Cheering on Liverpool - 2017/18 edition

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Park's Petrified Pooch

New Member
Jan 6, 2016
I don’t care if City win the Champions League. Cannot stomach wanting anything other than decimation of all things Liverpool. City just don’t inspire any ire in me, they never have. They used to be a complete joke. Now they’re not, but they’ve sold their soul and become everything they ever railed against. So it’s still pretty comical. Best mate is a City fan and the mental gymnastics he’s pulling to say that he’s ok with it are amazing. Also, we spent our teenage years with him crying over relegation and me celebrating League titles, so I’m ok with him seeing some glory.

TLDR; City winning is easier to stomach than Liverpool existing...


Good post resistant
Jan 27, 2013
Am I the only one who doesn't care who advances? All I want is for them to both crash out. It doesn't matter if it's this round or the next.

If City win it they'll be just as obnoxious as Liverpool fans and, seeing as I live in Manchester, that'll be just as a bad for me.


FA Cup Predictions 2023/2024 winner
May 10, 2009
Am I the only one who doesn't care who advances? All I want is for them to both crash out. It doesn't matter if it's this round or the next.

If City win it they'll be just as obnoxious as Liverpool fans and, seeing as I live in Manchester, that'll be just as a bad for me.
Yeah, just watch the game and laugh at losing team. Easy decision.


Rehab's Pete Doherty
May 30, 2009
How does that work exactly?
They'll have progressed through to the semi-final if they win and they'll be out of the competition if they lose? Like, I'm no mathematician, but even I know that being in a competition gives you a better chance of winning it than being knocked out of it.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
But what you describe above;cult like, paranoid.... is not indicative of the derogatory ‘sub species’ term you’ve dubbed. In fact, if you read all the comments from United fans on this thread alone - tell me that many on here are not paranoid, defensive and bitter, so are they all sub species too in your eyes?
I think that you are unfortunate not to be able to have a football conversation with your mates who are Scouse. I’m presuming that you, in no way, aid and abet this inability to converse with your own attitude or approach to the conversation. I have two United friends and its actually interesting to have an honest exchange of opinions in regard to both Clubs. In fact, it would be good to have a thread on here where fans can talk football. That probably sounds like an odd request on a football forum, but one without all the bullsh1t of childish jibes.
Again I think you're being overly sensitive also I'm afraid. Honing in on one phrase that offends you and re contexualising it will only lead to a needless argument. By my definition the traits I listed justify any terminology used - if I had said a probably more pc phrase such as 'alternate breed (of fan)' 'deluded fanbase' the point is the same.

For what it's worth I find I'm able to be quite unbiased when talking football- but I guess I don't really have to explain that, I've made a statement based on my own interactions and experiences - and feel the way I feel after them. It is my valid and established opinion. I'm sorry you disagree


Transfer Voyeur
Feb 13, 2012
Pardew 'wanted pace'
No, you’re absolutely wrong on this one, unless you believe that hatred as a force, outweighs actual principles.
I’m a Liverpool supporter, but I would absolutely prefer you lot, to win the CL over.......No, I just cannot do it! SirAF is spot on.

I respect you lot a hundred times more, but out of United or City winning it? Always City. They’re just locked out of our Brilliant, eternal battle, always will be, whatever they do.

Which is pretty great really. And, one thing I honestly can say, is that, I would’ve HATED Liverpool being bought by a Sugar Daddy. The League title(s) we may’ve won would’ve been utterly devalued.
If the Sheikhs bought Everton instead and it was us (United) playing them in the QF, you'd want us to beat them and then we bow out in the Semis, right?

Mrs Smoker

Full Member
Aug 24, 2011
In garden with Maurice
Panthère du Ndé
They'll have progressed through to the semi-final if they win and they'll be out of the competition if they lose? Like, I'm no mathematician, but even I know that being in a competition gives you a better chance of winning it than being knocked out of it.
Well, doh, but the post make it seem it's about "wishing increasing chances".

Exactly geebs, this is so stupid wishing Liverpool to win this. It just increases their chances of lifting the whole thing ffs

Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
If the Sheikhs bought Everton instead and it was us (United) playing them in the QF, you'd want us to beat them and then we bow out in the Semis, right?

Obertan, now you’re just going to give me nightmares mate. Not fair! :)

But, I do see your point (I don’t want to).


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
Again I think you're being overly sensitive also I'm afraid. Honing in on one phrase that offends you and re contexualising it will only lead to a needless argument. By my definition the traits I listed justify any terminology used - if I had said a probably more pc phrase such as 'alternate breed (of fan)' 'deluded fanbase' the point is the same.

For what it's worth I find I'm able to be quite unbiased when talking football- but I guess I don't really have to explain that, I've made a statement based on my own interactions and experiences - and feel the way I feel after them. It is my valid and established opinion. I'm sorry you disagree
...And I knew you would defend with the ‘sensitive’ issue- so stereotypical that it rolls off the tongue, without thought almost! Yes you’re right, you dont have to explain to me but your established opinion is based upon your own friends! Hardly a majority data base! I too have a considerable number of United friends/acquaintances and as I stated, I can debate with only 2 of them as the rest resort to all the ‘we won’ stuff. That doesn’t mean that I should globalise all United fans as being like them although the majority of my experiences would be such.
I genuinely think such crass behaviour is more of the person themselves rather than any team that the support.
Anyway, we wont go around in circles maybe some day we can talk football instead!!


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
...And I knew you would defend with the ‘sensitive’ issue- so stereotypical that it rolls off the tongue, without thought almost! Yes you’re right, you dont have to explain to me but your established opinion is based upon your own friends! Hardly a majority data base! I too have a considerable number of United friends/acquaintances and as I stated, I can debate with only 2 of them as the rest resort to all the ‘we won’ stuff. That doesn’t mean that I should globalise all United fans as being like them although the majority of my experiences would be such.
I genuinely think such crass behaviour is more of the person themselves rather than any team that the support.
Anyway, we wont go around in circles maybe some day we can talk football instead!!
Yes I think we have two different mindsets on what allows somebody to formulate an opinion. I would say that in my lifetime I have yet to meet a single Liverpool fan that caused me to change my opinion. The day I do, I will consider revising my opinion. Until then I feel comfortable sticking to my opinion given a lifetimes worth of interactions. Separately I feel that no other club seems to have such a close correlation between its playing staff, coaches and fans as Liverpool, and I don’t mean that in a good way.

Maybe someday somebody will change my mind, I’m open to the idea.


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
Yes I think we have two different mindsets on what allows somebody to formulate an opinion. I would say that in my lifetime I have yet to meet a single Liverpool fan that caused me to change my opinion. The day I do, I will consider revising my opinion. Until then I feel comfortable sticking to my opinion given a lifetimes worth of interactions. Separately I feel that no other club seems to have such a close correlation between its playing staff, coaches and fans as Liverpool, and I don’t mean that in a good way.

Maybe someday somebody will change my mind, I’m open to the idea.
Fair enough, tomorrow always brings a new day. Be prepared to be amazed!!


Full Member
Nov 25, 2015
I'm all for making fun of rival fans, but I honestly don't understand how some people honestly seem to think that supporters of different clubs are actually worse people, or worse fans. All football supporters are bitter, defensive, biased, deluded morons. IT's what makes us fans. It's not a rational process. But saying some fans are inherently worse than others just because they support a certain club is just silly. It's just fecking football.

That said, I hope both teams lose, feck em.


New Member
Aug 18, 2014
Boot Canp
I'm all for making fun of rival fans, but I honestly don't understand how some people honestly seem to think that supporters of different clubs are actually worse people, or worse fans. All football supporters are bitter, defensive, biased, deluded morons. IT's what makes us fans. It's not a rational process. But saying some fans are inherently worse than others just because they support a certain club is just silly. It's just fecking football.
Amen brother


Full Member
Dec 31, 2011
N3404 The Island of Manchester United
I'll be hoping the scum lose, as they seem to struggle against the scum. If the scum get to the next round, the remaining teams are more likely to beat the scum than they are to beat the scum.

So I hope City lose in this round.


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
I hope the match becomes a farce and both teams are expelled. I hope there's a mass brawl with the players and Guardiola and Klopp go at it in the middle of the pitch.


Full Member
Sep 28, 2016
I hope City beat them badly. Like really badly. My office is crawling with Liverpool fans and they've been smug as feck since we got knocked out. I don't even want to think what the place would be like if they were to progress, or god forbid win the fecking thing.


New Member
Sep 12, 2013
Way forward has to be City beating Liverpool, then Barca or Bayern beating City in the semi-final:)

Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
Yes I think we have two different mindsets on what allows somebody to formulate an opinion. I would say that in my lifetime I have yet to meet a single Liverpool fan that caused me to change my opinion. The day I do, I will consider revising my opinion. Until then I feel comfortable sticking to my opinion given a lifetimes worth of interactions. Separately I feel that no other club seems to have such a close correlation between its playing staff, coaches and fans as Liverpool, and I don’t mean that in a good way.

Maybe someday somebody will change my mind, I’m open to the idea.
Ever heard of the idea, that if everyone you meet appears to be a bit of an asshole, then it might not really be them at all? (Joke!) :)
(I know, not ‘everyone’, just my ‘Sub-species’).
Anyway, my problem was just with your language really. I find the term ‘sub-species’ in relation to any human being pretty vile.

No worries, from the way you’ve explained it to ‘One Football’ it’s less offensive. I just think it’s the original terms and generalisation.
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Sniffs Erricksson’s diarrhea
Oct 18, 2007
Why do most Man Utd fans, maybe especially those who live in Manchester, seem to hate Liverpool much more than City?


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Why do most Man Utd fans, maybe especially those who live in Manchester, seem to hate Liverpool much more than City?
I'd be willing to bet it has a lot to do with Liverpool being very successful for a long time (thank feck those days are long gone) while City have been more or less irrelevant until recently.


New Member
Jan 15, 2018
I hope the match becomes a farce and both teams are expelled. I hope there's a mass brawl with the players and Guardiola and Klopp go at it in the middle of the pitch.
Klopp isn't Jose to poke eyes of coaching staff of opposition.


New Member
Jan 15, 2018
Yes I think we have two different mindsets on what allows somebody to formulate an opinion. I would say that in my lifetime I have yet to meet a single Liverpool fan that caused me to change my opinion. The day I do, I will consider revising my opinion. Until then I feel comfortable sticking to my opinion given a lifetimes worth of interactions. Separately I feel that no other club seems to have such a close correlation between its playing staff, coaches and fans as Liverpool, and I don’t mean that in a good way.

Maybe someday somebody will change my mind, I’m open to the idea.
Nope it's not difference of mindsets, it's because we the fans hold bias towards the club we support. Infact if knowledgeable Man UTD fan and Liverpool fan talk about any football related topic except anything related to Liverpool or Man Utd, they will tend to agree on most of the things. Try it and you will find it to be true.


New Member
Jan 15, 2018
I'll be hoping the scum lose, as they seem to struggle against the scum. If the scum get to the next round, the remaining teams are more likely to beat the scum than they are to beat the scum.

So I hope City lose in this round.
Don't you think which ever team wins a tie over two leg is most likely stronger out of the two and whoever reaches the semi-final will be as strong as the remaining teams in the semis. This year we can say no team has got favourable draws, every team would have faced atleast one really good team before reaching semi. Basically any team which is in semi will have the credentials and abilityato defeat the other team. Be it Liverpool or City, whoever goes through would earned the spot and especially if Liverpool end up beating city who are one of the favourites and cwrtainly much stronger than us over two legs than Liverpool will have the ability to beat any other team in semi.


Liverpool Fan
Feb 25, 2013
On the Kop
I'm all for making fun of rival fans, but I honestly don't understand how some people honestly seem to think that supporters of different clubs are actually worse people, or worse fans. All football supporters are bitter, defensive, biased, deluded morons. IT's what makes us fans. It's not a rational process. But saying some fans are inherently worse than others just because they support a certain club is just silly. It's just fecking football.

That said, I hope both teams lose, feck em.
FFS Here's another one trying to bring sense and reason to the Caf! 28 day ban I think :D

Seven Seas Sardines

Full Member
May 24, 2015
Bolivia til 2024
I don't see the problem really. It's not like I'm rooting for Liverpool to win the whole thing. I want them to beat City so they can't win the treble. Liverpool aren't going to win against Barca/RM. Plus their lack of squad depth up front means they are at risk of not making top 4 if they are distracted by CL.
Bingo. Whoever edited the thread title needs to go do one. I prefer being a "fan" hoping both to lose as much as possible, than to be a "fan" wanting City go through who can actually win it, and Liverpool to go out early and focus on top4..

Random Task

WW Lynchpin
Feb 7, 2010
I'm all for making fun of rival fans, but I honestly don't understand how some people honestly seem to think that supporters of different clubs are actually worse people, or worse fans. All football supporters are bitter, defensive, biased, deluded morons. IT's what makes us fans. It's not a rational process. But saying some fans are inherently worse than others just because they support a certain club is just silly. It's just fecking football.

That said, I hope both teams lose, feck em.
That is a highly offensive but perfectly balanced assessment of your average football fan. But let's face it, Liverpool fans are clearly more bitter, more defensive, more biased, more deluded and more moronic than everyone else.

This is very much common knowledge. That you would dispute this fact disturbs me somewhat.

Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
That is a highly offensive but perfectly balanced assessment of your average football fan. But let's face it, Liverpool fans are clearly more bitter, more defensive, more biased, more deluded and more moronic than everyone else.

This is very much common knowledge. That you would dispute this fact disturbs me somewhat.

As a Liverpool fan, I definitely agree with BOTH of you, negating, and endorsing, both points of view simultaneously.

We are a weird bunch, but all footie fans are and we’re all deluded (all footie fans). Though I would have to admit I’m weirder and more deluded than most (I actually genuinely believe Jordonian Hendershott is a pretty decent player, though he often proves me both, correct and wildly incorrect, within the space of about ten minutes regularly.

Random Task, I think you’re a very good poster, and your insults of us ‘Scouse’ are completely acceptable. The only posters I find offensive are those who use genuinely offensive terms, I would describe them as ‘objectively offensive terms’. The only things I find unnaceptable personally (from both United and Liverpool fans) are those dealing with tragedy.

I find the ‘Victims’ or ‘Victimpool’ tags terribly offensive, because they instantly transport me to the thought of horror, and death and a decades long fight for any form of ‘justice’. I of course, include in that the 38 unfortunate souls, and their families and friends at Heysel, of which our support played the largest, most culpable role.

I feel exactly the same revulsion at Liverpool fans, who deride the memory of those who died at Munich. Some things transcend tribalism, they are about human decency (I believe anyway, and as someone who studied Genocide for my Masters, I wouldn’t class myself as weak stomached, or easily offended).

Anyway mate, I’ve droned on long enough, and I would hope that most of my points are fairly obvious, and universal.

Best wishes,
Jamie L
The Hendersonian institute (for the incurably deluded). ;)
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Jamie L

New Member
Jan 10, 2017
Suffolk, England
I'm all for making fun of rival fans, but I honestly don't understand how some people honestly seem to think that supporters of different clubs are actually worse people, or worse fans. All football supporters are bitter, defensive, biased, deluded morons. IT's what makes us fans. It's not a rational process. But saying some fans are inherently worse than others just because they support a certain club is just silly. It's just fecking football.

That said, I hope both teams lose, feck em.

Apologies, I meant to include your post with my own above.

I completely agree. Please see my post above for my own (tediously lengthy) views on the subject.

Best wishes,


Nov 3, 2001
I hope City beat them badly. Like really badly. My office is crawling with Liverpool fans and they've been smug as feck since we got knocked out. I don't even want to think what the place would be like if they were to progress, or god forbid win the fecking thing.
Don't get the whole united supporting Liverpool in the short term just to see them fall badly in the semis or final. We went to Istanbul with Baros as our starting forward. We beat City and confidence will be flying. Anyway, if you do plan on rooting for Liverpool, please bring those cheerleaders with megaphones and song sheets your owners want so much.


New Member
Nov 1, 2015
Walney Island
I'd never wish for Liverpool or City to win as I can't stand either club. But in reality, I absolutely do not want City to win it. The whole reason Pep was brought in was to win the CL. It's what City have been working towards for the last 10 years and we will never hear the end of it if they do win it. It's probably only a matter of time until they do but still, the longer the better! I'd love them to utterly embarrass Liverpool and knock them out only to get to the final and get dicked by Barca or Madrid! :-D


Full Member
Sep 28, 2016
Don't get the whole united supporting Liverpool in the short term just to see them fall badly in the semis or final. We went to Istanbul with Baros as our starting forward. We beat City and confidence will be flying. Anyway, if you do plan on rooting for Liverpool, please bring those cheerleaders with megaphones and song sheets your owners want so much.
Did you mean to reply to me?


New Member
Jan 1, 2018
I'll be hoping the scum lose, as they seem to struggle against the scum. If the scum get to the next round, the remaining teams are more likely to beat the scum than they are to beat the scum.

So I hope City lose in this round.
Don't get the whole united supporting Liverpool in the short term just to see them fall badly in the semis or final. We went to Istanbul with Baros as our starting forward. We beat City and confidence will be flying. Anyway, if you do plan on rooting for Liverpool, please bring those cheerleaders with megaphones and song sheets your owners want so much.
Can I say two things to you. You mouth off like that and you’re leaving yourself with a lot of humble pie to eat. Us winning CL from this position, against the Clubs that stand in our way would probably be at greater odds than at half time in Istanbul. And secondly, you’re sounding like no better than the brain dead crap posted above by Verminator. Believing one to be smart is one thing, but actually committing it to print proves another.
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