argument to start with. I didn’t present any reasoning myself so you’re just rambling with your “at least mine makes sense” gibberish, I was just calling out a specious argument where I saw one. Have a good one.
And that is wrong, how? Are you telling me you are certain Chelsea is clean of any wrongdoing? Leicester, Wolverhampton? Are you 100% certain United wouldn't stack up a eye-watering amount of cases if put under the microscope for 4 years? How would you know? With the amount of corruption in this world I wouldn't be confident at all. But City are already deemed to have wrongdoings worthy of stripping away accolades and points for. Again, how would we know?

And I know it doesn't really matter. We are the one investigated, and there are obviously reasons for that, and we will be the ones to face the consequenses. But it is Worth considering since a tally of a 100 breaches seems massive, but given how we know nothing about how clubs are run, and no other PL clubs have been given the same treatment, we have no reference point. We have no idea how many cases could be built against any given club if they took a look at their dealings for the last 13 years. Therefore, we have no idea if 100 breaches is an abnormal amount, or if a similiar number would be uncovered in a large chunk of organisations.

As I said, when these are uncovered in relations to us, they have to be dealt with and it is irrelevant whether there is just as much corruption out there or not. But it was more an interesting thought than a "this is unfair, what about the others?" kind of comment

The topic of discussion is City, who have been investigated for a reason and the investigation has led to sufficient evidence to be charged. Any “ah but if you investigate others you’ll find the same thing” is based on nothing but guesswork andsimply isn’t relevant to what’s happening with City.
The topic of discussion is City, who have been investigated for a reason and the investigation has led to sufficient evidence to be charged. Any “ah but if you investigate others you’ll find the same thing” is based on nothing but guesswork andsimply isn’t relevant to what’s happening with City.
But the discussion about severity and sanctions is not guesswork?

Also noted how you slightly change what what you are supposedly quoting a little bit. Has happened three times in this thread now. I never said "ah, but if you investigate others you'll find the same thing". I said we don't know if this is a normal or abnormal amount of cases.
Timing, I have to wonder if the timing of this announcement was done on purpose. We are expected to start receiving our bids for ownership this week. Was this timed right before Dubai attempts to buy us, to deter them from buying us?

I dont think we really come in to it to be honest. Any one looking to buy us hopefully wasnt looking to carry on like City were anyway so if someone drops out as a result then all the better for us.
FFP came considerably after Abramovic was flashing the cash didn't it? Can't imagine Chelsea have anything to fear.
Timing, I have to wonder if the timing of this announcement was done on purpose. We are expected to start receiving our bids for ownership this week. Was this timed right before Dubai attempts to buy us, to deter them from buying us?
Liverpool have been linked to Qatari groups/consortium's as potential owners, but this happening to City makes the prospect somewhat unsettling. What if someone comes in and does the same thing at Liverpool or United?

You'd think that no one else would be daft enough to try it now that this has happened.
And that is wrong, how? Are you telling me you are certain Chelsea is clean of any wrongdoing? Leicester, Wolverhampton? Are you 100% certain United wouldn't stack up a eye-watering amount of cases if put under the microscope for 4 years? How would you know? With the amount of corruption in this world I wouldn't be confident at all. But City are already deemed to have wrongdoings worthy of stripping away accolades and points for. Again, how would we know?

And I know it doesn't really matter. We are the one investigated, and there are obviously reasons for that, and we will be the ones to face the consequenses. But it is Worth considering since a tally of a 100 breaches seems massive, but given how we know nothing about how clubs are run, and no other PL clubs have been given the same treatment, we have no reference point. We have no idea how many cases could be built against any given club if they took a look at their dealings for the last 13 years. Therefore, we have no idea if 100 breaches is an abnormal amount, or if a similiar number would be uncovered in a large chunk of organisations.

As I said, when these are uncovered in relations to us, they have to be dealt with and it is irrelevant whether there is just as much corruption out there or not. But it was more an interesting thought than a "this is unfair, what about the others?" kind of comment

I don’t understand your point here.

You are now suggesting there’s corruption everywhere because City have been caught out?

Why would United need to circumnavigate sponsorship deal rules to inflate revenue? Or pay people offshore extras?

Its obvious why City did it and have continued to do it. Chelsea are another who has already been caught out. Hopefully they get what’s coming to them too.
Timing, I have to wonder if the timing of this announcement was done on purpose. We are expected to start receiving our bids for ownership this week. Was this timed right before Dubai attempts to buy us, to deter them from buying us?
If anything this adds value to us. We’ve got huge revenue already and huge potential. You can’t take over a midtable side and turn them into a giant. You have to buy a giant and turn them into a behemoth.