Cineworld cancels film about the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad

Why would they be disturbed? I thought all they were doing was holding placards and saying down with this sort of thing?

Because people would avoid to break a protest line if they had the opportunity? If there is a protest in the center of town, I tend to avoid the area unless I intend to join the protest.
That's the point, by cancelling the screening of that movie they don't disturb other movies screening.
If you are arguing that these people were just harmlessly and non-violently protesting outside the cinema without any intention of turning it into violence or threatening anyone then surely other people should also have no reason to avoid visiting the cinema for other movies? Right?
Because people would avoid to break a protest line if they had the opportunity? If there is a protest in the center of town, I tend to avoid the area unless I intend to join the protest.
I've always found them pretty interesting. Quite like it when I'm going about my day and stumble across one.
If you are arguing that these people were just harmlessly and non-violently protesting outside the cinema without any intention of turning it into violence or threatening anyone then surely other people should also have no reason to avoid visiting the cinema for other movies? Right?

So they harmed people and been violent?
This is so ridiculous. Show the terrible film, allow the protests and arrest anyone who gets out of hand just like if it was 'blasphemous' against christians. There's no need to give this so much oxygen.
Because people would avoid to break a protest line if they had the opportunity? If there is a protest in the center of town, I tend to avoid the area unless I intend to join the protest.
People might still go, if they didn’t fear getting their heads kicked in. There’s been countless examples of the sort of intimidation and violence that comes with these protests but for some reason you seem determined to look the other way.
This is so ridiculous. Show the terrible film, allow the protests and arrest anyone who gets out of hand just like if it was 'blasphemous' against christians. There's no need to give this so much oxygen.
I suspect the problem with this is the Cineworld employees aren't paid enough to be willing to deal with the stress. I've known a couple people do it and they detested it at the best of times.
I'm asking you why you think other people were going to avoid the cinema if this was a completely peaceful and non-threatening protest?

Because protests are annoying, that's how they work. In this case they put themselves at the entry shouting and being in the way, they don't really seem violent but if I can go to an other theater that's exactly what I would do.
People might still go, if they didn’t fear getting their heads kicked in. There’s been countless examples of the sort of intimidation and violence that comes with these protests but for some reason you seem determined to look the other way.

So all protest should be banned? Because you are seemingly considering that any protest is bound to be like the countless examples that you mentioned which goes back to my initial question, you think that there is no right to protest.
Because protests are annoying, that's how they work. In this case they put themselves at the entry shouting and being in the way, they don't really seem violent but if I can go to an other theater that's exactly what I would do.
That's the point people are making that these people weren't just protesting, they were obstructing - physically as per your post - others from going about their normal lives, which at it's best is standing at the door and not letting people in (which shouldn't be allowed either) and at it's worst, a potentially violent incident. There are a bunch of ways to protest and plenty of times if people don't feel threatened/obstructed/displaced due to them they aren't bothered with it. Right to protest doesn't give you right to affect a running business or obstructing their customers.
I suspect the problem with this is the Cineworld employees aren't paid enough to be willing to deal with the stress. I've known a couple people do it and they detested it at the best of times.

Well yes I feel for the workers but if there's a protest the police should be involved in maintaining order. I don't expect the people working there to have to deal with protesters directly.
I suspect the problem with this is the Cineworld employees aren't paid enough to be willing to deal with the stress. I've known a couple people do it and they detested it at the best of times.

Yep, totally agree. The people who choose to protest are there out of choice. The people who choose to go past a protest are also there out of choice (not saying that it’s fair on them but it’s still a matter of choice). The people being paid minimum wage at Cineworld absolutely have no choice and it is them that should be protected
That's the point people are making that these people weren't just protesting, they were obstructing - physically as per your post - others from going about their normal lives, which at it's best is standing at the door and not letting people in (which shouldn't be allowed either) and at it's worst, a potentially violent incident. There are a bunch of ways to protest and plenty of times if people don't feel threatened/obstructed/displaced due to them they aren't bothered with it. Right to protest doesn't give you right to affect a running business or obstructing their customers.

Obstructing is part of protesting unless you guys do protests completely differently and expect no disturbance whatsoever. As long as people are violent and don't break anything, let them protest.
So all protest should be banned? Because you are seemingly considering that any protest is bound to be like the countless examples that you mentioned which goes back to my initial question, you think that there is no right to protest.
No it shouldn’t, the right to peaceful protest is a key part of democracy. Bullying people with intimidation and violence is not. And It’s not an assumption, it’s literally already happened and it’s forced the cinema to give in to prevent any more violence.
Obstructing is part of protesting unless you guys do protests completely differently and expect no disturbance whatsoever. As long as people are violent and don't break anything, let them protest.
That's absolutely rubbish. You're condoning bullying a business into submission and having to close down while at the same time threatening them with violence if they didn't. It's pathetic.
That's absolutely rubbish. You're condoning bullying a business into submission and having to close down while at the same time threatening them with violence if they didn't. It's pathetic.

No, I'm saying that you are making accusations without supporting them. I will condemn violence if it happened but I won't claim that people have been violent or bullied someone without clear proof.
Obstructing is part of protesting unless you guys do protests completely differently and expect no disturbance whatsoever. As long as people are violent and don't break anything, let them protest.
Do y’all have the same phenomenon of protestors standing next to entryways to abortion clinics & physically & verbally abusing clients of the clinic in France as we do in the states?
We need to take this energy and take it to the streets and protest against our dogshit government
No, I'm saying that you are making accusations without supporting them. I will condemn violence if it happened but I won't claim that people have been violent or bullied someone without clear proof.
You yourself have claimed that they were obstructing the entrance to the cinema and not allowing others in? That's referred to as bullying and harassment. Which you consider as ok because all protestors should be allowed to obstruct anything that they want to. (Which is absolute bollocks).

One of the protestors have been filmed as issuing a clear threat of violence to the said business.

It's a clear case of people abusing the right to protest to threaten and bully a running business if their demands aren't met.

The article is lengthy but when does this madness end? Why is the reaction of one religious group so over the damn top and we don’t address the elephant in the room? Do we live in Saudi Arabia or the United Kingdom?

You don't have any idea, do you? You should see the producer/writer of this film and the true motive behind it. Then again, you people just need any reason to hate on Muslims or anyone who looks remotely Muslim.

We're not in Saudi, we are indeed in Britian and it's the same Britain that caused many famines and took advantage of many people from around the world. Those same people from around the world, many who identify as Muslim, had come in to Britain to build up your country when there was no structure or discipline and they slaved away for you.

Those same Muslims now don't want a film published about THEIR prophets daughter that WILL cause sectarian issues due to who it's produced by
I'm asking you why you think other people were going to avoid the cinema if this was a completely peaceful and non-threatening protest? That's what you've been saying.
You need to prove they had ulterior motives and would have abused or bullied anyone who walked past/through them into the cinema.

Just because you see a group of coloured Muslims shouting doesn't mean they're out to hurt you, and they shouldn't be accused of such by anyone.
Do y’all have the same phenomenon of protestors standing next to entryways to abortion clinics & physically & verbally abusing clients of the clinic in France as we do in the states?

Not only that, we also have the invade cinema's or places variety. Sometimes I need to remember that british people are not french. :lol:
You need to prove they had ulterior motives and would have abused or bullied anyone who walked past/through them into the cinema.

Just because you see a group of coloured Muslims shouting doesn't mean they're out to hurt you, and they shouldn't be accused of such by anyone.
The poster I was replying to literally said other people would stop going to this cinema because of the presence of those protesters. I was asking him why is that if there is no threat being posed by them. Since then they have claimed that the entrance was being blocked, and videos of seemingly aggressive harassment if they movie wasn't taken down - and none of that should be acceptable.
You yourself have claimed that they were obstructing the entrance to the cinema and not allowing others in? That's referred to as bullying and harassment. Which you consider as ok because all protestors should be allowed to obstruct anything that they want to. (Which is absolute bollocks).

One of the protestors have been filmed as issuing a clear threat of violence to the said business.

It's a clear case of people abusing the right to protest to threaten and bully a running business if their demands aren't met.

I did not say that, I said that they were at the entry and shouting. I have no idea if they prevented anyone from entering or bullied anyone. You keep making stuff up for no good reason.
Just because you see a group of coloured Muslims shouting doesn't mean they're out to hurt you
As for this, I'm a South Asian who regularly defends the muslim minority that gets oppressed in the country I live in - it's not what you've tried to jump on here.
I did not say that, I said that they were at the entry and shouting. I have no idea if they prevented anyone from entering or bullied anyone. You keep making stuff up for no good reason.
You've literally said that obstructing is a part of protest and should be allowed - which is bollocks in this or any other situation. Peaceful protests happen in every part of the world where they don't obstruct anyone from carrying out their day to day activities. You've argued the presence and manner of these protesters discouraged people from visiting this cinema - in turn affecting the business. Whether it is direct or indirect, it is unacceptable. Right to protest comes with the responsibility of not impacting someone who has nothing to do with what you are protesting for and blatantly abusing that right isn't gonna be allowed.
Two sides to a story. You can't eat your cake and have it. The fact is there are certain things that will piss off muslims and the muslim community as a whole. It is important to them and part of their identity. You have I don't know how many muslims living in Europe who will 100% not appreciate their religion being made a mockery out of.

Now if it your right to do that is more important, go ahead but don't accept an integrated society. Don't complain how muslim immigrants don't like to co-exist with or adopt local cultures. These sort of actions creates distrust. You have the option of getting close to muslims, and understanding why exactly it is they get offended or just pissing them off for the sake of freedom of hate speech.

If your rights for hate speech are that important, at least accept the consequences (I'm not talking about violent stuff, but distrust and alienation of muslim minorities in Europe) and be open about it.

The fact of the matter is this sort of stuff is offensive to most muslims. In a population of a billion or so, you will have some crazy loons equivalent of the capital riots shaman who will go on to do something violent. Then you'll have some regular loons (the sort that can be seen screeching in the videos) and unfortunately, Europe has attracted a lot of these sorts.

The vast majority though will just form resentment towards the west and realize how little they are respected. So this sort of stuff does not prove a point of "freedom of speech" against the 4-5% loud voices but rather adds fuel to the already widening divine in Europe.

Looking at it from an insulated western view of freedom of speech is ridiculous.
You've literally said that obstructing is a part of protest and should be allowed - which is bollocks in this or any other situation. Peaceful protests happen in every part of the world where they don't obstruct anyone from carrying out their day to day activities. You've argued the presence and manner of these protesters discouraged people from visiting this cinema - in turn affecting the business. Whether it is direct or indirect, it is unacceptable. Right to protest comes with the responsibility of not impacting someone who has nothing to do with what you are protesting for and blatantly abusing that right isn't gonna be allowed.

So in the UK when people protest there is no disturbance at all? For example the following images are a protest that didn't cause any obstruction?

It's as much a case of abusing the right to protest as the one here.

So you are against protests because you do realize that this was considered a peaceful protest? What you seem to imply is that a protest should disturb no one and nothing which is daft and you know it.
So you are against protests because you do realize that this was considered a peaceful protest? What you seem to imply is that a protest should disturb no one and nothing which is daft and you know it.
When did I say I am against protests? There is a manner to carry them out. What is daft is comparing a national protest against a government to a local protest targeted at one business and intimidating them into closing their operations while threatening them with violence. In case you weren't aware a single business is far more vulnerable to a violent threat as compared to the fecking government, and are impacted directly. So as far as deliberately coming up with daft arguments go, your posts in this thread so far will make an accurate specimen.
Okay, so we know depicting the prophet in a drawing or a film is going to incite anger and protests. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. People should have the creative licence to create or talk about whatever they want as long as it doesn't incite violence against others, but that doesn't mean creating a provocative film like this should be free from consequences and Muslims protesting this was a certainty, and I would say it's absolutely right that they should protest it and make their grievances known. Whether anything should be done about it is different question, and I think not.