Yeah I like the reasoning they've given for him being in the position he is now. It's more a personal opinion on the direction they've decided to go in I think, rather than a credible moan. The way I see it is that if he was to meet his end right now, would I really care? With the journey we've accompanied him on, I wouldn't be happy to see him caught or killed yet there's nothing in his character right now for us to invest in the idea of any other ending for him. I've loved the shades of grey with his character throughout the series. I love that he murdered someone in only the third episode, yet like with each act that followed it was done in such a way that not only could Walt could delude himself into thinking it was justified, but that we could go along with it too.
That felt like a really skilled part of the show: balancing ridiculous themes and aspects of the main characters and decisions taken by them, with a side of the characters that remained relatable, human (that's a horrible sentence). Going through a cancer diagnosis, wanting to protect and provide for your family, being stuck in a job well beneath your capabilities, the fear from self preservation - even if all those things were false justifications for Walt's actions, they're all things the majority of people could relate to or easily imagine. What I liked about the show was that for all its fantastical storylines and moments, a small part of it somehow always felt grounded and realistic to me. Moments of incredible tension and action were frequently intercut with brilliantly mundane or embarrassing domestic scenes. Now that the main characters have absolutely nothing outside of their business, the disconnect feels too great to me. Walt acting like a sociopath without any hint of balance is explainable, but not nearly so compelling viewing in my opinion, especially when trying to predict a satisfiable resolution. But there's still a long way to go.