Johnny, I must say my hatred of Liverpool and their supporters has risen in recent years to the extent that I now seem to savour everything bad that happens to the club. A lot of that is down to the hysterical RAWKite faction of your support - you seem like a reasonable and clued up guy, what is your take on the sterotypical RAWK carry-on? Does a lot of it look as ridiculous to you as it does to an outsider? How has such a cultish mentality been able to develop?
I don't post on RAWK, though I do on another LFC forum - which to be fair doesn't attract anything like the same number of members.
It's hard or kind of difficult, for me to openly attack or be critical of my own support as it were especially, with all due respect on here.
A good percentage of RAWK posters are living in the past, too busy thinking about the glory days rather than looking forward, with that comes a bitter & twisted element that leads to petty arguments amongst themselves because they cannot handle the fact we are not challenging for the major honours at this moment in time.
The problem, and it's good that it is being recognised by you and others, is that the delusional element of RAWK posters does not in anyway reflect your general LFC supporters attitude to football. I have been a season ticket holder for 25 years, I have been lucky to have witnessed so much success over that time, more than many fans of less successful teams could dream of seeing, pretty much every one I know is a straight forward enthusiastic football fan who loves the club and wants us to do well.
A lot of them have never even heard of RAWK.
Over time you get a sense of perspective, as every season goes by I yearn for some of that to return, however if it does not so be it , there is more important things in life. However, for some RAWK posters their obsession with getting the club back in the big time goes too far, they can't handle or cope with that fact United are so successful.
That said I read posts on there sometimes, and a lot of the guys talk sense, it's easily the biggest LFC forum so if there is an element of supporters living in the past it's more likely to be exaggerated on there than anywhere else.
To contradict that slightly you see far more Liverpool topics on here than you do United over there.
The rivalry runs deep, I guess as a fan base overall we aren't handling the fact we aren't that competitive at this present time , and if it is going to be reflected anywhere then it will be on RAWK.
The number of times I have read on here where we are called deluded, just doesn't reflect the truth at all. Of course I suppose with a club and a history like ours we do expect to be challenging for honours with the best teams in Europe. If you win the European Cup it feels good, so naturally you want to win it again.
Some people handle that lack of being able to do that better than others.
The others end up on RAWK, it's an outlet for their frustration.
Is RAWK a general reflection on what the average LFC fan is like - no.
Most I know don't post on any football forum, I suppose the internet is a vehicle for fans to vent their frustrations when things aren't going well, helpless to do anything about it they engage that frustration with the only people they can discuss them with, and as again RAWK is the biggest site it's where these discussions often take place, the bigger the forum the more exaggerated and commonplace crazy opinions can become.
There is a very defensive attitude on there, when you mention a cult like behaviour that stems from almost a clique type environment where newcomers aren't necessarily welcomed with open arms.