Music "Boring" bands

Motley Crue
Guns And Roses
Mumford and Sons
Arctic Monkeys after the debut (which is a certifiable classic)
fecking Hard-Fi
A lot of these on your list I'd categorize as being shit, but not boring.

Some shouldn't be on your list (Queen) unless you hate life itself, but I will concede that the Freddie Mercury movie with Rami Malek was one of the most boring-ass movies I've ever seen, so I guess I get your point.

Arctic Monkeys are a strange one. They were so hyper-quirky at their start, like skate rats high on pixie stix, trying to jam so many "clever" words into every song, it was exhausting. I don't think they made a good record until "AM", which was great. After the initial shock of the sonic volte-face in "Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino", I came to understand it as their best album, a truly unique concept album that eschews easy comparisons. So their albums for me:

Whatever People Say I Am 6/10
Favourite Worst Nightmare 5/10
Humbug 4/10
Suck It and See 4/10
AM 9/10
Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino 10/10
The Car Tour 3/10

When they were doing their first "showcase" shows over here in Hollywood before their debut album came out, I was able to get a ticket months in advance. On the night of the show, the place was shoulder to shoulder, oversold by probably 150 people (the club held only about 250). An insane number of famous musicians in the crowd. My overall impressions from that show were they needed to work on their songs more and hire an arranger, because the hooks were there but the songs were not.
Another one Badly Drawn Boy

Last time I saw Paul Weller was diabolical too, left early. It was exacerbated by the whole area surrounding the venue being full of simpleton “fans” copying his hairstyle and singing “pebbles on a beach” as it was the only lyrics they knew.
I'm a huge fan of The Jam, I tolerate most of The Style Council, but his solo work is bizarrely unmoving. I was in the grocery store and a song came on that I thought was awful, neo-Soul shite, stupid lyrics, pompous vocals - - had to Shazam it to find out who it was, turned out it was solo Weller.
Symphony X.
Whitesnake (the glam era)
Bad Company (even though i love Free)
The Ramones

I understand why ACDC are mentioned; most of their songs are more or less similar. I like them, but i can see why someone can easily get bored.
In general, most bands that stick to one style for a long time are pretty boring even if some of their songs can be incredible (eg Rush).

I also find Metal the most boring genre for a non-listener. I ve been to various death and thrash metal gigs, and by the first 15 minutes I had already started getting bored.
At The Drive In, Cooper Temple Clause, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (1st album at least), Blood Red Shoes, British Sea Power, Seafood, Death From Above 1979, Trail of Dead... Early 2000s had some great indie-rock bands. But you're right that there was some utter dross in there too - especially those British bands jumping on the Libtertines band-wagon; Ordinary Boys, Razorlight, Kooks etc (wasn't that much of a fan of the Libertines either to be honest)
Great list.
I've seen BRMC a bunch of times, and I don't think I've ever seen a band be as cool as them. Every time just made me want to find my old leather jacket and learn how to play bass.

Also seen Trail of Dead quite a few times, and the first time was with the original line up, and it was pure mayhem on stage. I was convinced at any moment one of the band members was going to break a bone or take a guitar to the face. It was insane, and amazing.
The Lumineers.

edit: Oh yeah, Bears Den.

Problem is there has to be at least one song I actually like that makes me want to sample more of their stuff. The most boring popular bands of all just pass me by without me noticing exactly what tedious crap invaded my ears. Based on that it'd be bands like Snow Patrol and Muse and stuff. I must have heard some but I've never knowingly listened to a single song.
I've read a bunch of interviews with them and they seem like they'd be right up my alley. Tried listening to the Frankenstein one last week, and made it about 5 songs. I'm sorry.
The run from Alligator to Trouble Will Find Me is incredible.

But yeah, I love them. I can see why they'd be considered boring though.
Oh, I get it. Bowie was out of his cool phase when I first listened to him, and there were a lot of his songs that I didn't like at the time. However, I had a girlfriend who was way into him, and slowly but surely cracks formed in my defenses. I think the Berlin trilogy [Low, "Heroes", Lodger] are a good place to try again, if you are so inclined. The greatest hits packages tend to diminish his genius, I think, because he had such radical stylistic changes over the years. My personal favorites are Diamond Dogs and Aladdin Sane. Try again, please! You'll thank me for it, eventually.
At least once a month that one :mad: The things we do for love!! Honestly, I've heard all the arguments, which I accept are all completely valid for those that like him. It sounds like sitting through musical theatre to me though.
Nope. Not agreeing. Not at all. He's clearly among the most boring and pointless musicians ever. His music does absolutely nothing for me. It is so incredibly boring, I tend to forget it while listening to it. He is like an even more boring version of Van Morrison. And that's an insult I'm not handing out lightly.

What have you listened to? He’s written some incredible blues tracks.

I can accept people not liking lots of his catalogue, but unless you hate guitars in general it’s very odd to not like anything he’s done. He’s an incredible talent.
All of 'em.

'Hey check out this shit poem sung over an I–V–vi–IV progression'.

No thanks. Not for me.
Arctic Monkeys. Few of their songs sound good but don't necessarily have any meaning behind them. Most sound pretentious and tryhard.
The Beatles. Feel like I age an extra few years every time I hear their music. I know they're pioneers but the songs are either over played or just plain terrible.
Also seen Trail of Dead quite a few times, and the first time was with the original line up, and it was pure mayhem on stage. I was convinced at any moment one of the band members was going to break a bone or take a guitar to the face. It was insane, and amazing.
Saw them in '02 and '03 and they were absolutely fantastic - but yes, absolute chaos. I remember Jason frisbeeing a cymbal over the crowd at the end of a set, and I swear one of their first UK tours was cancelled or delayed after Jason and Conrad had a fight on stage over who was going to sing/drum on the next song - but can't find anything online to confirm that, so maybe I'm misremembering...
This thread is just people naming off great bands that everyone else likes and they don’t.

Edit: apart from Coldplay. feck Coldplay.

It seemed to me to be everyone naming off boring bands who are known to be boring. I was expecting a bit more controversy from the first couple of pages.

Also yes feck Coldplay... in the ear
Nope. I hate every single think I've ever heard of hers. Even Ed Sheeran has the odd song that doesn't make me want to lose the ability to hear. Not many mind. Modern chart music is the musical equivalent of pop tarts.

I'm with you on the Swift slander because of course but I'm intrigued as to which Sheeran pile of steaming shite is sufficiently less crap than the rest to warrant actually listening to.
I'm with you on the Swift slander because of course but I'm intrigued as to which Sheeran pile of steaming shite is sufficiently less crap than the rest to warrant actually listening to.

I couldn't name any of his songs that I don't utterly hate. Or indeed any of his songs. Although I'm sure I heard one with lego involved years ago.

Wait. I've remembered one - Shape Of You - utter rubbish. I also dislike the musical magpie nature of what I hear. It always sounds like he heard something and imitated it or at least imitated the style (as the 2 plaguarism cases aginst him seemed huge stretches). Horribly unoriginal.

And I would never seek out his music. Occasionally you have no choice if it is on TV or radio. Although I try to avoid the sort of broadcast where this may be inflicted on me.
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Old men in not liking the music of Taylor Swift shock.

I'm barely middle aged much less old. In my head at least.

I just don't like such unoriginal manufactured modern pop crap. And I also dislike a wide age range of music including The Beatles and much of The Rolling Stones and The Who's output as well.

And Queen albums were rubbish from the 80's onwards barring the odd song like Under pressure. Bowie peaked in the early 80's and most of his later output wasn't that good.
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I'm barely middle aged much less old. In my head at least.

I just don't like such unoriginal manufactured modern pop crap
. And I also dislike a wide age range of music including The Beatles and much of The Rolling Stones and The Who's output as well.

Agreed it's nothing to do with age. I hated that type of stuff with every fibre of my being when I was 17. I've mellowed a bit now and yeah like you were saying about the ES dweeb, I mostly just avoid it.