City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Good. I’m glad City have taken the nuclear option. More media and more attention. The worst case scenario was this gets swept under the rug.
City Twitter fan completely missing the point that if City win it'll completely destroy the Premier League

I have little doubt that “fan” accounts like this are just paid for PR fodder to add noise to the argument.
I hope they will win.

Then we can move on to the super league and completely feck off the PL and FA

Then we can declare "normal" football dead and i can find another hobby
Wonder if they're the ones supporting city ?

Someone should point out that we didn’t spend like they did to get to the top. I think we’re the 6th or 7th highest spenders of the 90s. Basically, it took the drive and talent of a great coach, and not financial doping.
What a pathetic club.

Who on earth would give one single shit if they were erased from football? They add nothing to the game.
Wow this sportswashing lark must really work for all the effort they seem willing to go.

It'd surely be easier and probably cheaper for them to just walk away and buy a proper club at this point, or better still just walk away.
Even Pep's had enough and is bowing out next year. It's about to go down isnt it
I don't know how much cause you have to show or exactly what kinds of legal proceedings would surely be instigated, but I'm pretty sure the PL can vote to kick a club out with the support of 75% of the members.

That's the ultimate nuclear option but I really do wonder whether some of the owners might start leaning that way if they lose this case. City's position ultimately boils down to the proposition that they can flout the spending rules completely, in a way that massively advantages them over any other club, and the league cannot stop them or impose regulation. Not only does that threaten to destroy competition within the PL, thereby devaluing the product, but it puts the rest of the league in a position where they need to lose money to have a chance at competing. Its just ruinous from a business perspective.

Basically, I think this is existential for the Premier League. That doesn't necessarily mean kicking City out is the only option in response (the anchoring rule may be an alternative, as I mentioned previously). But they're not going to just do nothing if City wins this fight because they can't afford that. The owners collectively have way too much invested.
City will not make such bold move against everyone if they don't already secured some backing themselves in order not to be kicked out of PL. They will not make this amateur mistake.
They have nothing else to lose at this point. They have all the money, but can't spend it with their fudged income and they are about to get hit big.
Maybe this may get the PL and associated broadcasters to stop gushing over 115 Charges FC

PL is dead, football is dead if they win this. May as well give up completely

This and the 115 Charges should leave them dead and buried, but unfortunately I can't see it happening

Sure as hell hope we aren't one of the pro 115 Charges FC. We have lost leagues because of it, likewise Arsenal and Liverpool. A guess would be Newcastle (similar ownership, and if these get off, it gives them the green light to do the same) or one of the small clubs where money is tight but a brown envelope has been promised/been slipped into the post...
It's all a PR exercise. Shift the debate from 'did City break the rules it signed up to' to 'are the rules wrong'.

Nothing gets by the fact that you can argue all you want about the merits of having, say, alcohol limits when driving. But you don't get to get caught wasted at the wheel and keep your license. The law when you break it is the law.
I have little doubt that “fan” accounts like this are just paid for PR fodder to add noise to the argument.

Mate you should see how quickly any City positive comments on articles get 100-1 upvotes, laughable.
Good. I’m glad City have taken the nuclear option. More media and more attention. The worst case scenario was this gets swept under the rug.

Good point, and it makes you think they must know they are going to get clobbered on the 115 charges, or they'd just keep quiet like they have done since the charges were brought.

It all looks like it's coming to head now.
They will try every trick in the book to delay the process and will go down kicking and screaming. What a pathetic classless club.
This made me want to kick them 2 divisions further down

Why should the lower leagues get punished by having to take this shower of shite into the fold? They should be kicked out of the English football pyramid completely. Feck off to Abu Dhabi and play there, they can have as many sponsorships as they want.
This made me want to kick them 2 divisions further down
The lower reaches of hell is where they belong. Detached from the host, they are a skeleton of the noisy neighbour, their bones picked dry by the Abu Dhabi parasite
Reading some of the City supporters’ comments on their subreddit is amusing. Some seem to be proud of the all guns blazing approach and believe they are victims.

Others just wish that they didn’t have to deal with this and just watch their great city side- completely ignoring the reason why they are so great.
Just kick them out of the league. Their lack of cooperation and litigious bullshit is enough reason, you dont even need to go into their industrial scale cheating.
Good point, and it makes you think they must know they are going to get clobbered on the 115 charges, or they'd just keep quiet like they have done since the charges were brought.

It all looks like it's coming to head now.

Let’s just hope the PL have a backbone
“City are also arguing the league’s democratic system of requiring at least 14 clubs, or two-thirds of those who vote, to implement rule changes should be abolished to guard against decisions being made by 'the tyranny of the majority'."

How ironic to argue against tyranny of any kind but especially against the pesky majority :lol:
This will last for years and years. All part of the plan. Meanwhile in that time they can carry on doing what they're doing and winning trophies.
Surely there can't be a single sane person left who believes city are anything but a sportswashing, pr exercise for the middle East by now. Like just how many times can you bury your head in the sand or twist yourself in knots justifying just how abnormal this club is.

This should never ever have been allowed to happen and all the useful idiots like the ones on here for years have played their small part in upholding it.

They simply ruined English football at top level and are intent on burning it down with themselves
As expected some Newcastle fans are siding with City

Yeah thats not remotely surprising to be honest. It's fine though, they can feck off with City too and form their own state league, if the PL is too corrupt and cartel like for them.
The absolute brass neck to claim they’re the oppressed victims in all this. No punishment will be enough for those scumbags. I want to see them utterly destroyed. They shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the Premier League for a generation.
This will last for years and years. All part of the plan. Meanwhile in that time they can carry on doing what they're doing and winning trophies.
Hopefully whilst that's happening the fans from other clubs continually protest at matches, and the press have no choice but to ask about the charges to whoever is their manager after Pep realises he's wasted his time at them.
if the PL is so bad, they can just do us all a favour and feck off.

That's what probably hurts their little egos the most: nobody cares about them and nobody would miss them one bit if they weren't in the PL anymore. Small-time club.