Cheering on Liverpool - 2017/18 edition

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Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
As a Liverpool fan, I definitely agree with BOTH of you, negating, and endorsing, both points of view simultaneously.

We are a weird bunch, but all footie fans are and we’re all deluded (all footie fans). Though I would have to admit I’m weirder and more deluded than most (I actually genuinely believe Jordonian Hendershott is a pretty decent player, though he often proves me both, correct and wildly incorrect, within the space of about ten minutes regularly.

Random Task, I think you’re a very good poster, and your insults of us ‘Scouse’ are completely acceptable. The only posters I find offensive are those who use genuinely offensive terms, I would describe them as ‘objectively offensive terms’. The only things I find unnaceptable personally (from both United and Liverpool fans) are those dealing with tragedy.

I find the ‘Victims’ or ‘Victimpool’ tags terribly offensive, because they instantly transport me to the thought of horror, and death and a decades long fight for any form of ‘justice’. I of course, include in that the 38 unfortunate souls, and their families and friends at Heysel, of which our support played the largest, most culpable role.

I feel exactly the same revulsion at Liverpool fans, who deride the memory of those who died at Munich. Some things transcend tribalism, they are about human decency (I believe anyway, and as someone who studied Genocide for my Masters, I wouldn’t class myself as weak stomached, or easily offended).

Anyway mate, I’ve droned on long enough, and I would hope that most of my points are fairly obvious, and universal.

Best wishes,
Jamie L
The Hendersonian institute (for the incurably deluded). ;)
A reply in the form of an email, that's a first.

You won't find the "victims" tag being used around here, nor mention of the Heysel or Hillsborough tragedies that inspired it's creation.

Just good ol' fashioned top bantz.

Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
A reply in the form of an email, that's a first.

You won't find the "victims" tag being used around here, nor mention of the Heysel or Hillsborough tragedies that inspired it's creation.

Just good ol' fashioned top bantz.
Really nice, decent post Random T, thanks, appreciated mate (now enough of this ‘cuddly’ stuff, let’s get back to being mortal enemies!). :)

I did actually, unfortunately get the ‘victims’ tag the other day. However I tried to explain it to the guy, he just could not, or would not, comprehend the difference between the acceptable ‘Loserpool’ and the nasty ‘Victimpool’. I think the ‘caf banned him, which just underlines the greatness of this forum (far too good, for just you United fans, ha!)

Ps- I only formatted it like an email so I could get in the incredibly funny ‘Hendersonian institute’ err’ Joke?
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Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
I'm all for making fun of rival fans, but I honestly don't understand how some people honestly seem to think that supporters of different clubs are actually worse people, or worse fans. All football supporters are bitter, defensive, biased, deluded morons. IT's what makes us fans. It's not a rational process. But saying some fans are inherently worse than others just because they support a certain club is just silly. It's just fecking football.

That said, I hope both teams lose, feck em.
Think? We know that about Liverpool fans, Sorry @Jamie L ;). Jokes aside, without rivalry and biased, unsensible thinking football wouldn't be any fun. Half the fun of football is arguing about it.


The worst "V"
Jan 3, 2009
I'm all for making fun of rival fans, but I honestly don't understand how some people honestly seem to think that supporters of different clubs are actually worse people, or worse fans. All football supporters are bitter, defensive, biased, deluded morons. IT's what makes us fans. It's not a rational process. But saying some fans are inherently worse than others just because they support a certain club is just silly. It's just fecking football.

That said, I hope both teams lose, feck em.
To be fair, I know multiple Liverpool and City fans that constantly post on Facebook about United. Don't know any United fans that do that about them. I know it's anecdotal but it certainly seems a trend, from what I've seen online and living in Liverpool.
I imagine there's probably a fair few United gobshites on Twitter, but that's gonna draw them out. I don't reckon there's anywhere near as many.

But you're right in that the tribalism of football makes it enjoyable, so long as there's at least a semblance of common sense involved.

Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
I find the ‘Victims’ or ‘Victimpool’ tags terribly offensive, because they instantly transport me to the thought of horror, and death and a decades long fight for any form of ‘justice’.
That's completely understandable. I think the Victimpool reference emerged as a result of the Suarez-Evra debacle, where Suarez was so clearly in the wrong but the club took the stance that he was a victim. A victim of cultural misunderstanding, a victim of the mean FA and a victim nasty, lying 'Evrat'. Dalglish publically towed this embarrassing line and t-shirts were printed and worn. It lives on with idiots like Riise encouraging liverpool fans to abuse Evra, as recently as a few weeks ago sadly. I believe as a result people started saying "the victims" and "victimpool". But given Hillsborough, it is an inappropriate label to give the club and its supporters. It's also not a nickname I condone. But then again "loserpool" is lame and infantile so I can't condone that either.


New Member
Sep 12, 2013
To the poster who recently said they want Liverpool to win to stop City winning "the treble"....

That possibility ended when Wigan knocked them out the FA Cup.

THE Treble is Champions League, League and Premier Domestic Cup, which our League Cup is not.

United are the only team in UK to have won THE Treble. Liverpool won a treble of cups, and City could win
a treble of trophies.

Well done to Wigan !!!!


Full Member
Dec 31, 2011
N3404 The Island of Manchester United
Can I say two things to you. You mouth off like that and you’re leaving yourself with a lot of humble pie to eat. Us winning CL from this position, against the Clubs that stand in our way would probably be at greater odds than at half time in Istanbul. And secondly, you’re sounding like no better than the brain dead crap posted above by Verminator. Believing one to be smart is one thing, but actually committing it to print proves another.
Take a pill and have a lie down.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2011
N3404 The Island of Manchester United
Don't you think which ever team wins a tie over two leg is most likely stronger out of the two and whoever reaches the semi-final will be as strong as the remaining teams in the semis. This year we can say no team has got favourable draws, every team would have faced atleast one really good team before reaching semi. Basically any team which is in semi will have the credentials and abilityato defeat the other team. Be it Liverpool or City, whoever goes through would earned the spot and especially if Liverpool end up beating city who are one of the favourites and cwrtainly much stronger than us over two legs than Liverpool will have the ability to beat any other team in semi.

I think some teams are better suited to certain opponents. Liverpool have the hoodoo over City, to an extent. They are not better than them.
I knew Barca would ream us in both finals, but thought Chelsea's game plan would stand a real chance against them.
I fancy City could go into games against most left in the comp as favourite or equal footing. Liverpool would be underdog in most.

Sorry if that is a bit too real for you.


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
That is a highly offensive but perfectly balanced assessment of your average football fan. But let's face it, Liverpool fans are clearly more bitter, more defensive, more biased, more deluded and more moronic than everyone else.

This is very much common knowledge. That you would dispute this fact disturbs me somewhat.

Ajax supporters are also an arrogant bunch of twats who live in some sort of past where they mean something. They all have big noses.
Think? We know that about Liverpool fans, Sorry @Jamie L ;). Jokes aside, without rivalry and biased, unsensible thinking football wouldn't be any fun. Half the fun of football is arguing about it.
At least half the fun to be honest.
Thing is we all enjoy being petty and laughing at your rivals when they fail. That's not the prerogative(is this an actual word?) of fans of one particular club.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
Nope it's not difference of mindsets, it's because we the fans hold bias towards the club we support. Infact if knowledgeable Man UTD fan and Liverpool fan talk about any football related topic except anything related to Liverpool or Man Utd, they will tend to agree on most of the things. Try it and you will find it to be true.
I disagree overall despite fair points. Not to drag on the discussion but I have never encountered the same issues with fans of arsenal, Tottenham, city etc

I feel all fan bases are flawed naturally but think United in the 90s and 00s did a number on Liverpool and their fans that has resulted in near pathologic support. Some of stuff seen in particular under reigns of Benitez Rodgers daglish and now klopp to me show the club itself is just a bit weird.


New Member
Jan 15, 2018

I think some teams are better suited to certain opponents. Liverpool have the hoodoo over City, to an extent. They are not better than them.
I knew Barca would ream us in both finals, but thought Chelsea's game plan would stand a real chance against them.
I fancy City could go into games against most left in the comp as favourite or equal footing. Liverpool would be underdog in most.

Sorry if that is a bit too real for you.
I never said Liverpool is better team than Manchester city, all I am saying is if team manages to reach the semi-final, the team stands the chance to win semi-final as well. Because first it is no fluke to reach semi-final of CL and second semi finals are anybody's game. I don't care who goes through whoever goes through would have proved they deserved the place in semi-final. Be it city who breaks their hoodoo or Liverpool who defeats best team in England. I must say man UTD fan in you just can't see neither city or Liverpool winning the thing. Don't you worry final is still far away, at this stage it's nothing but dream.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2011
N3404 The Island of Manchester United
I never said Liverpool is better team than Manchester city, all I am saying is if team manages to reach the semi-final, the team stands the chance to win semi-final as well. Because first it is no fluke to reach semi-final of CL and second semi finals are anybody's game. I don't care who goes through whoever goes through would have proved they deserved the place in semi-final. Be it city who breaks their hoodoo or Liverpool who defeats best team in England. I must say man UTD fan in you just can't see neither city or Liverpool winning the thing. Don't you worry final is still far away, at this stage it's nothing but dream.
Well you haven't really taken in what I said.
Liverpool in Europe, as in the Premier league, are less capable of beating teams than City.
If you accept that as a fact, the next step is can they beat City? Yes. They have proven that they can come out on top, in a head to head.
Does that change their standing against anyone else?

Wigan beat City in the FA cup. Would that make them an equal threat to Real Madrid as City would be?


Another mad swede
Aug 21, 2004
Balcony BB and after that W3106
The tribal mentality of the majority of football fans is completely staggering. Liverpool are the underdogs in the tie, they play (in my own opinion) very attractive football, and they don't have the financial power of City.

So yeah, I'd rather Liverpool win. There's something much more likable about them currently, and it's always nice to see the (financial) underdogs win, cause that's most of the time done through a lot of determination, which is fantastic to see in any sport.


Gossip Girl
Sep 19, 2012
There's only one United!
Liverpool should have had 2 players sent off in the game against Palace!


New Member
Oct 28, 2012
Space Station
I was talking to a Manc last week and it got me thinking how much of a rare breed he was

He wanted English teams to win the champions league, And yes that means he would cheer on Liverpool or City.

But what got me the most was his love for England, he said and I quote “the treble in 1999 is the single greatest footballing moment in my life, but I would trade it for a World Cup win for England”

He’s a rare breed right? Would anyone else do that?

Me personally, I’d choose Liverpool winning the champions league or premier league over a England World Cup all day long.

Fridge chutney

Do your best.
Sep 11, 2016
I was talking to a Manc last week and it got me thinking how much of a rare breed he was

He wanted English teams to win the champions league, And yes that means he would cheer on Liverpool or City.

But what got me the most was his love for England, he said and I quote “the treble in 1999 is the single greatest footballing moment in my life, but I would trade it for a World Cup win for England”

He’s a rare breed right? Would anyone else do that?

Me personally, I’d choose Liverpool winning the champions league or premier league over a England World Cup all day long.
I wouldn't. The journey of a treble happens over the course of a full season and is beautiful to watch unfold.

Would love England to win the WC but the journey is only 3 weeks.


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
I was talking to a Manc last week and it got me thinking how much of a rare breed he was

He wanted English teams to win the champions league, And yes that means he would cheer on Liverpool or City.

But what got me the most was his love for England, he said and I quote “the treble in 1999 is the single greatest footballing moment in my life, but I would trade it for a World Cup win for England”

He’s a rare breed right? Would anyone else do that?

Me personally, I’d choose Liverpool winning the champions league or premier league over a England World Cup all day long.
Couldn't give a flying feck about England, or international football in general.

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
This is a confusing time, I don't want any to win. I am annoyed Liverpool are winning but will also be annoyed if City come back and make it 3-2.


most 'know it all' poster
Oct 26, 2005
I was talking to a Manc last week and it got me thinking how much of a rare breed he was

He wanted English teams to win the champions league, And yes that means he would cheer on Liverpool or City.

But what got me the most was his love for England, he said and I quote “the treble in 1999 is the single greatest footballing moment in my life, but I would trade it for a World Cup win for England”

He’s a rare breed right? Would anyone else do that?

Me personally, I’d choose Liverpool winning the champions league or premier league over a England World Cup all day long.
Sounds like a Brexiteer.


Full Member
May 8, 2013
I hate Liverpool, but cant help but admire a side who is so desperate to get the ball back in play when they're 2-0.


New Member
Mar 24, 2015
City are not a big club and are where they are via a sheikh,their fans now have a sense of entitlement and act above their station,much as I do not have any Liverpool leanings it would be appropriate the bigger club with european pedigree wins this.


New Member
Oct 30, 2014
feck if Liverpool win this tournament then they'll start piping on that they're bigger than us and be going on about it forever


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Chennai, India
Hate this. Wanted City to go through.

Feeling angrier than ever at Jose that we didn't atleast get to the QF when Liverpool are going to the semis. How hard would it have been to score a few against Sevilla, ffs, he should be fined for his management of that game.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
The way Liverpool play in big games at Anfield on European nights is always admirable.


likes: servals, breasts, rylan clark and zooey
Aug 11, 2010
Dont want Liverpool winning anything more than the west brom cup, so hopefully city recover.


New Member
Apr 11, 2016
There is precisely zero chance of them winning it. They will get humiliated by Madrid or Barcelona and we'll have a jolly good laughing as RAWK goes into meltdown.
That's just not true though. If they can demolish City there's no reason they can't beat any other team
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