Maybe to use it on himself to demonstrate to Jesse that he's not acting in self-interest in saving him? I just can't see him poisoning Gretchen and Elliot.
Good shout. There just has to be a reconciliation between the two, there just has to
Maybe to use it on himself to demonstrate to Jesse that he's not acting in self-interest in saving him? I just can't see him poisoning Gretchen and Elliot.
Maybe to use it on himself to demonstrate to Jesse that he's not acting in self-interest in saving him? I just can't see him poisoning Gretchen and Elliot.
Do people really think Walt goes after Gretchen and Elliot? Surely that scene was to tell Walt that the blue meth was still being sold, that the Nazis were profiting from his formula, and Jesse may well be still alive? And also obviously to stir his pride but I don't think he'll go after G&E personally.
Why would he care about that? Surely he would have assumed so anyway. He already had the reason to go after the Nazis - they have his money, they killed Hank - but he wasn't going to until he heard Gretchen and Elliot. Nothing that was said would suggest Jesse is still alive either, Walt doesn't know about the temporary decline of the product.
Why would he care about that? Surely he would have assumed so anyway. He already had the reason to go after the Nazis - they have his money, they killed Hank - but he wasn't going to until he heard Gretchen and Elliot. Nothing that was said would suggest Jesse is still alive either, Walt doesn't know about the temporary decline of the product.
Maybe that combined with his pride being stirred simultaneously convinced him not to let another group screw him over like Gretchen and Elliot did.
I just think he must have something else in mind as well as revenge on the Nazis otherwise he wouldn't have tried to turn himself in. He needs recognition of his genius, killing Jack and co. won't get him that. Turning himself in would have at least given him a platform to show the world how brilliant he is. He has something up his sleeve I'm sure.
Also, the interviewer queried whether this batch of meth meant Heisenberg was still out there. Walt knows that only two people can get near the standard where people might think it's him - and one of them was killed by the other.
I forgot about the Nazis trying to make Walt come back for another cook so I guess he could piece together that Jesse is alive and cooking, and also that it's against his will. It's hard to know what Walt is thinking about Jesse after everything that's happened. Does he want to kill him or save him?
I hope Jesse murders his ass gruesomely.It took me a while to warm to Todd but I really like him. He's a complete psychopath in the creepiest of ways
What time was the show out on Netlix UK this morning? Thinking of staying up to watch it next Sunday/Monday so I dont have to go through college with the possibility of spoilers.
Bollocks to that. How did the lads in this thread see it then? Torrent or stream I guess?9 o clock ish.
I was refreshing from about 8:40.
The transition between the months has been seamless though. Amazing TV.
Something I've been working on at work. I'll post the finished ones when they're done.
Jaysus, that's unreal.
Jesse's reaction to Andrea, and Walt's pathetic little "it can't have been for nothing" to Jr were out of the park acting wise. Cranston will win the Emmy again next year. It's nailed on to a cross.
Emmys are weird. They need to stop giving them to Claire Danes.
It's Badger, not Beaver.
Todd is a great character, the scene with the baby was quite creepy.
Can anyone give me a short recap on the Gray Matter stuff, I forget what all happened there/why Walt was so pissed off about their interview.