Television Breaking Bad

Think that's daft personally. There's absolutely no proof in any way when it comes to personal opinion on future episodes. Fair enough if it's based on an article or rumours going around the net.

But I guess them's the rules.

I think Jesse might kill Walt actually. Or maybe that's too obvious? I don't know, I'm not basing this on anything, it's just what I think. :)

We have massively relaxed the rules already and we aren't going to abandon them altogether. Speculation about future events can spoil the program as it has to some degree in the Walking Dead thread.
Problem is sometime people are able to speculate to the tee. Last season, a couple of guys figured out the poisoning thing almost entirely as it happened, they did not base it on anything but what they saw on the show. Same with Dexter, while I hate the show now and did not watch the latest season. Last season several predicted the "twist" before hand, now some may not want to know that so I guess better to spoiler such thing.

It's amazing how this series has evolved.IMO I thought the first season was a bit shit, not much true drama and more comedy orientated.It's rare to see a series that blossoms with each passing season
Odd you think that, I still rate season 1 very highly. It had a dark comedy feel to it but underlying storyline arcs were still there. It has retained some of that comedy thing till season 4 but obviously much more toned down. In fact in some way S1 is still fav. of mine.
Season 1 is amazing. It's definitely more dark comedy feel but it does it brilliantly. The bathtub scene is just hilarious.
I started this a few weeks ago and raced through the first season and a bit, but since then I've been rationing myself as I tend to race through entire seasons quite quickly and I want to drag this out a bit longer.
I think 2 is the weakest season. 2-1-3-4 would be my ranking.

I've recently watched the season 4 finale again, twice, by virtue of both my flatmate, and one of my best mates just starting to watch it (and race through it)...I'm almost completely certain it's the best finale of any television show I've ever seen. It's crafted perfectly, has several funny bits, several menacing bits and is paced just right.
I think 2 is the weakest season. 2-1-3-4 would be my ranking.

I've recently watched the season 4 finale again, twice, by virtue of both my flatmate, and one of my best mates just starting to watch it (and race through it)...I'm almost completely certain it's the best finale of any television show I've ever seen. It's crafted perfectly, has several funny bits, several menacing bits and is paced just right.

Said this time and again - possibly in this thread - but I think that accolade belongs to The Shield.
Season 5 finale? Yeah, that wasn't bad I guess.
I think 2 is the weakest season. 2-1-3-4 would be my ranking.

I've recently watched the season 4 finale again, twice, by virtue of both my flatmate, and one of my best mates just starting to watch it (and race through it)...I'm almost completely certain it's the best finale of any television show I've ever seen. It's crafted perfectly, has several funny bits, several menacing bits and is paced just right.
Yeah 2 was definitely the weakest though mainly because of the main arc, some smaller arcs in S2 were some of the best in the series. For me 3 still remains better than 4 though.
The "Phoenix" episode in 2 is one the strongest in the whole series for me too. I knew he was going to leave her, but I was still shocked/gripped/involved by the power of it.

Haven't seen the Shield so I can't compare, but all I've heard is good things about it. I'm not a huge fan of police procedurals though.
The Shield's a hard show to sell to people because everyone instantly thinks cop procedural. It isn't a typical police procedural. Its got elements of it sure, but its entirely character driven and has major story arcs which span across seasons. One of those shows you just have to sit down and watch and then you're hooked.
Tbh, The Shield is good because like the Wire it left behind most of the traditions from the 90's and 80's, which kind of mostly should of stayed there, but theres still a market for dumbed down TV, so what can you do.

It's certainly not top tier TV mind you(Sopranos, Wire, West Wing, probably Mad Men and Breaking Bad when they finish, possibly even early ER), but it's still very good, with two genuinely brilliant performances from Chiklis and Goggins.
Yeah Shield is definite worth watching though it drags in its last two season. Only the final stretch in its final season is worth the time. Though I agree, its final episode is possible the best series finale of all time.

It is not a police procedural by any means.
Seasons 3 and 4 are far weaker than 6 and 7 of The Shield imo, just because Goggins ups his game in the later seasons to match Chiklis. It's also still a police procedural, just not a typical good cop goes about his routine/different investigation every week type thing.

I think at this point, everyones agreed on Six Feet Under having the best series finale, the thing legit has zero backlash from people who have seen it either, that's impressive on it's own, everything else gets a backlash in this day and age.

Two Cathedrals from The West Wing is my favourite season finale I think, not sure, asking me to remember too much shit thinking about them all.
Never seen 6 feet under beyond couple of episodes. But I don't think there was any backlash against Shield finale, at least I did not read any
I didn't really mean that way, just when something becomes so big that it becomes common consensus, theres always a little crowd ready to be against just for the sake of it. The Shield finale doesn't really get the same acclaim as the SFU finale did(it's still clearly a good series finale, just not a classic one). I didn't even watch the final two seasons of SFU because it dropped in quality, but still watched the finale and found it beyond marvellous.
I'm sorry... but are people on here really suggesting that The Shield is better than Breaking Bad?... and that seasons 3-4 of Breaking Bad are weak???

You had to sit through an awful lot of slow paced mediocrity before the Shield finally deliverd... although its conclusion is admittedly very good... still, it was a major investment of time to reach that point. The Shield would have definitely benefited from better pacing.

The beginning of Breaking Bad season 3 and the current end of season 4 are some of the best story arcs in television history. Edge of the seat stuff, really only rivaled by The Sopranos at its peak and the Wire in its odd numbered seasons.
No one is suggesting any of those in your first sentence from what I can see here.

Even numbered seasons of The Wire > Odd ones(especially since 5 is by far and universally accepted as the weakest one.)
I'm sorry... but are people on here really suggesting that The Shield is better than Breaking Bad?... and that seasons 3-4 of Breaking Bad are weak???

You had to sit through an awful lot of slow paced mediocrity before the Shield finally deliverd... although its conclusion is admittedly very good... still, it was a major investment of time to reach that point. The Shield would have definitely benefited from better pacing.

The beginning of Breaking Bad season 3 and the current end of season 4 are some of the best story arcs in television history. Edge of the seat stuff, really only rivaled by The Sopranos at its peak and the Wire in its odd numbered seasons.

Strange. I would say the Shield is one of the fastest paced shows out there. If anything, Breaking Bad's the show whose seasons always start of terribly slow.
Haven't seen the Shield but I agree that BB's pacing is almost deliberately on a curve season-wise, 1 aside. 2,3 & 4 start with something big (Tuco, the exploding turtle, the box cutter) but then slow quite a bit in the middle before accelerating into the finale.
I'm sorry... but are people on here really suggesting that The Shield is better than Breaking Bad?... and that seasons 3-4 of Breaking Bad are weak???

You had to sit through an awful lot of slow paced mediocrity before the Shield finally deliverd... although its conclusion is admittedly very good... still, it was a major investment of time to reach that point. The Shield would have definitely benefited from better pacing.

The beginning of Breaking Bad season 3 and the current end of season 4 are some of the best story arcs in television history. Edge of the seat stuff, really only rivaled by The Sopranos at its peak and the Wire in its odd numbered seasons.
Errr no one has said The Shield is better than BB. I think Zen was saying he finds 3 and 4 season of Shield weak compared to later ones.
Season 5 officially confirmed for the recently cool thing to do with the last season of a show.....that is the dreaded split. 8 episodes this July, 8 next April.

Don't know why they didn't just two 10 ep seasons of something, must be a contract thing.
Probably was a contract thing. It has been known for a long while that they had 16 episodes left. The only thing left to know was weather it would be 2 seasons of 8 or 1 season of 16.
Just watched the final episode of season 4 - wow.

Only minor thing was...

When Jesse explained the lily flower thing, i knew it was Walt. This was partly because of the way my mates who had seen it said the last scene was brilliant, but still.

Other than ^ it was immense.

Cannot wait for season 5.
Just finished watching Season 3 - Episode 3..

Really made me angry at that bitch when she cheats on Walter with her boss to try and get some revenge of some sort.
Just finished all of the seasons in about 6 days, what a journey! Jesse is a brilliant character, I want him to be the eventual "winner". I don't really know how else to put it.

I cant really see that he can or will be. Look how easily he was manipulated by his missus, as well as by Walt in the last series. To be honest he is a lovable moron. That said, I like it best when his interests and Walt's are aligned.
Gone through all 4 series quite quickly, I'm looking forward to the 5th season
I've made myself a little soundtrack playlist. Some of it has even replaced Ennio Morricone as my cool walking music.

This for example...

But my favorite uncovered gem is this little beauty..

feck yeah, tomorrow's walk to Subway is going to be epic.