Cineworld cancels film about the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad

They’ve by all means got the right to protest but I don’t see why the cinema should have to pull the film. If the people protesting don’t like it then don’t watch it. I thought we’d moved past this sort of thing.

What if the content of the movie warrants protests and pushing back?
What made you think we had moved on?
Most reasonable adults in this day and age know they don’t have a right to demand others align with their views. If you don’t like something don’t do it, but don’t demand other people agree with you.
What if the content of the movie warrants protests and pushing back?
Then by all means protest. Just don’t throw your toys out of the pram if people don’t agree with you.
Most reasonable adults in this day and age know they don’t have a right to demand others align with their views. If you don’t like something don’t do it, but don’t demand other people agree with you.

Then by all means protest. Just don’t throw your toys out of the pram if people don’t agree with you.

I was more alluding to all the prior incidents which show that some people clearly havnt.
They’ve by all means got the right to protest but I don’t see why the cinema should have to pull the film. If the people protesting don’t like it then don’t watch it. I thought we’d moved past this sort of thing.
The outrage opera is still in its first act. We are far away from moving past it on so many issues.
If you go around offending people then obviously people will protest?

I don't know why people are surprised when Muslims protest over stuff like this, clearly they take their religion more seriously than most modern religions. We've seen it before with the cartoons, you can say you don't agree with the protesters but you know it's going to happen so what's the point? It's like sticking your hand in fire and then crying that it shouldn't be so hot.
If you go around offending people then obviously people will protest?

I don't know why people are surprised when Muslims protest over stuff like this, clearly they take their religion more seriously than most modern religions. We've seen it before with the cartoons, you can say you don't agree with the protesters but you know it's going to happen so what's the point? It's like sticking your hand in fire and then crying that it shouldn't be so hot.
So it’s everyone else’s fault? Not the people who riot until you agree to concede out of fear?
clearly they take their religion more seriously than most modern religions.
They do that by choice, similarly others should have the choice to take the piss out of a bunch of people taking a fictional story that seriously, including the story itself.
When you suggested that protesting is bullying.
Protesting in and of itself? Of course not. Make yourself a placard and stand outside the cinema, it’s a free country. But this?
protesters were behaving like "thugs and bullies", rushing into cinemas and intimidating staff.

of course this shouldn’t be tolerated.
Protesting in and of itself? Of course not. Make yourself a placard and stand outside the cinema, it’s a free country. But this?

of course this shouldn’t be tolerated.

Do we have anything to support or even illustrate that statement? I tried to find videos and only see people outside of the cinema and not particularly agitated.
I can assume he is a protester. Otherwise I don't know more than that.

Does he represent anyone but himself and do you think that he invalidates any protest?
Do we have anything to support or even illustrate that statement? I tried to find videos and only see people outside of the cinema and not particularly agitated.
Just the fact that the cinema closed the film out of fear for their staff’s safety.
Does he represent anyone but himself and do you think that he invalidates any protest?

I don't think he invalidates any protest. I don't know if he represents anyone but himself.
Just the fact that the cinema closed the film out of fear for their staff’s safety.

Or they took a drastic measure after a protest? If people know that there is a protest at this theater they are unlikely to go and try to see other movies because it's a genuine disturbance.
Then why did you bring him up?

Because its evidence that there is at least some threat going around apart from cancelling the film out of fear and safety of the staff.
Do we have anything to support or even illustrate that statement? I tried to find videos and only see people outside of the cinema and not particularly agitated.

Some of the videos on this feed portray the protesters as pretty intimidating:

And there is of course also the broader context whereby such protests have in the past been accompanied by threats of violence, and actual violence.
There is a 95% chance I would never have heard of this movie. A 100% chance I would never have watched it.

Now I will. Even if it's definitely dogshit, just because even dogshit films should be defended from this bollocks.
Or they took a drastic measure after a protest? If people know that there is a protest at this theater they are unlikely to go and try to see other movies because it's a genuine disturbance.
A business would never choose to turn down money without good reason. In fact I’m sure they’d rather be playing the film and capitalising on all this publicity, which suggests the threat to their staff was very real.
Even if he was the only one espousing as such, it’s a legitimate threat & unacceptable.

And we all know he wasn’t the only one.
There is a 95% chance I would never have heard of this movie. A 100% chance I would never have watched it.

Now I will. Even if it's definitely dogshit, just because even dogshit films should be defended from this bollocks.
We only get one life, you know.
A business would never choose to turn down money without good reason. In fact I’m sure they’d rather be playing the film and capitalising on all this publicity, which suggests the threat to their staff was very real.

That's the point, by cancelling the screening of that movie they don't disturb other movies screening.
Some of the videos on this feed portray the protesters as pretty intimidating:

And there is of course also the broader context whereby such protests have in the past been accompanied by threats of violence, and actual violence.

I'll be honest with you, from a french standpoint that's not intimidating. But protests tend to be a bit different around here. :lol:
That's the point, by cancelling the screening of that movie they don't disturb other movies screening.
Why would they be disturbed? I thought all they were doing was holding placards and saying down with this sort of thing?