Television Breaking Bad

I get your point, but what about the fact of the development that we've seen in Walt's mind? I mean, I think the writers are making it clear where it all comes from: he knows he's the best at what he does now, which is the exact counter-part of what he used to be (high-school teacher, not even college proffesor), and what he could have been had he not sold his share of the billion-worth project he mentioned the other day (and of season 1). Also, a lot of people has died, and he managed to kill Gus Fring himself, so he knows he can be the emperor.

I mean, I can see why some people might think the character is too over the top this season, but I believe the writers are making it clear where it all comes from and how it has developed.

Remember the half-measures full-measures talk that Mike gave Walt? It's curious to watch it again and to think of how Mike died. He was very, very cautious, but his half-measures might have costed him his life.
Yeah I like the reasoning they've given for him being in the position he is now. It's more a personal opinion on the direction they've decided to go in I think, rather than a credible moan. The way I see it is that if he was to meet his end right now, would I really care? With the journey we've accompanied him on, I wouldn't be happy to see him caught or killed yet there's nothing in his character right now for us to invest in the idea of any other ending for him. I've loved the shades of grey with his character throughout the series. I love that he murdered someone in only the third episode, yet like with each act that followed it was done in such a way that not only could Walt could delude himself into thinking it was justified, but that we could go along with it too.

That felt like a really skilled part of the show: balancing ridiculous themes and aspects of the main characters and decisions taken by them, with a side of the characters that remained relatable, human (that's a horrible sentence). Going through a cancer diagnosis, wanting to protect and provide for your family, being stuck in a job well beneath your capabilities, the fear from self preservation - even if all those things were false justifications for Walt's actions, they're all things the majority of people could relate to or easily imagine. What I liked about the show was that for all its fantastical storylines and moments, a small part of it somehow always felt grounded and realistic to me. Moments of incredible tension and action were frequently intercut with brilliantly mundane or embarrassing domestic scenes. Now that the main characters have absolutely nothing outside of their business, the disconnect feels too great to me. Walt acting like a sociopath without any hint of balance is explainable, but not nearly so compelling viewing in my opinion, especially when trying to predict a satisfiable resolution. But there's still a long way to go.
Has it been confirmed that Mike is dead for sure though? Obviously they were in a rural place and he fell to the side after saying let me die in peace but its not like Walt put another bullet in him or dragged him into the lake etc.

Was 'say my name' the last episode we just watched, the 7th one? So there's another one next week, an 8th and that's that? Just looked at IMDB and it lists him as in it and till 2013 on the main BB page or have I got that wrong? Probably won't happen, wishful thinking maybe, although would be ace if he wasn't dead and pulled off some Walt style escape. The predictions of Skyler being in with Jessie don't work for me as I can stand her, hope its just Jessie or Hank even who takes him down. I want to see Skyler shot by Todd or Walt before it ends.
Maybe. But most people are finding her annoying because she doesn't go all out in support of her husband turning into a sociopathic, murdering drug lord.

And he does nothing but antagonise her by involving her and doing nothing to reassure her or to get out or to move out in order to to safeguard the family or indeed anything other than what he wants to do.

I actually feel sorry for Skyler. She's completely and utterly trapped by Walter who doesn't give a flying feck about her. He's so completely manipulative it's insane
I geeked out during the whole say my name bit.

Do you really want to live in a world without Coca-Cola?

Sneak peek of the next ep

She really irritates me. It's something about the stoppy starty way she talks. So the next episode is the final episode of the entire show or are they making another season?
I'd say it's a very easy thing to do depending on how you do it. Chase tried to be a bit more subtle than what we're seeing with Breaking Bad.

It's been a bit too quick and drastic for me. The day after killing Guus he turned into a completely different person. It's quite easy to make him unlikable by having him go all creepy on his wife, manipulate anyone he crosses paths with and murder a much loved character.
But the last episode of season 4, in the very last scene, shows that his transformation began before Gus' demise (think of him spinning the gun on the table by the pool, and where it finally ends up pointing.)

Actually I think David Chase wasn't subtle enough. A perfect example for me was the episode in the final season where Tony was all the sudden a compulsive gambler. This was something that had never even been hinted at previously, and yet all the sudden we're confronted with Tony being unable to control his gambling addiction. Of course given his lifestyle it would make perfect sense for him to have this problem, but the whole episode smacked of the writers desperately thinking up ways to sever any final ties of sympathy that the viewers might have left for him.
I have to say I do find it amusing how some here are outraged over what happened to Mike, as if Mike were some innocent victim caught in Walt's crossfire. Further testament to the genius of the show that it can manipulate the feelings of the audience.

If you have seen this show is it true that it is the best ever?

The Wire is indeed fantastic, although I thought the 5th and final season was a bit of a letdown. The 4th season is as good as anything I've ever seen. I'd say The Wire, The Sopranos and Breaking Bad are in a class of their own. Slightly below them are the likes of The Shield and Game of Thrones.
^ I had the same problem but I finally gave it a go and finished it off.
I didn't like The season when they focused on the port and the story involving Sobotka and his organization.Other than that I loved the drug related stories (Avon,Stinger,Marlo.... too many to name)
The Wire is indeed fantastic, although I thought the 5th and final season was a bit of a letdown. The 4th season is as good as anything I've ever seen. I'd say The Wire, The Sopranos and Breaking Bad are in a class of their own. Slightly below them are the likes of The Shield and Game of Thrones.

Mad Men
I still can't get past the middle of series one of the wire.

I watched the first episode and didn't bother go back to it. I've been told by countless amounts of people to sit through it and give it time so I think I might just give it another go
I watched the first episode and didn't bother go back to it. I've been told by countless amounts of people to sit through it and give it time so I think I might just give it another go

I was the same with The Wire, watched Season One and never went back to it. About a year later I finally watched it all and it's awesome.
Onto episode 4 of the first season of The Wire. When does it start to pick up? I'm enjoying it, but it's quite slow
It takes around 8 or 9 episodes to really haul you in, did for me anyway. Just stick with it, it'll be worth it. We've all been there.
Agree with that. I have a soft spot for season two, which is more enjoyable on the second viewing. But I know lots of people who got fed up stopped watching during season two.
Stick with it Kinky.. as someone said you will appreciate most of the things on second viewing. I disliked S2 when I first watched it, but on subsequent viewing changed my opinion on it.
I was the same, S2 was definitely the weakest for me, re-watched it a few months ago and loved it then. The show is just so intricate that you really appreciate everything when you re-watch it.
I didn't really like season 2 at the time as it was a move away from Barksdale (?) but it ties in well with the overall story in the later seasons.

Saw an episode from season 2 on tv a while back and remembered how good The Wire was.
The problem with Season 2 is that it's the first time the show ventures away from the main plot of the previous season, which is difficult to deal with. After that you get used to it.
I just finished a Breaking Bad marathon to catch up with you wankers. I've been sleeping at 7 fecking AM because of this show, quite ironic that it's about addictive substances.

I don't want to have to wait a whole day for the next episode. This is too much to handle.
Um......yeah, um covers it for me. One of BB's weakest episodes for me. The montages in it were awful. Decent ending though, but didn't save it, bad as a finale and will look weird as a middle episode in a complete season -_-