Herman Van Rompuy
Bears False Witness
I don't drink tea so I'll have to pass. Feel free to quote me when you can put a sentence together without being condescending.
I'll stick the kettle on and have a cup for you.
I don't drink tea so I'll have to pass. Feel free to quote me when you can put a sentence together without being condescending.
You need to calm down a bit. You may have lasted a few years on the caf but you still need to understand the term 'banter'.I don't drink tea so I'll have to pass. Feel free to quote me when you can put a sentence together without being condescending.
I never banter. I am the most serious person on here.
Ahh just read your profile; my badI never banter. I am the most serious person on here.
Ahh just read your profile; my badCina looks like you need to watch out.
Take it off him, Eboue, it might demote him.I gave you your first like too. For shame!
How is that acting arrogant? I don't post mocking comments toward Southampton and Cardiff because we took Walcott and Ramsey. And if I was in the business of mocking other clubs because we signed one of their players, I would consider holding my tongue in a year when both of said clubs finishes well above my club. But hey, your mileage may vary.
Arrogant is saying we should look for Fulham players and whatever.
I just cant stand seeing all this Arsenal fans giving us lessons after Arsenal finished above us 1st time in 10 years.
All this Walcott, Ramsey, mocking, Sotuhampton stuff, I dont understand what are you on about. Maybe its too late to understand it, I don't know.
No, that's a joke Perd Hapley.
Eerrm. All right..
You think I was seriously suggesting you sign Hangeland?
You think I was seriously suggesting you sign Hangeland?
Uh... let's hope Woodward don't check these forums or else we might not like our new signing (again)...
It's okay. He has me on ignore.
Haven't read much of this thread all week but it's glorious seeing the Arsenal mob blow their loads after their misplaced arrogance re: Fabregas last weekend.
Fergie also went out and bought Veron and didn't make it work. There is no certainty that signing a great player improves your team. Especially one you don't really need.Seeing him in the blue next season playing for that khunt will gut me.
I'm not mad at Moany, Chelsea or even Fabregas. They will do what is best to protect their own interests, which is fair enough.
However I am mad at the club for having a WC player about to hit his peak years, former Captain and fan favorite, available for shit all in today's market and the just pass up on the option. It blows my mind.
Did Fergie pass up on van Khunt when he had Rooney and co available? No. He brought a WC player in at a reasonable price and made it work.
Fergie also went out and bought Veron and didn't make it work. There is no certainty that signing a great player improves your team. Especially one you don't really need.
Fabregas back to Arsenal is above the "do we absolutely need him" conversation. He's better than anything we've got, he's capable of being the best in the league, he loves the club. If we can get him I'd be thrilled to have him back.
I'm not sure we could sell to accommodate him financially. Positionally it would spell the end of Arteta and put the heat on Wilshere in a big way. I love Jack but Cesc is better than him.So who do you sell to accommodate him since you know he isn't coming to be a benchwarmer?
I'm not sure we could sell to accommodate him financially. Positionally it would spell the end of Arteta and put the heat on Wilshere in a big way. I love Jack but Cesc is better than him.
I expect a new DM either way. Ramsey can play from deep, Fabregas can too but not as defensive player, more as a supplier. His long passing is superb. I'd expect Cazorla to suffer more than Ozil.Didn't Arteta play a DM position for you? Fabregas can't replace him. You'd probably have to either sell or bench the likes of Ramsey and Ozil if you buy Fabregas.
I think that metaphor is supporting my position?Do you want a Ferrari? Er... no, i doesn't have the capacity of my chevy truck
Sounds stupid ?
So we arent just a club full of classy people from top to bottom, we're also definitely the biggest club in the world now? You'l struggle to find people that agree with you outside of United fans and even the sensible ones among them will tell you we arent. We're among the top ones but certainly not the biggest. The club best positioned to take that honour would perhaps be Real Madrid.
Regarding the morality, we are a normal club like most others. We've had our cnuts in the past, we have some now and we'l have some in the future as well. Some clubs have many of them, some have few, but pretty much every club has them and we're no different. We aren't some kind of a messiah keeping club football clean. What Jose did was wrong and am pretty sure he knows that. But to say a man like that is too classless for us and Chelsea fans accept it just because they arent a classy bunch in the 1st place is absolutely ridiculous. Specially when you consider our interim manager recently and current assistant manager is hardly what you'd call a classy guy. To paint all Chelsea fans as classless reflects poorly on the poster.
Every club has its good supporters and its shite ones, we are no different. To say the Chelsea fans being classless is why they accept Jose is delusional. This place is unbelievable at times with people sitting on high horses. Yes, Giggsy's only answerable to his kin but to brush it off as if it doesnt have any impact on the club while Mourinho's antics somehow totally destroys the club's image is nonsense. Like it or now, as great a player and legend giggs is, what he did was pathetic, calling another manager 'a specialist in failure' pales so far into insignificance that I dont even know where to start.
You're both fecking tedious. Shut up and stop dragging the Fabregas thread off topic.
Well, you are unbelievable. We had our cnuts, they have their cnuts, Chelsea fans are classless, supporters are cnuts - you typed absolute drivel to make some ridiculous point. Did you even understand the sentence where I used "morality" in the previous post or you saw a contrasting view and thought, here we go, I am going to write an atrocious 500 word post in response?
It was daft to bring Giggs into the discussion and make a comparison. They are two parallel situations. I don't sit here and make judgements, if the clubs goes on to hire Jose then I would support him. Though it doesn't mean that I wouldn't be pissed at his sometimes completely rude and classless behavior. His attitude and demeanour is not becoming of a manager for a club at the highest echelon of world football. Though people have the ability to change and adapt to situations. Some can rise to the occasion and make themselves a bigger man. So, I wouldn't discount it. He'll still be far down the list.
And yes, we are the biggest club in the world. Each of the fans of Real, Barca, Bayern & United can claim that, and none of them will be wrong. Sorry, that it pisses you off.
Sensible ones?Jesus fecking Christ!
Well, you are unbelievable. We had our cnuts, they have their cnuts, Chelsea fans are classless, supporters are cnuts - you typed absolute drivel to make some ridiculous point. Did you even understand the sentence where I used "morality" in the previous post or you saw a contrasting view and thought, here we go, I am going to write an atrocious 500 word post in response?
It was daft to bring Giggs into the discussion and make a comparison. They are two parallel situations. I don't sit here and make judgements, if the clubs goes on to hire Jose then I would support him. Though it doesn't mean that I wouldn't be pissed at his sometimes completely rude and classless behavior. His attitude and demeanour is not becoming of a manager for a club at the highest echelon of world football. Though people have the ability to change and adapt to situations. Some can rise to the occasion and make themselves a bigger man. So, I wouldn't discount it. He'll still be far down the list.
And yes, we are the biggest club in the world. Each of the fans of Real, Barca, Bayern & United can claim that, and none of them will be wrong. Sorry, that it pisses you off.
Sensible ones?Jesus fecking Christ!