City and Financial Doping | Charged by PL with numerous FFP breaches | Hearing begins 16th September 2024

Why would City leave one of their most valued employees in the dark as to the details of the proceedings? He's sworn to silence but his demeanor suggests either delusional defiance or smug confidence
Because if you don’t know you’re not culpable. He can say ‘I didn’t know, they told me everything was fine’. That way his legacy kind of stays in tact and he walks away to another job, probably at PSG to do it all again.
It’s not just lack of cooperation, it’s the fact they’re rejecting the charges, which Everton accepted. If City are found in breach of even a single charge, they PL has to throw the book at them due to the way they’ve conducted themselves throughout the process. It also appears as though they’re scared of City’s law team otherwise they’d be going after them with more purpose than they currently are. It’s within their best interests to come to a conclusion ASAP.

Its taking so long for anything to happen due to the fact City have actively disrupted the preceedings by going to court to dispute the legallity of the investigation and the suitability of the person who was appointed to chair the Independent Panel
Its taking so long for anything to happen due to the fact City have actively disrupted the preceedings by going to court to dispute the legallity of the investigation and the suitability of the person who was appointed to chair the Independent Panel
All the lawyers involved are KC barristers with other workloads too. Likely in Court regularly dealing with other complex cases.
Its taking so long for anything to happen due to the fact City have actively disrupted the preceedings by going to court to dispute the legallity of the investigation and the suitability of the person who was appointed to chair the Independent Panel

This is not near as much the reason as people like to say it is. For a start, Everton had one charge and it needed 25,000 pieces of documentation to be reviewed and acted upon. We know 30 of Cities charges are for non-cooperation so that means 80-85 are finance-related, the reason it was stated it would take years was this even before City went to court. There are hundreds of thousands of documents involved.

It took the Premier League 4 years to put it all together and from the start everyone was told to expect 3-4 years again with a 26 or 27 resolution before City ever hit back.
This is not near as much the reason as people like to say it is. For a start, Everton had one charge and it needed 25,000 pieces of documentation to be reviewed and acted upon. We know 30 of Cities charges are for non-cooperation so that means 80-85 are finance-related, the reason it was stated it would take years was this even before City went to court. There are hundreds of thousands of documents involved.

It took the Premier League 4 years to put it all together and from the start everyone was told to expect 3-4 years again with a 26 or 27 resolution before City ever hit back.

City are accused of 50 breaches of providing inaccurate financial information, eight breaches in relation to manager remuneration from 2009 to 2013, 12 breaches in relation to player remuneration from 2010 to 2015, five breaches linked to UEFA financial regulations, 25 profitability and sustainability breaches and 30 charges related to failure to assist the Premier League investigation, which dates back to March 2019.
City are accused of 50 breaches of providing inaccurate financial information, eight breaches in relation to manager remuneration from 2009 to 2013, 12 breaches in relation to player remuneration from 2010 to 2015, five breaches linked to UEFA financial regulations, 25 profitability and sustainability breaches and 30 charges related to failure to assist the Premier League investigation, which dates back to March 2019.
I love this list :drool:
Just read that quote, that he'd stay on even if they were relegated to League One. I would have thought they'd do everything not to even give credence to that kind of hypothetical, but he's put a marker in the public's imagination there.
City are accused of 50 breaches of providing inaccurate financial information, eight breaches in relation to manager remuneration from 2009 to 2013, 12 breaches in relation to player remuneration from 2010 to 2015, five breaches linked to UEFA financial regulations, 25 profitability and sustainability breaches and 30 charges related to failure to assist the Premier League investigation, which dates back to March 2019.

Isn't that what I said? 30 failure to comply and everything else financial. Therefor a lot of time to go through it all and a lot of documents or am I missing something here?
Quotes not quite the comeback you intended it to be...
This will drag for years. They need to decide that they are guilty (or not). Then they will need months to decide about punishment. Then City will appeal.
This will drag for years. They need to decide that they are guilty (or not). Then they will need months to decide about punishment. Then City will appeal.

The punishment will be expulsion because if City go down on one they're likely to go down on the same thing 10 times (once for every year). I don't think after the Everton decision theres any alternative. The issue is how long its taking, as its suggested to run on till 2026 at the earliest
It's quite funny that Pep says "even" if City get put into League One as if expulsion from EPL/EFL altogether is not the most likely outcome. Not sure if it's arrogance x ignorance, or if he's under instruction to pretend and promote the concept that League 1 is the worst case scenario for them.

I can't stand City at the moment but when the inevitable happens and they end up in the VNL North, I'll probably tune in to Man City v Spennymoor Town F.C..
And what's this he's saying that Everton's one accusation and City's 115 accusations are different?!
Just read that quote, that he'd stay on even if they were relegated to League One. I would have thought they'd do everything not to even give credence to that kind of hypothetical, but he's put a marker in the public's imagination there.

He's being cure as it'd be league 2 they start in which he isn't guaranteeing.:drool:

But he won't possibly be managing them in 3 to 4 years when this happens (if at all) anyway.
And what's this he's saying that Everton's one accusation and City's 115 accusations are different?!

That's fact.
Some people can't seem to understand a club allowing and admitting one offence, is different to a club cynically delaying totally unrelated and way more offences.
All this talk reminds me of Juventus and how Sir Alex made a second attempt at signing Del Piero in 2006 after they were relegated. Off topic, I know, sorry, but, man, I'd have loved to have seen Del Piero here.
The PL no matter what decision they will find, it will be the wrong one for many different groups and reasons.
Good on them but the message is a bit vague tbh, City fans would probably agree but for totally different reasons related to their club's own supposed victimhood.

To me it's crystal clear the message Everton's fans was conveying. Of all the venue, they choose Eithad Stadium for this banner. City have been blatantly violate every rules in premier league book but for more than a decade nothing happened to them.
Let's see if there is any banner by plane from Everton fans at the game later. If it's not, it's more telling that they choose to fly the banner at Eithad
Don't ye have regulations against flying planes over stadiums during packed games? Like is there an equivalent of the FAA these planes have to file flight plans with?
Isn’t the delay in City’s case that they are taking the PL to court to fight every single evidence or disclosure? Someone should enlighten me.
Isn’t the delay in City’s case that they are taking the PL to court to fight every single evidence or disclosure? Someone should enlighten me.

Not taking the PL to court, but they're defending (or obstructing, depending on who you speak to) theirselves against the PL's allegations and lawyers.

Given the amount of charges, and the volume of evidence, it's going to take a while.
Not taking the PL to court, but they're defending (or obstructing, depending on who you speak to) theirselves against the PL's allegations and lawyers.

Given the amount of charges, and the volume of evidence, it's going to take a while.

Long time lurker, first time poster here! I’m not so sure this thing will take as long as some people will expect.

I was reading about this today, and it does seem the PL began their investigation in 2018 a little while after the whole Football Leaks / Der Spiegel exposé’s happened - I would assume the bulk of their investigation has been concluded by the time they referred charges to the independent commission in Feb this year (My take is that having seen how it played out with UEFA/CAS, the PL probably wanted an airtight prosecution before they made the charges official).

I suspect where we at right now is pre trial (almost a year on from when the PL charged City) - City’s lawyers now need to look at the evidence (they’ve probably been doing that since Feb), depositions etc. and prepare their defence as well, after which the commission will determine a date for hearings to begin. Once that date is confirmed, I’d expect trials to conclude within a year at worst because the PL have had 4 years to prepare their case.

Just my 2c on this, if I were a member PL club, I’d just ask the PL to provide transparent updates on where the cases with City and Chelsea (and any others) are at so that the public can have some faith that a verdict will be reached in due course.
Any decision other than demoted to non-league will have close to zero impact on them.
Really it should be more something regarding the ownership, that their owners can no longer have any ownership or something. Otherwise they'll just make their way back and nothing will change.
City are accused of 50 breaches of providing inaccurate financial information, eight breaches in relation to manager remuneration from 2009 to 2013, 12 breaches in relation to player remuneration from 2010 to 2015, five breaches linked to UEFA financial regulations, 25 profitability and sustainability breaches and 30 charges related to failure to assist the Premier League investigation, which dates back to March 2019.
To the tune of 12 days of Christmas.

50 financial inaccuracies,
30 failures in communication,
25 financial breaches,
12 sneaky salaries,
8 bought off gaffers,
5 more breaches.
115 Chaaaaarges

(i realise now this adds up to more than 115 so your numbers above must be off, just like City's)
Are the football league obliged to take them?

I mean, a points deduction that gets them relegated seems possible if unlikely, but why would the Football League want a bunch of cheaters in their competition.
Are the football league obliged to take them?

I mean, a points deduction that gets them relegated seems possible if unlikely, but why would the Football League want a bunch of cheaters in their competition.
No, it’s why expulsion is on the the table. The League doesn’t take into consideration if the football league accepts them, that’s not their problem
Are the football league obliged to take them?

I mean, a points deduction that gets them relegated seems possible if unlikely, but why would the Football League want a bunch of cheaters in their competition.
The same reason why the PL, Manchester council and the British government would want them.
Really it should be more something regarding the ownership, that their owners can no longer have any ownership or something. Otherwise they'll just make their way back and nothing will change.

If they are found guilty banning the owners would be pointless when the owner can just hand control over to one of his brothers, cousins, or friends and probably wouldnt make a difference
If they are found guilty banning the owners would be pointless when the owner can just hand control over to one of his brothers, cousins, or friends and probably wouldnt make a difference
They'd have to pass a fit and proper owner test. Shenanigans with the sale process would be an obstacle to that.
It'd definitely be one of the punishments i'd be seeking and the most important one in my opinion.
If they are found guilty banning the owners would be pointless when the owner can just hand control over to one of his brothers, cousins, or friends and probably wouldnt make a difference
They'd have to pass a fit and proper owner test. Shenanigans with the sale process would be an obstacle to that.
It'd definitely be one of the punishments i'd be seeking and the most important one in my opinion.
As caid said, the efficiency of it would be dependent on a robust fit & proper test. I have little faith in it considering the one with PIF, but in an ideal world, that's the efficient type of punishment I would envision.
@RedRocket08 my understanding is that there is no trial. There was none for Everton. It's an independent tribunal who make a decision on behalf of the Premier League led by Murray Rosen KC, I think it's three people who make the decision but they can request a hearing and ask for permission to speak to individuals involved etc. Man City have appointed Lord Pannick KC to defend them.

Their obstruction of the case in 2019 is going to cause them a severe headache but the Prem definitely started their investigation earlier, basically when the leaks initially came out.