Television Breaking Bad

I'd go with:

1. "Crawl Space" Ending
2. The junkyard scene where Hank tracks down Jesse/Walt to the RV in "Sunset".
3. The last act of "Salud" (meeting Don Eladio and then taking out the cartel).
4. Jesse's "Problem Dog" scene.
5. Mike's speech in "Half Measures".

And, special mention to one of the webisodes, as it has so many great touches:
Speaking of "No Half Measures", apparently Aaron Paul got that phrase tattooed on his bicep after the last day of filming, while Bryan Cranston got the "Br Ba" logo done on one of his fingers.

The final eight episodes of Breaking Bad will hit Netflix in the UK the day after they air in the States, the web-streaming company confirmed today. Starting on Monday, August 12th, a new episode will drop each week just hours after it has aired on AMC Stateside, welcome news for Breaking Bad fans over here.

No UK broadcaster has heavily supported the hit show in the past with most viewers relying on Netflix (or other nefarious means) for their Heisenberg fix. This instant syndication solution could prove to be a big hit amongst networks keen to stem the tide of piracy seen for shows such as Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead that suffer staggered international air dates.

"Netflix has been instrumental in making Breaking Bad the success that it is," says series creator Vince Gilligan in a quote on The Verge. "I am delighted that fans [in the UK] will be able to enjoy the end of Breaking Bad on Netflix so soon after it airs in the US."

So are we Vince, so are we.

Awesome news!
Busted out the entire third season in 2 days. Outstanding! Fourth and fifth just as good I presume? I don't really like Jesse, he's a complete muppet and does stupid things all of the time.
Netflix just gets better and better. I actually feel bad for not subscribing.
Busted out the entire third season in 2 days. Outstanding! Fourth and fifth just as good I presume? I don't really like Jesse, he's a complete muppet and does stupid things all of the time.

Fourth's probably better, and the fifth is almost like a spinoff IMO. It's still excellent, it's just to keep that standard up again would have been impossible. You'll probably understand when you've seen it.
Netflix news is great, and it probably will stop me from getting episodes via other means.

Top 5 BB moments is tough. I'm doing this off the top of my head and it'll probably get changed several times.

5. Gus killing Victor. Such a brilliantly done scene, the complete silence from Gus and Walt desperately trying to say anything to save himself and Jesse. The tension it manages to build is quite incredible.
4. Walt watching Jane die and doing nothing to help.
3. Mike's half measures speech.
2. Erm, Erm, Erm, Erm......I'm going to go with Gus killing the Cartel and nearly killing himself in the process. I liked Gus.
1. Crawl Space ending. Just everything about it is pretty much perfection. They should make a new award for how good Cranston's acting was in that scene.

There's so many more that could be chosen aswell. Also I'd just like to say I absolutely love this show, I'm upto S4E2 on my rerun and I know by the time I've fully caught up I could happily sit and watch through them all again.
Busted out the entire third season in 2 days. Outstanding! Fourth and fifth just as good I presume? I don't really like Jesse, he's a complete muppet and does stupid things all of the time.

Fourth is the best series of the entire show. Stay out of this thread until you're caught up. You wouldn't want something spoiled for you. Like for example when Iron Man shows up.
Fourth is the best series of the entire show. Stay out of this thread until you're caught up. You wouldn't want something spoiled for you. Like for example when Iron Man shows up.

awesome :) Yeah I'm wary of reading spoilers. I quite like reading through the thread as each episode progresses and looked forward to doing it with this series but for this one you have 3 series discussed in pretty much 4 pages? Viewing figures must have picked up significantly.
1) Mike's 'no half measures' speech blew me away, it just pops into my head randomly its one of those scenes I dont think I'll ever forget.
2) Crawl Space ending
3) Heisenbergs 'say my name' scene in series 5.
4) Stuck in the desert with no fuel episode stood out for me.
5) The episode where they take Jesse to Mexico and the scene in the lab especially, where Jesse is giving their chemist shit.

also special mention to the scene where Skylar takes Walt to the HUGE pile of money that she doesn't know what to do with and for some reason I really like the scene where Jesse and Walt kidnap Saul and threaten him because he refuses their bribe, he starts talking spanish it makes me laugh every time.
Netflix just gets better and better. I actually feel bad for not subscribing.

It's the future of TV. Not Netflix per se but streaming content. Sooner or later traditional schedules will be a thing of the past and you'll just be able to watch what you want when you want.

Maybe series will still be released one episode per week, but there'll be no need to sit down at 8pm on a Monday to watch it - you'll just be able to watch it from 8pm on Monday.

Hopefully movies will go the same way. It seems hollywood only want to make comic-book films these days, or turgid shite like After Earth. We have already seen that the best writers and producers now work in TV in the US (mainly HBO) - no reason why they shouldn't start producing well-written movies for TV/internet release only (as they already did with Behind the Candelabra) and leave the cinema to the 13 year old boys.

With the ability to stream HD content and people having huge flat-screen TVs or projectors, why would you go to the cinema?
Netflix news is great! Cant wait for this now, is there a recap video on the YouTubes somewhere that I can watch?

Pretty cool of him, I thought. Personally I think it's retarded to drive around and hope to spot a famous person in their house or whatever but he did just make their day so fair fecks. Also one of the daughters looks pretty hot from what I could see.
I've decided that Walt and Jesse's showdown in S4E12 where he convinces Jesse Gus poisoned Brock has to go into my top 5. At the expense of what though I'm not quite sure. Such a brilliant scene and watching it whilst you know it was actually Walt who did it just makes it that little bit better.
One scene I haven't seen mentioned is when Walt runs down the two guys just as Jesse is about to try and kill them.

am not reading any posts above but I just finished the end of I think ep 11 season 4. WOW, Cranston's acting when he hears Skylar has gave Ted the money is absolutely phenomenal. That scene is just insanely good.
When he's in the crawl space and just starts laughing maniacally while the camera pans out?

That scene gave me goosebumps.

Enjoy what's coming Shaggy!
Its hard to believe seasons 1-5 takes place between Walt's 50th and 51st birthday. With all that's happened you would expect it to be longer.
I like the scene where that cripple guy comes into DA's office and tells them to feck of. Found that quite funny
It was very good and contributed to one of the best episodes of the series that had everything that makes the show brilliant: acting, humour, tension, suspense, great storylines...
So I've just finished all the episodes again. Please hurry up August 11th (or 12th, rather), this wait is unbearable.

Yeah, I'm going to start it all again in the next few weeks as well. I want to try and time it so that I finish around the time all the episodes are over and I can just watch them back to back rather than waiting impatiently every single week for the next episode.

I'm going to do the same with 24, no way could I wait weekly to find out what happens in the next hour of the show.
feck it. I'm going to start up the Netflix machine again tomorrow night now and re-watch all of this again from the start.

I think my timing is a little off though if the new episodes are airing on the 11th August. I'll have reached the end of these come this weekend. Addictive stuff.
The best scene is obviously Skinny Pete turning out to be awesome on the keyboard. You're all wrong.
feck it. I'm going to start up the Netflix machine again tomorrow night now and re-watch all of this again from the start.
I did this last night, watched the first three episodes. Walt sat on the toilet, writing that list on whether or not to kill Crazy 8...a hell of a lot has changed!
A small scene I liked was when the kid Todd shot is on the news. Jesse is clearly upset and Walt tells him he feels the same way, that he wasn't able to sleep for the last few night. Then as Jesse is leaving he hears Walt whistling happily to himself. That's the moment Jesse decides he's done.