Ha, just a little and not realising Alex Ferguson did exactly what he is saying Rodgers is doing with Liverpool.
Brenton is making an average set of players look like a capable contender for top 4, being carried by the individual talent of one of the best players in the world atm Luis Suarez.
Ferguson was capable of winning and dominanting the PL year in year out with these players. Ofcourse he made them look beter than what they are, a good manager does that, no doubt about it, maybay Ferguson did it even more than Brenton is doing it with the Liverpool players.
But there still is a difference in being the best team in the PL and being a capable contender for 4th (which if SAF or another manager would still be here, Liverpool woudln't be getting this season, so don't think they have the 4th best squad in the league because its simply not true).
I'd say if you take managers out of the equasion, United has probably had the 3th or second best set of players in the league and still do. City has a beter squad, Chelsea has had an equal squad (2nd or 3th is debateable). I'd say Arsenal has the 4th best squad, Tottenham the 5th best squad and Liverpool the 6th and Everton the 7th. That would be my classification of the teams in terms of actual quality of players available in the team (not including the effect a good or bad manager has on the team).
Ferguson was a real good manager because he managed to win the PL with these players, not just on a rare occassion, but year in year out, so actually ridiculing City who had a beter squad on quite a number of occassions. Normally a United team with those players would finish 2nd or 3th under another less capable manager.
Now Moyes was decent at Everton, more experienced because he was there 11 years and he made it really his team and he knew how to put them to good effect. he managed to ridicule Liverpool on a number of occassions by finishing above them, but nothing major, he never made it in top 4 for example. With United he has been terrible, because he brough us down from first place to seventh, 2nd or 3th would have been expected, perhpas 4th, but never 7th.
Brenton this year is really good, last year wasn't very good, but this year he is spot on. He is letting Liverpool play as a contender for top and because of the absence of a really good United, he'll get 4th and with a setback of Arsenal perhaps even 3th. Which is really good.
Martinez is also doing ok, because he is closer to top 4 than Everton ever were under Moyes and who knows what he could do with Everton if he has the time to really get into the job.
City and Chelsea are finally doing what they are supposed to do because they finally have decent managers at the club. Chelsea with Mourinho might even outplay Pellegrini with City and actually win the PL this year, but its between these 2. However if City win it, its on manpower with a far superior squad that should always win this PL in fact.
Arsenal are doing fine, might even do great, show how valuable the experience of Wenger is, but somehow are looking like bottling it again and might just end 3th or 4th depending what Liverpool do. Also clearly moving up a spot because of the fallback of a great Manchester United team, else they would probably get no higher than 4th and might still get dragged into a race for 4th with Liverpool.
Tottenham doing not so very good, not as bad as United, but not being as high up the table as they should; Also down to poor management, AVB was a real bad coach and Shirwood is just ad interim but actually far better than AVB, he might have been higher up had he been coaching from the start.
That is my view on the dynamics in the PL, the power differences in terms of players and the effect of the managers who are allowed to work with these players. Poor managers underperform, and Moyes is the worst one atm and good managers overperform, Brenton, Mourinho, Martinez and Wenger being the examples. Maybay its complete bollocks to some, but its just the way I see it for myself. I believe with a good manager (for example Klopp or Simeone) Manchester United would contend for the PL with these players. And if the team would invest (£100 to £150m like some would let Moyes spend) to adress some of the issues in the squad (midfield and aging defence,) we would be the best team in the league actually and could start looking at Real, Barca or even Bayern in a few years time. But ofcourse no chance of that with Moyes.