Television Breaking Bad

Top 5 Breaking Bad scenes:

1. The "I Am The Danger" speech
2. When Jesse kicks the shit out of Walt
3. Akward dinner with Skylar Jesse and Walt
4. Crawlspace Ending
5. Walt watching Jane die
Fair fecks, Netflix is a total bargain at £5.99 a month, between that Iplayer and the other players from Itv and Channel 4 + Youtube, I cant remember when I sat down to watch regular "live" TV apart from football.
Top 5 Breaking Bad scenes:

1. The "I Am The Danger" speech
2. When Jesse kicks the shit out of Walt
3. Akward dinner with Skylar Jesse and Walt
4. Crawlspace Ending
5. Walt watching Jane die

That ending, with the camera jerking around as it slowly pulls up from Walt in the crawl space, with the drum beats on the soundtrack gradually fading into loud weird static, is one of the best and most chilling things I have ever seen on a tv show/film. I fecking love it.
Fair fecks, Netflix is a total bargain at £5.99 a month, between that Iplayer and the other players from Itv and Channel 4 + Youtube, I cant remember when I sat down to watch regular "live" TV apart from football.
Same here, its a shame you can't just pay for Internet and Sky Sports, of be happy with that
Just watched the Pilot for the first time in years. Has a few good laughs in it. Jessie calling the barn a "cow house" made me :lol:

Just did the same tonight. Decided I'm going to try and fit a re-cap of all 54 episodes before the new series starts. Watched four tonight! :/ I had forgotten how much happens in the first couple of episodes.
Started watching this from the beginning on Netflix around June I think it was. I only just finished watching the fifth series around a week or two ago now, so I won't be able to fit it all in again before the new one starts.

Unbelievably good TV though, and I can't wait to see how it ends!

Ozymandias for those that couldn't watch the youtube link above (it was blocked for me)

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away

What a great tease - taking it at face value, it surely means the demise of WW or at least his empire. But then again, it's just a teaser, could mean nothing.
Top 5 moments.

5) Jesse thinks Walt is building a robot.

4) The end of Half Measures.

3) When they manage to evade Hank when he finds the RV.

2) The "You're God Damn Right" speech.

1) Crawl Space
I have most seasons downloaded on my computer, but for some reason I've been reluctant in watching this. What is Breaking Bad about? And how highly do Caf members rate it?
High school chemistry teacher starts cooking meth with former student to pay for treatment for inoperable lung cancer and support family when he dies. Things escalate.

Has about as good a case as any show to be called the greatest ever.
I watched episode four of the first series last night ('Cancer Man') and it was comfortably the most uninteresting of all the episodes to date. Maybe the fact that I've seen it before led to my disinterest, but I just couldn't engage with it. Looking forward to the next three episodes though to round off series one, which is the weakest by a distance in my view*.

*Only because the other series' are so good.
Watched episode 1 last night. Walt talks about the left isomer of the drug thalidomide and how it being given to pregnant women can cause birth defects. I wonder if that's what happened to Walter jnr or am I reading too much into it
You're reading too much into it. That happened in the 60s.
Walt Jr suffers from cerebral palsy, Thalomide causes births with loss of limbs.
I have most seasons downloaded on my computer, but for some reason I've been reluctant in watching this. What is Breaking Bad about? And how highly do Caf members rate it?

It's 10/10 mate. Maybe a 9.5 for the slow start, but I think that start was essential to the series. You won't regret watching it. That's all there is to say.

I watched episode four of the first series last night ('Cancer Man') and it was comfortably the most uninteresting of all the episodes to date. Maybe the fact that I've seen it before led to my disinterest, but I just couldn't engage with it. Looking forward to the next three episodes though to round off series one, which is the weakest by a distance in my view*.

*Only because the other series' are so good.

Take it you've just started watching.

You saying that has made me realise just how important those early episodes are. Yeah they're weak and seemingly boring at the time, but as you go through you'll realise just how essential they are. They set the scene and the tone. They explain why everything that does happen, happened. It's like the start of a book or film where they're just telling you about the characters; they're giving you their mannerisms and personality, so you can see why things happen the way they do later.

Just thinking, why was nothing ever flagged when Jesse bought his parents house for $400,000?

As with all other plot holes in the show, put it down to Saul. He fiddled something.
You saying that has made me realise just how important those early episodes are. Yeah they're weak and seemingly boring at the time, but as you go through you'll realise just how essential they are. They set the scene and the tone. They explain why everything that does happen, happened. It's like the start of a book or film where they're just telling you about the characters; they're giving you their mannerisms and personality, so you can see why things happen the way they do later.

Spot on, and before you realise it, its sucked you in.
Take it you've just started watching.

You saying that has made me realise just how important those early episodes are. Yeah they're weak and seemingly boring at the time, but as you go through you'll realise just how essential they are. They set the scene and the tone. They explain why everything that does happen, happened. It's like the start of a book or film where they're just telling you about the characters; they're giving you their mannerisms and personality, so you can see why things happen the way they do later.

No, man. I've watched the entire thing up as far as series 5 and now just re-watching before I tackle the last eight episodes.

I agree, those early episodes are excellent for setting the story up but they're very boring when you already know the background of them. I'm looking forward to series 3 and 4 particularly as that's when the magic happens.
I've seen them twice, and I didn't find them boring at all. One of the first episodes is probably my favourite episodes of the series. Yes they're not full of events and cliffhangers but they're so well written, acted and constructed that they deserved to be considered very good as standalone episodes I feel.
Spot on, and before you realise it, its sucked you in.

Did... did you just agree with me?!

No, man. I've watched the entire thing up as far as series 5 and now just re-watching before I tackle the last eight episodes.

I agree, those early episodes are excellent for setting the story up but they're very boring when you already know the background of them. I'm looking forward to series 3 and 4 particularly as that's when the magic happens.

Yeah they are at the time. But they are actually really good. Walt doing his little pros and cons list before killing Crazy Eight (nearly called him 8 ball :lol:). "It's the right thing to do" to let him go. Then he does actually kill him. And he feels terrible. You've then got his steadfast refusal to take Gretchen and Elliott's money (which again becomes apparent in Season 5; he's followed their company's growth his whole life, and accepting their money is like accepting his mistake), hence the drastic measures he takes.

I can't say that, at 20 years old, I'll never see a better programme in my life, but it'll take some topping.
Did... did you just agree with me?!

Yeah they are at the time. But they are actually really good. Walt doing his little pros and cons list before killing Crazy Eight (nearly called him 8 ball :lol:). "It's the right thing to do" to let him go. Then he does actually kill him. And he feels terrible. You've then got his steadfast refusal to take Gretchen and Elliott's money (which again becomes apparent in Season 5; he's followed their company's growth his whole life, and accepting their money is like accepting his mistake), hence the drastic measures he takes.

I can't say that, at 20 years old, I'll never see a better programme in my life, but it'll take some topping.

It happens more than you think, you are one of my favourite posters.
It's not the thread for it, mate, and a discussion for another time, but I rate The Wire higher than it already. I've never seen The Sopranos but anyone that has raves about it. Breaking Bad is unique, though, and a thoroughly entertaining watch.