Catalonia referendum| Catalonia declares independence from Spain

I'm not laughing at beaten people, I'm laughing at pathetic cnuts making stuff up. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to do exactly the same with your post..

So it was fake? the injury was fake?
Keep laughing I know you are in a cheerie mood today
I'm not laughing at beaten people, I'm laughing at pathetic cnuts making stuff up. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to do exactly the same with your post..
What's your opinion on the behavior of the Police?
Probably not, but that doesn't take away that a lot of them are making stuff up to suit their agenda. Which is sad in times like these tbh.

Both sides have faults, although i consider the spanish governament behaviour more disgusting.I disliked the video of the GC vehicles being hit by rocks. I just didn't like your post but you know i like your hispano-belgium Hazard loving self.
So it was fake? the injury was fake?
:lol: Christ... are you a bit thick?
What's your opinion on the behavior of the Police?
They are doing what is asked of them. Like some wise man once said. "They will be always a couple of people that they can help themselve. But the procedure is very clear"
:lol: Christ... are you a bit thick?

They are doing what is asked of them. Like some wise man once said. "They will be always a couple of people that they can help themselve. But the procedure is very clear"
Jesus! That's a fecking awful opinion to have.
You try organising something illegal and then stand up to the police, let's see where you end up.
:lol: Christ... are you a bit thick?

They are doing what is asked of them. Like some wise man once said. "They will be always a couple of people that they can help themselve. But the procedure is very clear"

And I am the thick one. Wow, just WOW
You try organising something illegal and then stand up to the police, let's see where you end up.
Tell that to martin luther king, or the ones that stand up against the slavery, or homosexuality. They were ilegally (and legal for slavery) and people stand up against the police for justice, not law.
You try organising something illegal and then stand up to the police, let's see where you end up.

Many times in history, when the majority of people are on the side of the illegality, they ended up with what they wanted.
:lol: Christ... are you a bit thick?

They are doing what is asked of them. Like some wise man once said. "They will be always a couple of people that they can help themselve. But the procedure is very clear"
don't care for the opinions, but umm a bit rude mate
I don't know much of the details, but I do :lol: @ 'illegal to have a referendum' - democracy in the doldrums.

When is it ever 'illegal' to have an opinion / view or request a democratic vote.
Not surprised by the The People's Party behaviour in the end though. They are still a post-francois political party.
What part of that statement is wrong? You don't think the GC is asked to intervene? You think they're doing it by themselves?

This? this is how GC should act? seriously? like touching the boobs of a girl and breaking the fingers one by one? SERIOUSLY? what kind of a seek mind do you have to consider police brutallity likes a police duty?
:lol: They are such posers.

Fakers too, always trying to make stuff up.

Internet is awful this kind of days. Twitter is full of shit debates and many fake videos.I think that I am sad because of so much information and arguments.

This? this is how GC should act? seriously? like touching the boobs of a girl and breaking the fingers one by one? SERIOUSLY? what kind of a seek mind do you have to consider police brutallity likes a police duty?

God that kick at the start!
Internet is awful this kind of days. Twitter is full of shit debates and many fake videos.I think that I am sad because of so much information and arguments.

False equivalence Trump style in charlottetown, you and Vato
I don't know much of the details, but I do :lol: @ 'illegal to have a referendum' - democracy in the doldrums.

When is it ever 'illegal' to have an opinion / view or request a democratic vote.

How can you can say "democracy in the doldrums" while simultaneously laughing at a decision by the constitutional court to suspend the referendum? I'm honestly not getting this argument.
:lol: a bit dramatic that..
You keep laughing, as I said you are not only "defending" lgality, but I know youa re enjoying every kick and punch of the police. I can smell your kind from far away
How can you can say "democracy in the doldrums" while simultaneously laughing at a decision by the constitutional court to suspend the referendum? I'm honestly not getting this argument.
huh - I am sarcastically laughing at how it's a demoracy but 'we want a referendum / voice / opinion / decision'...and 'oh that's illegal, sorry'
You keep laughing, as I said you are not only "defending" lgality, but I know youa re enjoying every kick and punch of the police. I can smell your kind from far away
You have serious victim-syndrome issues if you really think this. I have no words...
Rajoy, saying thanks to the police and very proud of them
Rajoy, saying thanks to the police and very proud of them
Listen dude, Rajoy is a piece of shit, like most of our government.

You act like the whole police force is one entity, like every single one of them is an evil sadistic bastard. I'd love to see you when you need them.