Catalonia referendum| Catalonia declares independence from Spain

:lol: They are such posers.

Fakers too, always trying to make stuff up.

I know our government are a bunch of crooks and thieves but I'm so tired of the catalan holier than thou attitude.

They're always the saints who can do no wrong and everyone else is evil.

Seriously, if I could I would give them another yes-vote, just to get rid of their endless whining and crying.
I know our government are a bunch of crooks and thieves but I'm so tired of the catalan holier than thou attitude.

They're always the saints who can do no wrong and everyone else is evil.

Seriously, if I could I would give them another yes-vote, just to get rid of their endless whining and crying.

A lot of this is showing to me parallels to the Scottish independence vote, a lot of Brits felt like this in the end and would've been happy to see them leave.

Luckily a large proportion of Brits wanted Scotland to stay and they themselves did so too. It's a shame, the best outcome imo for Spain would've been allowing the vote and the Catalans choosing to remain, but now after all this violence I'm not sure they'll ever allow an authorised vote to take place.
Videos are absolutely shocking. Spanish government doing their best to turn more people to vote yes or to want an independence. Police are beating anyone in most brutal way even when people are raising their hands...

Hasn't Spanish government learned anything from Scottish referendum.

I hope this won't turn into a civil war... reminds me a bit of Yugoslavia in 1990.
Videos are absolutely shocking. Spanish government doing their best to turn more people to vote yes or to want an independence. Police are beating anyone in most brutal way even when people are raising their hands...

Hasn't Spanish government learned anything from Scottish referendum.

I hope this won't turn into a civil war... reminds me a bit of Yugoslavia in 1990.

It will not, Catalans have clear that eveything has to be completely pacific, no violent reaction. They will be always a couple of people that they can help themselve. But the procedure is very clear and we repeat it all the time, peaceful behaviour
I would like to see you after police has beaten you.

Nah, is so funny!! lets all laugh at beaten people. it si funny if it is from 2012 instead of 2017
It will not, Catalans have clear that eveything has to be completely pacific, no violent reaction. They will be always a couple of people that they can help themselve. But the procedure is very clear and we repeat it all the time, peaceful behaviour
Catalans but maybe Madrid will send the army.
This video and the others with people getting dragged down stairs imo is completely the wrong way about going to do things. Why not instead say let's have a discussion to see when to have a legally authorised referendum vote? Imagine if the British police did this sort of thing in Scotland.. it would be crazy and would be condemned worldwide. I have no idea why the Spanish gov and police think they can get away with it. Least of all long-term it does nothing to help rift the divisions with Catalonia to make them want to remain, rather really shows the divisions to a new generation.

Because UK has democratic history and because UK still means something to the international world. Nobody gives a damn of Spain and even less of Catalonia
I hope this won't turn into a civil war... reminds me a bit of Yugoslavia in 1990.

How so? I wonder about thoughts like this since it's been mentioned time after time. Does Catalonia even have such an option if it ever came to that? Wouldn't it be more like a massacre and then an insurgency.
How so? I wonder about thoughts like this since it's been mentioned time after time. Does Catalonia even have such an option if it ever came to that? Wouldn't it be more like a massacre and then an insurgency.

Wold be a insurgency afterwards. There is no guns in Spain, I never seen one beside the police. There is not that kind of mentality. Would never happen like yougoslavia
:lol: They are such posers.

Fakers too, always trying to make stuff up.


Are the vídeos of the GC hitting people, elders, with their arms raised, or catalan fire fighters trying to protect people fake as well?
How so? I wonder about thoughts like this since it's been mentioned time after time. Does Catalonia even have such an option if it ever came to that? Wouldn't it be more like a massacre and then an insurgency.
Croatia declared independence, Belgrade sent an army who was dividing Croatian Serbs and Croatians at first but then turned against Croatia. In short, very very short.
How so? I wonder about thoughts like this since it's been mentioned time after time. Does Catalonia even have such an option if it ever came to that? Wouldn't it be more like a massacre and then an insurgency.

Wold be a insurgency afterwards. There is no guns in Spain, I never seen one beside the police. There is not that kind of mentality. Would never happen like yougoslavia

Obviously they need to lobby John McCain to get some weapons in.
I could be wrong but I can't help thinking that if Spain were a middle-eastern country or a soviet-block one (when it existed) then Western governments would be shouting outrage and the right to a people's self-determination.
Wold be a insurgency afterwards. There is no guns in Spain, I never seen one beside the police. There is not that kind of mentality. Would never happen like yougoslavia

I agree. I don't see the comparison as being a good one. I don't even think of Spanish people as being the aggressive sort. This country is passive to the point that it makes me angry at times.
How so? I wonder about thoughts like this since it's been mentioned time after time. Does Catalonia even have such an option if it ever came to that? Wouldn't it be more like a massacre and then an insurgency.
It has some similarities with Yugoslavian wars (especially Slovenia and Kosovo). Like Slovenia, Catalonia is easily the richest region in the country (GDP per capita), while also being the most progressive. Of course, they don't have capabilities to defend against an army (neither did Slovenia for that matter).

There are obviously similarities with Kosovo too. For a start, people are of some other nationality. Secondly, the separatists are totally peaceful while the government is being brutal. Separatists cannot fight an open war with the government (and neither they wish so). If you look at the situation in Kosovo between 1990-1997 it looks very similar and the Kosovan resistance was peaceful, but things escalated to war after the peaceful resistance didn't bring nothing. If Spain continues like this, you can fully expect the peaceful resistance to get transformed into a guerrilla war.

Obviously, Spain is much more powerful than Serbia (for that matter Catalonia is more powerful than Slovenia or Kosovo), and being a member of NATO helps a lot too. But a civil war (if it happens), while being totally destructive for Catalonia, will cripple Spain too, and most likely will end with a divided crippled Spain, expelled from EU.

Of course, this looks like a worst case scenario and hopefully won't happen. Instead, I think that Spain will settle for some deal that gives Catalonia the same status as Basque country, with a referendum in the future officially making Catalonia independent. Or at least, I think that this is what should happen.
I agree. I don't see the comparison as being a good one. I don't even think of Spanish people as being the aggressive sort. This country is passive to the point that it makes me angry at times.

Well, there is a portion that, as I set, they are nostalgic of the dictatorship and they like it. And yes, most of the changes always started in catalonia meanwhile in spain the swallow and swallow and do nothing. Of course is not fair generalizing and I am just only speak about my perception.

Not the 15-M it started in madrid, unfortunately didn´t change anything
It has some similarities with Yugoslavian wars (especially Slovenia and Kosovo). Like Slovenia, Catalonia is easily the richest region in the country (GDP per capita), while also being the most progressive. Of course, they don't have capabilities to defend against an army (neither did Slovenia for that matter).

There are obviously similarities with Kosovo too. For a start, people are of some other nationality. Secondly, the separatists are totally peaceful while the government is being brutal. Separatists cannot fight an open war with the government (and neither they wish so). If you look at the situation in Kosovo between 1990-1997 it looks very similar and the Kosovan resistance was peaceful, but things escalated to war after the peaceful resistance didn't bring nothing. If Spain continues like this, you can fully expect the peaceful resistance to get transformed into a guerrilla war.

Obviously, Spain is much more powerful than Serbia (for that matter Catalonia is more powerful than Slovenia or Kosovo), and being a member of NATO helps a lot too. But a civil war (if it happens), while being totally destructive for Catalonia, will cripple Spain too, and most likely will end with a divided crippled Spain, expelled from EU.

Of course, this looks like a worst case scenario and hopefully won't happen. Instead, I think that Spain will settle for some deal that gives Catalonia the same status as Basque country, with a referendum in the future officially making Catalonia independent. Or at least, I think that this is what should happen.

I can't talk about comparisons because I don´t know in first person the situation in eslovenia and Kosovo, but knowing my fellow catalans, I see it almost impossible.

As I see impossible status as Basque country possible. First because spanish government will never " surrender" to that, and secondly because we cross the line, we want out.
Of course, this looks like a worst case scenario and hopefully won't happen. Instead, I think that Spain will settle for some deal that gives Catalonia the same status as Basque country, with a referendum in the future officially making Catalonia independent. Or at least, I think that this is what should happen.

Completely with you on that them becoming more like the Basque country, assuming that's possible (think I've been told it isn't).

Also, thanks for the brief insight into the Yugoslavia situation. I don't know much about it but would like to do more reading.
This is really shocking. You'll hear nothing from the EU too.

Time for Portugal to step in, I reckon.
Are the vídeos of the GC hitting people, elders, with their arms raised, or catalan fire fighters trying to protect people fake as well?
Probably not, but that doesn't take away that a lot of them are making stuff up to suit their agenda. Which is sad in times like these tbh.
I can't talk about comparisons because I don´t know in first person the situation in eslovenia and Kosovo, but knowing my fellow catalans, I see it almost impossible.

As I see impossible status as Basque country possible. First because spanish government will never " surrender" to that, and secondly because we cross the line, we want out.

Exactly, this was the tipping point - there is no going back
This is really shocking. You'll hear nothing from the EU too.

Time for Portugal to step in, I reckon.

Just a curiosity, since Portugal was mentioned. In 1640 the catalans rebelled for independence and the spanish king moved his army there. We took the chance to rebel when we heard the news and we were able to restore our independence.

So kind of indirectly Catalonia helped our independence.
Probably not, but that doesn't take away that a lot of them are making stuff up to suit their agenda. Which is sad in times like these tbh.

So, wanting to vote, they send the police to trample us EVERYTWHERE. 10.000 policemen from all around the country and it suits our agenda?

Sad times? hipocrite, you just laughed at a injured guy, you are one of the ones that are enjoying that
Nah, is so funny!! lets all laugh at beaten people. it si funny if it is from 2012 instead of 2017
I'm not laughing at beaten people, I'm laughing at pathetic cnuts making stuff up. If I didn't know any better I'd say you're trying to do exactly the same with your post..
Just a curiosity, since Portugal was mentioned. In 1640 the catalans rebelled for independence and the spanish king moved his army there. We took the chance to rebel when we heard the news and we were able to restore our independence.

So kind of indirectly Catalonia helped our independence.

Definetely it was like that. It was a farmers revolt against he powerful lords. The first social revolution in history