Cineworld cancels film about the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad

It's about time we let the vague interpretation of a religious book from thousands of years ago dictate what we can and can't watch in a western country in 2022.

Get to feck freedom of speech, independant thinking and artistic expession.. never done anyone any good
thats so anti-semitic its unreal.
You mean few made threats or are you suggesting that everyone is making threats or even a majority? Also as a free speech supporter he routinely claims that people should be able to say anything they like but apparently that doesn't apply to anyone.

His take is as dumb as it gets and he also doesn't apply it to everyone, it's selective secularism and free speech. And to be clear, I'm not in favor of threats or unlimited free speech but he is.

I mean, it’s obvious he’s a shit-head but I don’t see how his free speech for all shtick is contradicted by that tweet. He’s sharing an opinion he disagrees with and saying why he disagrees. Isn’t that free speech in action?
I'm not sure I understand what some people are saying about protests. Not focusing on this particular one, but in general aren't protests supposed to bother other people (not threat of course)? Isn't that the whole point? If they don't bother anyone, why would w«anyone care?

I think apart from threats recorded on video, I think the staff of Cineworld fears for their safety(well that's what they said) and all the previous incidents would be in the back in their mind if they went ahead and showed in the cinemas.
This thread is a bit different to the Chapelle/ Gervais thread.

So I guess we should cancel culture when hating on trans but not Muslims? Okay.

I’m of the belief that culture should not be cancelled btw. But it’s hilarious watching you islamaphobes.
I mean, it’s obvious he’s a shit-head but I don’t see how his free speech for all shtick is contradicted by that tweet. He’s sharing an opinion he disagrees with and saying why he disagrees. Isn’t that free speech in action?

He is suggesting that certain people shouldn't express their free speech right and relocate to a different country. Being secular doesn't mean that religious people don't have a say or the right to share their opinions.
I'm not sure I understand what some people are saying about protests. Not focusing on this particular one, but in general aren't protests supposed to bother other people (not threat of course)? Isn't that the whole point? If they don't bother anyone, why would w«anyone care?

Protesting peacefully out of sight where zero people are inconvenienced is not much of a protest.
I'm not sure I understand what some people are saying about protests. Not focusing on this particular one, but in general aren't protests supposed to bother other people (not threat of course)? Isn't that the whole point? If they don't bother anyone, why would w«anyone care?

I would actually need to understand the legislation better but isn’t the right to protest supposed to be based on a legitimate grievance? I mean, surely I couldn’t picket a KFC store because I think they should serve coke instead of Pepsi? If that’s true then the conversation moves on to what is and isn’t a legitimate grievance.
He is suggesting that certain people shouldn't express their free speech right and relocate to a different country. Being secular doesn't mean that religious people don't have a say or the right to share their opinions.

No he isn’t.

He is saying that certain people who hold a (freely expressed) opinion should relocate if the mindset behind that opinion is incompatible with living in the Uk (the last bit is, obviously, his own opinion)

Nowhere in that tweet does he state (or even imply) that they should be de-platformed or otherwise censored.
I think apart from threats recorded on video, I think the staff of Cineworld fears for their safety(well that's what they said) and all the previous incidents would be in the back in their mind if they went ahead and showed in the cinemas.

I mentioned I wasn't talking about threats or this case specifically. Someone mentioned other movie goers could be prevented from going to the cinema, I mean, that's the point, no? Inconvenience people as much as possible to be noted. I've seen people using the same argument in other threads about people blocking roads, for instance.
A lot of people should be being put on watch lists and rightfully so.

To think it's 2022 and we've still got religious bellends telling us what we can and cant do. feck off.
This thread is a bit different to the Chapelle/ Gervais thread.

So I guess we should cancel culture when hating on trans but not Muslims? Okay.

I’m of the belief that culture should not be cancelled btw. But it’s hilarious watching you islamaphobes.

I'm not really sure the film is hatefull about muslims. It's supposed to wildly positive about Muhammed, his daughter and his children in general. So I don't know if sunni's are portrayed in a negative light and shia's in the positive tbh.

You can watch the trailer.
Protesting peacefully out of sight where zero people are inconvenienced is not much of a protest.
A portuguese comedian has a clip where he goes with a few friends to the woods at 4 am to protest against the low quality of public transportation in lisbon.
I would actually need to understand the legislation better but isn’t the right to protest supposed to be based on a legitimate grievance? I mean, surely I couldn’t picket a KFC store because I think they should serve coke instead of Pepsi? If that’s true then the conversation moves on to what is and isn’t a legitimate grievance.
Yeah I don't know about legislation either, but in any case legitimacy could be an issue. What if coke has less calories or additives than pepsi? Could that not be a legitimate health concern? In any case, in your example, you probably wouldn't be able to put together a sufficient number of people to actually cause disruption, you'd be just a crazy guy yelling in front of kfc.
I'm not really sure the film is hatefull about muslims. It's supposed to wildly positive about Muhammed, his daughter and his children in general. So I don't know if sunni's are portrayed in a negative light and shia's in the positive tbh.

You can watch the trailer.

To judge by Yasser al-Habib’s general utterances, it can be assumed to portray Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Aisha negatively. All four are held in the highest regard by Sunni Muslims.
And some christians manifest, protest and on few occasions try to burn theaters.

No, however well-meaning, I'm afraid relativism doesn't really work here.

Islamic orthodoxy is not comparable in any way to Christian hardliners.

Take 'Life of Brian', for example. LoB satirizes the life of Christ.

Would there be an Islamic equivalent of that?
To judge by Yasser al-Habib’s general utterances, it can be assumed to portray Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Aisha negatively. All four are held in the highest regard by Sunni Muslims.

Probably. The good guys are supposed to light skinned as well with the baddies all being dark skinned. Judging by the trailer it looks a bit like that. It's still something I feel a movie maker is allowed to do at the end of the day.
Yeah I don't know about legislation either, but in any case legitimacy could be an issue. What if coke has less calories or additives than pepsi? Could that not be a legitimate health concern? In any case, in your example, you probably wouldn't be able to put together a sufficient number of people to actually cause disruption, you'd be just a crazy guy yelling in front of kfc.

Little harsh. Everyone knows that Coke tastes much nicer than Pepsi. I’m sure I could rustle up a posse. Who’s with me?!
No, however well-meaning, I'm afraid relativism doesn't really work here.

Islamic orthodoxy is not comparable in any way to Christian hardliners.

Take 'Life of Brian', for example. LoB satirizes the life of Christ.

Would there be an Islamic equivalent of that?

That's not relativism, the sentence was about christians and implied that they wouldn't react in the similar fashion which is wrong. They have and stil do.
No, however well-meaning, I'm afraid relativism doesn't really work here.

Islamic orthodoxy is not comparable in any way to Christian hardliners.

Take 'Life of Brian', for example. LoB satirizes the life of Christ.

Would there be an Islamic equivalent of that?

It's about Brian!
Probably. The good guys are supposed to light skinned as well with the baddies all being dark skinned. Judging by the trailer it looks a bit like that. It's still something I feel a movie maker is allowed to do at the end of the day.

A movie maker is allowed to do that type of things but people are allowed to criticize and protest it. While the rest of us can decide whether we agree with the protesters or not. Now one thing that I believe should be looked at is artistic propaganda, we need to be careful about "artists" using art to vehiculate damaging ideas.
Little harsh. Everyone knows that Coke tastes much nicer than Pepsi. I’m sure I could rustle up a posse. Who’s with me?!

I can't drink either, so I can't help. People who say 7up and sprite are the same should be shot though.
Some really strange posts in this thread (not incl. Gehrman as he’s openly admitted to quite bigoted). But this is what it boils down to:

1) the screenwriter is open and transparent with his hate speech and sectarian rhetoric and is condemned by both Shia and Sunni councils.

2) Imagine Thomas Robb (KKK leader) was writing a movie about the KKK’s version of history? Would the question be about artistic freedom?

3) the film plays into racist tropes with the villain characters being played by black actors.

4) the pre-controversy reviews have all panned the film with reviews saying it’s been poorly acted, narrative is a bit all over the place, wildly inaccurate and deliberately misleading - point being a lot of anger from both sides for what is fundamentally a shit movie.

5) people have a right to protest, (as long as they’re not physically harming people or property), and from the videos I’ve seen in this thread that’s been the case. With any large group of people you’re always going to have a bad egg or two taking it too far.

6) feck Lawrence Fox
Some really strange posts in this thread (not incl. Gehrman as he’s openly admitted to being quite bigoted). But this is what it boils down to:

1) the screenwriter is open and transparent with his hate speech and sectarian rhetoric and is condemned by both Shia and Sunni councils.

2) Imagine Thomas Robb (KKK leader) was writing a movie about the KKK’s version of history? Would the question be about artistic freedom?

3) the film plays into racist tropes with the villain characters being played by black actors.

4) the pre-controversy reviews have all panned the film with reviews saying it’s been poorly acted, narrative is a bit all over the place, wildly inaccurate and deliberately misleading - point being a lot of anger from both sides for what is fundamentally a shit movie.

5) people have a right to protest, (as long as they’re not physically harming people or property), and from the videos I’ve seen in this thread that’s been the case. With any large group of people you’re always going to have a bad egg or two taking it too far.

6) feck Lawrence Fox

Never admitted to being quite bigoted but thanks for throwing my name in there.
Wasn’t this movie made by Muslims?

Still a Muslim… and that generalization matters in the context of what Shamans posted.

First my post was a general summation of my thoughts on this broad topic that pops up every now and then.

Second, this film was approved for showing in UK. Also, you can't look at this incident in isolation.

I very much doubt there would be much of a reaction had this whole blasphemous cartoons controversy not been a thing the last few decades. That would be very simplistic
Completely bigoted, then? :D

I've admitted to disliking Islam which probably comes across as bigoted to muslims, but no one would call me a bigot for giving Christianity the same treatment.
Never admitted to being quite bigoted but thanks for throwing my name in there.
We had this conversation a while back in another thread, when you were called Shamana. Happy to be corrected though. Are you an Islamophobe?
I have sympathy with those people who are offended, and a peaceful protest would of course be their right. However, getting over-agitated to the point that other people are worried about their safety is wrong, and the protesters should be moved on by the police.

If we choose to live in liberal democracies where people of all faiths live together and no one perspective is held above any other, we are bound to be offended by something at some point.

As I mentioned the clips of the protestors, though a bit infuriating to see, should be the least of people's worries. These people are generally the minority (one would hope).

It's the larger Muslim population that aren't that crazy looking that start feeling alienated when such things happen.

Also I think there's a difference between "bound to be offended at some point" and stuff purposely written or published to Instigate or prove a point.

We've been over these discussions before but almost every university here in the U.S has classes on Islam from a totally liberal arts perspective. The content by logic of some should be considered "blasphemous" but in reality no one finds it as such since it's a genuine academic discussion.
We had this conversation a while back in another thread, when you were called Shamana. Happy to be corrected though. Are you an Islamophobe?
It's a crock term. I dont like Islam. That's enough to get the islamophobe label, but some reason it doesn't apply to all other religions. Sometimes people can't tell the difference between not liking a religion but still liking people of that religion.
It's a very fair response to people who simply want to insult you.

1) he was having a joke with you

2) lovely sense of irony where you’re berating a group of Muslims for protesting after feeling insulted

1) he was having a joke with you

2) lovely sense of irony where you’re berating a group of Muslims for protesting after feeling insulted

I thought about that actually yeah. It's the threats made and Cineworld not airing the movie for fear and safety of their staff that I'm berating in the context of what's happened since the Salman Rushdie affair and onwards. It's not the protests.
I thought about that actually yeah. It's the threats made and Cineworld not airing the movie for fear and safety of their staff that I'm berating in the context of what's happened since the Salman Rushdie affair and onwards. It's not the protests.
What threats have been made?

Cineworld staff could have felt intimidated from a large group protesting outside, hence closing.

But, I’d be interested to know what the actual threat was or see some evidence of a threat being made.
What threats have been made?

Cineworld staff could have felt intimidated from a large group protesting outside, hence closing.

But, I’d be interested to know what the actual threat was or see some evidence of a threat being made.

Already posted this earlier. But no, out of all the protesters, I don't know how many % made threats on way or the other.

Already posted this earlier. But no, out of all the protesters, I don't know how many % made threats on way or the other.

Not being facetious, what’s the threat? Like the actual tangible threat?

‘Actions will have repercussions’ - maybe the repercussions are more protests? More petitions? More inconvenience?

I’m struggling to make the link between what he’s saying and something more sinister.
Not being facetious, what’s the threat? Like the actual tangible threat?

‘Actions will have repercussions’ - maybe the repercussions are more protests? More petitions? More inconvenience?

I’m struggling to make the link between what he’s saying and something more sinister.

"We have been trained from birth that we must defend the honour of our prophet & we will lay our life on the line."

For what? Writing angry letters?