Music "Boring" bands

Agreed it's nothing to do with age. I hated that type of stuff with every fibre of my being when I was 17. I've mellowed a bit now and yeah like you were saying about the ES dweeb, I mostly just avoid it.

I despised ABBA at their peak, almost James Last level of uncool, but I can see the pop song amusement of them now. Not that I'd seek them out to listen to.
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I despised ABBA at their peak, James last level of uncool, but I can see the pop song amusement of them now. Not that I'd seek them out to listen to.
Do you like any proper pop music? Do you think Madonna or Kate Bush or MJ had bangers, or is it all on a spectrum that's high point is 'okay' for you?
Do you like any proper pop music? Do you think Madonna or Kate Bush or MJ had bangers, or is it all on a spectrum that's high point is 'okay' for you?

Loved early Madonna and also love Kate Bush. Never a huge fan of Michael Jackson (with later revelations making me like him less) but he had some great pop hits e.g. Bille Jean and it is really hard to dislike Thriller. Bad onwards however .......

Other great pop music - Prince, Alanis Morrisette, Sinead O'Connor, Tori Amos, Whitney Huston, Communards, Pet Shop Boys etc etc

Not a fan of either particularly but Spice Girls - Wanabee - and Britney Spear - Baby One More Time, were great pop songs. Not that I like their later output, and BOMT is very creepy in retrospect.

Post 2000 popular music has gone down hill and it gets harder and harder to find something worth listening to.
If we're going into pop music then Drake, I really don't understand how anyone can listen to that shite or any of those other auto-tuned dullards.
Loved early Madonna and also love Kate Bush. Never a huge fan of Michael Jackson (with later revelations making me like him less) but he had some great pop hits e.g. Bille Jean and it is really hard to dislike Thriller. Bad onwards however .......

Other great pop music - Prince, Alanis Morrisette, Sinead O'Connor, Tori Amos, Whitney Huston, Communards, Pet Shop Boys etc etc

Not a fan of either particularly but Spice Girls - Wanabee - and Britney Spear - Baby One More Time, were great pop songs. Not that I like their later output, and BOMT is very creepy in retrospect.

Post 2000 popular music has gone down hill and it gets harder and harder to find something worth listening to.
'People who liked these artists also enjoy homosexuality'

Can't fault it, though. I'm moderately fond of Britney's stuff in general but Baby One More Time is one of the best put together pop songs I've heard.
I'm surprised he hasn't been mentioned... Steve Vai.

If I hadn't blocked him from my memory I definitely would have mentioned him. In similar fashion I'd like to mention Joe Bonamassa.
I struggle with Arctic Monkeys, it just sounds like crooning elevator music with extra steps to me. And because everyone else likes them I can tell that I'm wrong, but that still doesn't make a difference.
I don't know what to tell you, I just think they're boring. They're not bad, just dull.

I kinda feel the same way about the Doors, they are talented but man... if I put a cd on even a best of I end up skipping pretty much everything after maybe 30 seconds to a minute till I'm back to track 1 again.

Not nearly as boring as Coldplay though.
The Doors

In 1967, on an album at number 2 on the Billboard…


“Yes, son?”

“I want to kill you”

“Mother… I want to… feck you all night baby”.

Public Indecency charges, inciting riots, orgies, Ray Manzarek’s organ playing, Robbie Krieger, “I am a Native American shaman reincarnated (!!!)”, catchy songs, “I am the Lizard King”, dying at 27… in Paris… suspiciously, mixing Blues and Flamenco and Bossanova and Psychedelia in hit pop songs…

Cmon, you can dislike them if you wish, but The Doors were anything but boring.

Fine if you find Morrison pompous, or the music isn’t your thing, but they were never boring.

Embrace are boring, Coldplay, THE fecking LIGHTHOUSE FAMILY, these are boring bands.
It's entirely subjective, and I subjectively find The Doors boring. I don't care about everything surrounding them, because I don't know anything about that. I don't know anything about that because I don't listen to them. I don't listen to them because I find them a bit boring. I'm sure Guns N' Roses got up to a lot of crazy shit too, but I also find their music boring.
It's entirely subjective, and I subjectively find The Doors boring. I don't care about everything surrounding them, because I don't know anything about that. I don't know anything about that because I don't listen to them. I don't listen to them because I find them a bit boring. I'm sure Guns N' Roses got up to a lot of crazy shit too, but I also find their music boring.

It is subjective, you’re right. Though part of me feels there’s perhaps some degree of objectivity in ‘boringness’ vs whether you like a band or not.

Tell us a band or two that you think are exciting, Nimic. Just for context.
It is subjective, you’re right. Though part of me feels there’s perhaps some degree of objectivity in ‘boringness’ vs whether you like a band or not.

Tell us a band or two that you think are exciting, Nimic. Just for context.

I knew that was coming :lol:

I guess Anti-Flag and Metric, maybe? I'm not sure I'd call Metric exciting a lot of the time, they're just not boring. Sabaton? Muse, Nightwish, some of that. That should give you plenty of options to tell me you think they're boring.
I knew that was coming :lol:

I guess Anti-Flag and Metric, maybe? I'm not sure I'd call Metric exciting a lot of the time, they're just not boring. Sabaton? Muse, Nightwish, some of that. That should give you plenty of options to tell me you think they're boring.
Every single one of these bands is boring. Even Muse, who I like, are boring.
I knew that was coming :lol:

I guess Anti-Flag and Metric, maybe? I'm not sure I'd call Metric exciting a lot of the time, they're just not boring. Sabaton? Muse, Nightwish, some of that. That should give you plenty of options to tell me you think they're boring.

Nah, I hate it when posters do that - ‘oh Weghorst’s crap? WHO WOULD YOU’VE HAVE SIGNED THAT’S AVAILABLE!?’ Just so they can falsely make out there’s no other option other than their own opinion.

Yeah, ok so essentially faster stuff and also more modern stuff as well. I like a lot of that stuff as well.

I guess the one that stands out as maybe slight leverage on The Doors is Muse because there are defo some quite big similarities there (particularly in early Muse) - histrionic, knowingly OTT frontman, grandiose musical structures that take from other established genres (flamenco, bossanova, blues, classical etc), odd lyrical themes sung with absolute conviction, concepts with the music etc.

But as you said, it is subjective ultimately.
At The Drive In, Cooper Temple Clause, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (1st album at least), Blood Red Shoes, British Sea Power, Seafood, Death From Above 1979, Trail of Dead... Early 2000s had some great indie-rock bands. But you're right that there was some utter dross in there too - especially those British bands jumping on the Libtertines band-wagon; Ordinary Boys, Razorlight, Kooks etc (wasn't that much of a fan of the Libertines either to be honest)

At The Drive In? Boring? You sure you know what that word means?
Every single one of these bands is boring. Even Muse, who I like, are boring.


Nah, I hate it when posters do that - ‘oh Weghorst’s crap? WHO WOULD YOU’VE HAVE SIGNED THAT’S AVAILABLE!?’ Just so they can falsely make out there’s no other option other than their own opinion.

Yeah, ok so essentially faster stuff and also more modern stuff as well. I like a lot of that stuff as well.

I guess the one that stands out as maybe slight leverage on The Doors is Muse because there are defo some quite big similarities there (particularly in early Muse) - histrionic, knowingly OTT frontman, grandiose musical structures that take from other established genres (flamenco, bossanova, blues, classical etc), odd lyrical themes sung with absolute conviction, concepts with the music etc.

But as you said, it is subjective ultimately.

I guess to be completely fair I've barely listened to The Doors. I think my brother liked them, but nothing has stuck. Other than that it's just been when they've been on the radio. There might be a lot of exciting stuff I just haven't listened to for all I know.
On the other hand, there's Kaizers Orchestra.

feck yes! I was dragged to a concert in 2001 by my big brother, and I had no hopes for the warm-up band because I knew they were in the charts. Cue the banging on oil drums and a fantastic gig :drool:

Made me glad my big bro wanted me to come along to see Morten Abel.
Aah. I skimmed too quickly I guess :lol: I just saw that name in the boring band thread and my brain snapped
Ha, yeah - was listing some good rock bands from the early '00s, definitely not boring ones. AtDI and Trail of Deaf are two of the best live bands I've ever seen. The Coopers were incredible too
What are people defining as “boring” exactly? Is it the style of music, the content or their personality and performances on a live stage? Also a lot of these just seem to be artists people think are shit, which tbf might be deemed as boring if you aren’t into it.
This thread is like the unconventionally attractive women thread. People just coming in here to drop bombs like "The Beatles", "Nirvana", "Rolling Stones", "The Doors" etc :lol:

D'you know who was a boring cnut? Mozart. Nevert did anything half decent. Bach was shite and all.
This thread is like the unconventionally attractive women thread. People just coming in here to drop bombs like "The Beatles", "Nirvana", "Rolling Stones", "The Doors" etc :lol:

The joy of subjectivity I guess. I can't say I ever got anything out of Nirvana or The Doors, despite listening to them with an open mind.

Whenever I've seen threads like this across the various forums I've posted on over the years there's always one band that comes to mind without fail: Tool. I just don't get it, nothing about their music inspires or interests me, it just sounds like a tedious drone. And that's coming from someone who listens to Sunn 0))).
The joy of subjectivity I guess. I can't say I ever got anything out of Nirvana or The Doors, despite listening to them with an open mind.

Whenever I've seen threads like this across the various forums I've posted on over the years there's always one band that comes to mind without fail: Tool. I just don't get it, nothing about their music inspires or interests me, it just sounds like a tedious drone. And that's coming from someone who listens to Sunn 0))).

Every Tool album has about 30 seconds of great material. When they finally get to the riff or the hook, it's good, but every Tool album is 95% build up, and sometimes that build up is to nothing.

Great drummer though.
Any threads calling for subjective opinions always decline into madness and turn to shite in no time at all. People never seem to understand that there will be others out there who will either love what they despise or despise what they love.

With that being said, I do find the likes of Ed Sheeran pretty tedious.