Cheering on Liverpool - 2017/18 edition

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Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
Wish people would stop this guff. League football doesn't work like that.
It doesn't make the overall score between the 2 games incorrect. Realistically, apart from a 15 minute spell at Anfield where City fell asleep, they had your number pretty good. Can't see Pep letting the same thing happen this time round.

Lord Megadrive

Flautist in training
Aug 26, 2016
Between the Motorola 68000 and Yamaha YM2612
Don’t want either to go through, I don’t want the Dippers to even get a chance to say 6 times la! And I don’t want to city to win because the cult of Pep will be out in force.. mind you if city did win the CL no one would give them credit because it’ll be Peps not the clubs


Full Member
Feb 27, 2014
I don't see how preferring Liverpool over that other team is that bad. Would much prefer City win the league every year over liverpool though.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
I don't see how preferring Liverpool over that other team is that bad.
See, this is how it begins. One minute you're taking a peek at RAWK 'for a laugh' and, the next thing you know, you're repeating crypic mantras like "football is a lie" & "you train squirrels, not players" like a crazy fool. Walking 'round empty streets, weighed down by conspiracy theories and your massive permed moustache, you'll tell yourself that you can give up supporting Liverpool 'anytime'; but it's too late - you're hooked - you're a Rafaholic. And you'll walk alone after RAWK bans you 5 times for being a mancy master of disguise...


New Member
Jul 6, 2017
Chennai, India
Honestly, I'd sooner see Pep lift that CL trophy than seeing Liverpool progress one more round. Strangely, or maybe not so strange, City winning it does not really bother me as much as Liverpool making it to the semis.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2014
Couldnt give a shit who eliminates who as long as the winning team then lose in the semi or final.

If there was some way they could eliminate each other all the better.

At least its not the final they are playing each other in.


Full Member
Jun 25, 2017
I don't even care what happens in the CL anymore. All I can hope for is that the game will have 8 goals and 4-5 red cards, followed by players being suspended for the next 10 matches.

If I had to pick one, it'd be City. Mainly because I have a lot of friends who support the scouse, but no one here supports City. So I don't have to listen to their bantee at least.

Lord Megadrive

Flautist in training
Aug 26, 2016
Between the Motorola 68000 and Yamaha YM2612
See, this is how it begins. One minute you're taking a peek at RAWK 'for a laugh' and, the next thing you know, you're repeating crypic mantras like "football is a lie" & "you train squirrels, not players" like a crazy fool. Walking 'round empty streets, weighed down by conspiracy theories and your massive permed moustache, you'll tell yourself that you can give up supporting Liverpool 'anytime'; but it's too late - you're hooked - you're a Rafaholic. And you'll walk alone after RAWK bans you 5 times for being a mancy master of disguise...
And you’ll be saying that even thought you’ve supported united since you were a wee lad you can appreciate that Liverpool are and always be a superior side both stylistically and morally..


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
See, this is how it begins. One minute you're taking a peek at RAWK 'for a laugh' and, the next thing you know, you're repeating crypic mantras like "football is a lie" & "you train squirrels, not players" like a crazy fool. Walking 'round empty streets, weighed down by conspiracy theories and your massive permed moustache, you'll tell yourself that you can give up supporting Liverpool 'anytime'; but it's too late - you're hooked - you're a Rafaholic. And you'll walk alone after RAWK bans you 5 times for being a mancy master of disguise...
Thats Very good. :). City have a real chance of winning the CL this year. They are a very, very good side. But you all can rest easy, even if Liverpool did knock them out, I really dont see us beating another two top teams to win it ourselves. Hope I’m wrong though!!
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Rooney in Paris

Gerrard shirt..Anfield? You'll Never Live it Down
Mar 11, 2010
In an elephant sanctuary
See, this is how it begins. One minute you're taking a peek at RAWK 'for a laugh' and, the next thing you know, you're repeating crypic mantras like "football is a lie" & "you train squirrels, not players" like a crazy fool. Walking 'round empty streets, weighed down by conspiracy theories and your massive permed moustache, you'll tell yourself that you can give up supporting Liverpool 'anytime'; but it's too late - you're hooked - you're a Rafaholic. And you'll walk alone after RAWK bans you 5 times for being a mancy master of disguise...


The sooner Liverpool get knocked out of the CL the better. City winning it would be bad enough, but Liverpool would be much worse. Any of the other seven teams to win it but Liverpool.


Full Member
Jan 6, 2014
For all the hyperbole surrounding Liverpool, they're still as close to missing out on the top 4 as they are to catching us in the league after losing at OT the other week, despite the media telling us we're a Utd side in complete disarray and they're greatest thing since sliced bread. They've taken 1 point out of 12 in their away games v the top 6 this season, failed to register a win against Utd, Spurs or Chelsea at Anfield, limped weakly and early out of the 2 domestic cups and have beaten absolutely nobody of note in the CL so far. It's going to take much more than one random win against City to convince me that they're anywhere near close to competing with the top teams in Europe.


Full Member
Jul 21, 2010
Don't understand how anyone can cheer Liverpool on in the CL.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
Was playing 5 a side last week and leading 4-0. When the opposition pulled one back one of their players, wearing a Liverpool shirt, said ‘come on lads, just like Istanbul.’ Liverpool fans in general are a horrible sub species. I expect Barcelona or Bayern would deal with them more comfortably than they would with city, but even so, once neither side wins the champions league, I don’t mind who wins this one

Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
Was playing 5 a side last week and leading 4-0. When the opposition pulled one back one of their players, wearing a Liverpool shirt, said ‘come on lads, just like Istanbul.’ Liverpool fans in general are a horrible sub species. I expect Barcelona or Bayern would deal with them more comfortably than they would with city, but even so, once neither side wins the champions league, I don’t mind who wins this one

That seems quite an odd example. The quote seems pretty innocuous, also, branding a whole group of people as a ‘horrible Sub-species’ says quite a bit more about an individual (yourself), rather than anything/ anyone else.

All clubs have some supporters who are great people, and some who are not, in the same way that society does. Generalising and ‘othering’ can be understandable in the heat of the moment, but it’s a little strange in written form.

I support Liverpool, and I would hope, I’m quite a decent sort, not a member of a ‘Sub species’. ;)

Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
I was speaking a few days ago to SirAF (not the actual one, that would be daft) and we agreed that United fans, ‘supporting ’ Liverpool ahead of City, is just weird.

I would much rather United fans ‘cheer’ City in this one. I would rather City beat United if the situation were reversed and that should be taken as a compliment.

Let me be clear, I cannot stand Man United, but as a club, I utterly respect them in a way that I simply cannot do with Manchester City.

United and Liverpool have a fantastic rivalry, born out of decades of fighting for supremacy, and cheering on anyone BUT the opposition, seems anathema to that wonderful struggle.

On the rivalry, I think it began a lot later though, than many appear to believe. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the Manchester ship canal, or the traditional ‘friendly’ rivalry between two North Western industrial cities.

It only, really sparked into life, from my memory (although I’m a Historian by trade and qualification, I am only basing this on memory) during the days of Ron Atkinson, when United were re-emerging as a power. In fact, I believe that many of the victorious United ‘77 cup final side, personally wished Liverpool well in their impending first European Cup final a week later.

It’s not completely relevant to the discussion but I always find it interesting, when the footballing rivalry becomes a little bit misrepresented, as it is intense enough not to warrant any embellishment.

Ps- I always think that Ron Atkinson gets a little hard done by as a United manager, as does his side. They were a pretty formidable outfit for a few seasons.
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Full Member
Aug 3, 2015
I wont ever cheer City but for me Liverpool are our main rivals, that being said I’d much rather see Peps team of mercenaries go through than Liverpool or you’d never hear the f*cking end of it.

Best case scenario is Liverpool go through then Ronnie bangs in a hatrick at the KOP end to knock them out!

Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
I wont ever cheer City but for me Liverpool are our main rivals, that being said I’d much rather see Peps team of mercenaries go through than Liverpool or you’d never hear the f*cking end of it.

Best case scenario is Liverpool go through then Ronnie bangs in a hatrick at the KOP end to knock them out!

As a Liverpool supporter, I have to say ‘well said’ mate. Just because City currently have the financial power of an oil-rich state behind them, it does not (and never will) allow them entry into our amazing rivalry.

If the roles were reversed I wouldn’t insult that rivalry by ‘cheering United on’ either. Some things are sacred (and cannot be economically reducted).


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
That seems quite an odd example. The quote seems pretty innocuous, also, branding a whole group of people as a ‘horrible Sub-species’ says quite a bit more about an individual (yourself), rather than anything/ anyone else.

All clubs have some supporters who are great people, and some who are not, in the same way that society does. Generalising and ‘othering’ can be understandable in the heat of the moment, but it’s a little strange in written form.

I support Liverpool, and I would hope, I’m quite a decent sort, not a member of a ‘Sub species’. ;)
You'e being sensitive and easily offended I think. Not every comment needs to be evaluated in a broader context than football and from my own experience with Liverpool fans, which is extensive, I have found that they exist in their own world far more than fans of other teams. Their support is more cult like, paranoid, defensive and bitter than any I have met. It's like brainwashing experiments occur at anfield that also seemingly instantly affect players and staff too.

I have friends who are Liverpool fans. Lovely people. And a rational conversation with them about football is impossible. (Where the conversation involves liverpool). I have never met a person to make me reconsider my opinion.


Full Member
Nov 19, 2012
Moon's Spawn
Hm, I`m looking at this from a strategic standpoint and it is probably better for us if Liverpool win since they will have a busier schedule and this could lead to us having a higher chance of finishing second.

Otherwise, this is one of those games where you utterly despise both teams and want them both to lose.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2015
Golden State
Don't understand how anyone can cheer Liverpool on in the CL.
I don't understand how anyone can cheer Liverpool on in any competition at all - even in a friendly.

To distort Bill Shankly's famous quote for my own devices; "If Liverpool were playing at the bottom of my garden I'd shut the curtains."
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New Member
Apr 10, 2014
Red House
This has nothing to do with cheering Liverpool. This has everything to do with wanting City out as soon as possible because they actually have a good chans of winning the CL. Liverpool are not good enough to go all the way, its impossible for them to win the CL this year. They can´t go through against the likes of Madrid,Barca and Bajen. Hell,they will never get passed City. Maybe a draw or a win at Anfield but in two legs? I don't thinks so but I hope so :annoyed:

I know what you mean though, it would be living hell if Liverpool went on and won the whole thing. I rather have City winning it if someone pulled a gun to my head and I had to choose between the two. But surly Liverpool can never go all the way. :nervous:


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
You'e being sensitive and easily offended I think. Not every comment needs to be evaluated in a broader context than football and from my own experience with Liverpool fans, which is extensive, I have found that they exist in their own world far more than fans of other teams. Their support is more cult like, paranoid, defensive and bitter than any I have met. It's like brainwashing experiments occur at anfield that also seemingly instantly affect players and staff too.

I have friends who are Liverpool fans. Lovely people. And a rational conversation with them about football is impossible. (Where the conversation involves liverpool). I have never met a person to make me reconsider my opinion.
But what you describe above;cult like, paranoid.... is not indicative of the derogatory ‘sub species’ term you’ve dubbed. In fact, if you read all the comments from United fans on this thread alone - tell me that many on here are not paranoid, defensive and bitter, so are they all sub species too in your eyes?
I think that you are unfortunate not to be able to have a football conversation with your mates who are Scouse. I’m presuming that you, in no way, aid and abet this inability to converse with your own attitude or approach to the conversation. I have two United friends and its actually interesting to have an honest exchange of opinions in regard to both Clubs. In fact, it would be good to have a thread on here where fans can talk football. That probably sounds like an odd request on a football forum, but one without all the bullsh1t of childish jibes.


$10mil and I fecked it up!
Mar 20, 2012
up north
The only, ONLY, reason I want City to win is:

A Liverpool fan at work is so convinced and adamant that it is their year (in a competition with Bayern, Juve, Barca, City and Real Madrid). So we ended up making it interesting.

If they win the thing, he gets my Cof92 shirt, which remains tagged and in original packaging. If they don’t win the CL, he has to buy a United top with ‘Top Red Devil #1’ on the back and wear it at work all day.

I’m confident.


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
The only, ONLY, reason I want City to win is:

A Liverpool fan at work is so convinced and adamant that it is their year (in a competition with Bayern, Juve, Barca, City and Real Madrid). So we ended up making it interesting.

If they win the thing, he gets my Cof92 shirt, which remains tagged and in original packaging. If they don’t win the CL, he has to buy a United top with ‘Top Red Devil #1’ on the back and wear it at work all day.

I’m confident.
God help his soul! I think your fairly safe on that one. Take plenty of photos :smirk:


Full Member
Mar 17, 2014
It’s all about odds to me.

If I felt confident that Liverpool would get whacked in the semis I’d be more than happy for them to take City out.

I don’t though. City winning the whole thing would be less painful than Liverpool, so it’s best to get the latter out of the way at the first opportunity.
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