Brentan Rodgers

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I don't think he's a bad manager. I think in the long run he'll improve Liverpool, but he is doing some very strange things. The piece they did on motd last night about them trying to play it out from the back even when it's clearly not on was telling. I understand that keeping the ball is everything but not losing it in very dangerous positions us surely more important. Some of the team selection have been bizarre too, as has their inability to attack after the 30 minutes mark.
It's utterly bizarre they've been average in the first four games and everyone is creaming themselves to heap praise on them. I'll never get it.

Yep. Got lucky against Stoke when Walters missed the pen, had a good first half at Villa but lucky to get away with three points after an abysmal second half, had about two shots against us and defended 85 minutes (they did well though) and should've lost at Swansea on Monday night. They are yet to score a second half goal too, so there are obvious issues with their physical condition. In short they can consider themselves lucky to have 10 points, about 6-7 points would be a 'fair' return for their quality of play so far.
Getting Suarez back is a massive boost for them though.
Yeah but there is an intelligent way to do it. Rodgers says all the things a top class multi title winner does but he's what ? A newbie at the highest still.
A top multi title winning manager wouldn't feel the need to bullshit the way he does. Shows a lot of insecurity from him and really does make him sound like a caricature of a poxy middle management douchebag.
I always get the impression that Rodgers speaks as though he is the manager of a company rather than a team. Seems t enjoy talking in riddles and random shit. Something he probably picked up from Mourinho.
As for his "Suarez silver lining" comment, I can see where he was coming from with that one. They lost the game, yes, but it was Suarez's last game of his suspension so at least some good came out of it, from their own point of view.

The problem with Rodgers is that he speaks in such a convoluted way, he almost confuses himself. If he spoke like a regular person would do, he'd get his points across far easier. When he doesn't, he just looks like a dick.
From yesterday:

"We're on 10 points already and at the end of last season we finished on 61 points and we talked about those extra 10 points that might have taken us into the Champions League - at this early stage we've got them."

:wenger: feck me, how does it work? They played 4 games for those 10 points (5 now) and anyway should have got 7 points from those (10 now). Didn't know they were granted bonus games to get those 10 points.
:lol: is that the quote of 2013? My god.
:lol: I'm cracking up here. They've got those 10 extra points they lacked last year. Ffs.
Oh well, no need to get any more points then - they've already got the points they need for CL qualification.
Actually, I think he'd prefer to talk to journos rather than manage football teams.
I don't think he's a bad manager. I think in the long run he'll improve Liverpool, but he is doing some very strange things. The piece they did on motd last night about them trying to play it out from the back even when it's clearly not on was telling. I understand that keeping the ball is everything but not losing it in very dangerous positions us surely more important. Some of the team selection have been bizarre too, as has their inability to attack after the 30 minutes mark.
Had this same chat with my local team manager who wants us to play the ball out from the back. I like to play ball but when you're on your heels and don't have many options sometimes a quick ball over the oposition full back is the only ball to play. It's nice to play passing football but the best players know when to play it.
Had this same chat with my local team manager who wants us to play the ball out from the back. I like to play ball but when you're on your heels and don't have many options sometimes a quick ball over the oposition full back is the only ball to play. It's nice to play passing football but the best players know when to play it.

Playing the percentage game?
I think his problem is, he talks in way too much detail, most of which is unnecessary. For instance here, he might be comparing it with first 4-5 games last season when they got, what 1-2 points? But, difference is, that was against a totally different set of teams. They had played us, City and Arsenal in first 5 and were hammered on opening day against a form team in West Brom. The start is far easier for them this time, so one can't directly compare them. For ex. The points they 'gained' over last season by winning against us are nullified by loss against Saints at home, a fixture they had won last year. It just doesn't work that way. We can't say that if win against Norwich away this year, we are guaranteed 92 points. Otherwise, everybody would be on 114 points in few seasons. If at all he needs to compare that way, it should be after first 19 fixtures to see if they have 'net gained' points in first half.
I do wonder if, when he's wanking on his sofa to clips of himself, that he finishes by looking at that big self-portrait on the wall.
I think his problem is, he talks in way too much detail, most of which is unnecessary. For instance here, he might be comparing it with first 4-5 games last season when they got, what 1-2 points? But, difference is, that was against a totally different set of teams. They had played us, City and Arsenal in first 5 and were hammered on opening day against a form team in West Brom. The start is far easier for them this time, so one can't directly compare them. For ex. The points they 'gained' over last season by winning against us are nullified by loss against Saints at home, a fixture they had won last year. It just doesn't work that way. We can't say that if win against Norwich away this year, we are guaranteed 92 points. Otherwise, everybody would be on 114 points in few seasons. If at all he needs to compare that way, it should be after first 19 fixtures to see if they have 'net gained' points in first half.
TL/DR: He's a prannet sofa wanker.
What he said there makes literally no sense. It's like he expected them to have zero points after 5 games and is surprised with 10.
As for his "Suarez silver lining" comment, I can see where he was coming from with that one. They lost the game, yes, but it was Suarez's last game of his suspension so at least some good came out of it, from their own point of view.

The problem with Rodgers is that he speaks in such a convoluted way, he almost confuses himself. If he spoke like a regular person would do, he'd get his points across far easier. When he doesn't, he just looks like a dick.


Suarez would have completed his suspension win or lose, that's a positive for them on its own. Unless he's says that it doesn't matter that they we shite because now Suarez is back they won't be quite so shite any more?

Suarez would have completed his suspension win or lose, that's a positive for them on its own. Unless he's says that it doesn't matter that they we shite because now Suarez is back they won't be quite so shite any more?

Some kind of mental diversion tactic I guess.
Yeah I'm glad he can have a bit of fun with it. Lets see if he's smirking when the little cuntbag has his next outrageous antic.
Rodgers on Suarez:

"He's really chomping at the bit to help the team." Good stuff from that man.

Still surprised that Rodgers/Liverpool managed to keep him.

Not only did Arsenal not manage to land him but they also learned a lesson that you don't always have to give in to the demands of your want away players.
He really wanted to go to RM, he'll sulk through the season and get that move in the summer. This will free up Benny for us, trebles all round.
What's weird about Rodgers is that if you just listened to him speak, you'd assume Liverpool would be bottom given the amount of rubbish he comes out with. He clearly stops pretending that he's some kind of new-age philosopher in training and actually manages the team.
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