Music "Boring" bands

Motley Crue
Guns And Roses
Mumford and Sons
Arctic Monkeys after the debut (which is a certifiable classic)
fecking Hard-Fi
At The Drive In, Cooper Temple Clause, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club (1st album at least), Blood Red Shoes, British Sea Power, Seafood, Death From Above 1979, Trail of Dead... Early 2000s had some great indie-rock bands. But you're right that there was some utter dross in there too - especially those British bands jumping on the Libtertines band-wagon; Ordinary Boys, Razorlight, Kooks etc (wasn't that much of a fan of the Libertines either to be honest)

We can be mates.
Hard Fi is the one you got right but GnR and Queen is simply unacceptable.

They can both bore off the edge of a cliff.

Brian May - has done about as much good for badgers as he has bad for Guitars.

Fred - Rest in Peace an all that, but even Frank Zappa can hold a note on vowels, get a new trick.

Axl - feckin nah, insipid man child. I've felt more inspired by bad curry shits.

Slash - No self respecting man from Stoke calls himself Slash, cnut off with your cnut hat.
They can both bore off the edge of a cliff.

Brian May - has done about as much good for badgers as he has bad for Guitars.

Fred - Rest in Peace an all that, but even Frank Zappa can hold a note on vowels, get a new trick.

Axl - feckin nah, insipid man child. I've felt more inspired by bad curry shits.

Slash - No self respecting man from Stoke calls himself Slash, cnut off with your cnut hat.
Slash is Stoke's greatest export since the Staffordshire oatcake. Not sure about the Freddie vowel thing, further research required.

I don't actually like Queen but I'd still not call them boring.
They can both bore off the edge of a cliff.

Brian May - has done about as much good for badgers as he has bad for Guitars.

Fred - Rest in Peace an all that, but even Frank Zappa can hold a note on vowels, get a new trick.

Axl - feckin nah, insipid man child. I've felt more inspired by bad curry shits.

Slash - No self respecting man from Stoke calls himself Slash, cnut off with your cnut hat.
It's a bad WUM when you get 2/4 right.
I'd forgotten about Hard Fi, there were definitely more from that era too but I've blocked them out.

I don't like U2, but some of their stuff was genuinely good, I don't listen to them either so couldn't say if they're boring or not. I think if a band tries to reinvent their sound that it is at least an attempt to avoid being boring.

Another good shout was the Kooks, dreadful. One I'd forgotten, actually maybe two, from my original list were "super bands" - The Raconteurs and Velvet Revolver. Bumhole puckeringly boring.

*Edited because I typed the The Velvet Underground instead of Velvet Revolver
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I'd forgotten about Hard Fi, there were definitely more from that era too but I've blocked them out.

I don't like U2, but some of their stuff was genuinely good, I don't listen to them either so couldn't say if they're boring or not. I think if a band tries to reinvent their sound that it is at least an attempt to avoid being boring.

Another good shout was the Kooks, dreadful. One I'd forgotten, actually maybe two, from my original list were "super bands" - The Raconteurs and The Velvet Undergound. Bumhole puckeringly boring.

You're putting The Velvet Underground in the same box as the Raconteurs? Disgusting behaviour
For me, Kaiser Chiefs represent a whole era of boring, uninspired music. Their tracks make me think of mullets, shit tattoos and uppity arrogance.

I love rock, and welcomed that it made a comeback in the 2000s, but the likes of that boring shower along with Franz Ferdinand, The Ordinary Boys and Razorlight ruined it somewhat. Just so dreary.

On the flip side, it was also a good era for Muse, Ash and The Killers who I loved.
I try to ignore these sorts of threads, but: what the feck did Franz Ferdinand do to deserve being mentioned in a list alongside the Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight and the fecking Ordinary Boys, never mind unfavourably to Muse and the bloody Killers.

Edit: I've just seen the Velvet Underground linked to the Raconteurs post. I'm running away.
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For me, Kaiser Chiefs represent a whole era of boring, uninspired music. Their tracks make me think of mullets, shit tattoos and uppity arrogance.

Good shout. It was wild that they got big in the first place. I was playing in bands in and around Leeds at the time they started. The keyboard player used to put on a lot of gigs for touring bands back then, so he'd put his own band on the support slots more often than not. They were dreadful. I saw them play to an empty room twice. Nobody liked them because they were just shite, but they were everywhere all because one of them knew the right people.

They somehow struck gold with that 'I Predict a Riot' song, and then they blew up. There was so many great bands in Leeds around that time, but they were the ones who took off. Crazy.
You're putting The Velvet Underground in the same box as the Raconteurs? Disgusting behaviour

Guilty as charged, though in my defence I typed the The Velvet Underground instead of Velvet Revolver.

I meant Velvet Revolver, not The Velvet Undergound.

Kasabian are another who are utterly sleep inducing.
Guilty as charged, though in my defence I typed the The Velvet Underground instead of Velvet Revolver.

I meant Velvet Revolver, not The Velvet Undergound.

Kasabian are another who are utterly sleep inducing.

Velvet Revolver and Kasabian are both indeed poor. I'd forgotten Velvet Revolver even existed.
Has anyone mentioned The Greatful Dead yet? :nervous:

I'll admit the next 2 may be issues of taste but The Clash used to bore the tits off me back in the day. Also, with the exception of a couple of songs, I find David Bowie to be comparable with Andrew Lloyd-Webber.
Another one Badly Drawn Boy

Last time I saw Paul Weller was diabolical too, left early. It was exacerbated by the whole area surrounding the venue being full of simpleton “fans” copying his hairstyle and singing “pebbles on a beach” as it was the only lyrics they knew.
I saw him do a 20 or 30 minute set years ago, not expecting much, but he was really good and the atmos was great.
Radiohead and Coldplay, obviously.

As someone who doesn't mind the Foo Fighters, they are boring to be fair.

Maroon 5. Just awful

Rolling Stones

Not a band, but Bob Dylan.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers
I left early. He seemed to be playing up to the grumpy old/serious artist man persona and would only play his stuff off the new album at that time, which was terrible. Told the crowd about this at length. Normally I'd be fine with this stance, but in reality his new stuff was poor and he's something of a nostalgia act for a lot of his gig goers it seems so why not throw them a classic or two.
And I have to add John Mayer.

This is a crime. He’s one of the best singer songwriters of his generation. Continuum is incredible. Born & Raised was great.

His work with Dead & Co has cemented his place as one of the best guitar players of all time.

With all that said… some of the self indulgent stuff has been genuinely disappointing. Feels like he’s taking a Ferrari to do his Tesco shop.
This is a crime. He’s one of the best singer songwriters of his generation. Continuum is incredible. Born & Raised was great.

His work with Dead & Co has cemented his place as one of the best guitar players of all time.

With all that said… some of the self indulgent stuff has been genuinely disappointing. Feels like he’s taking a Ferrari to do his Tesco shop.
Nope. Not agreeing. Not at all. He's clearly among the most boring and pointless musicians ever. His music does absolutely nothing for me. It is so incredibly boring, I tend to forget it while listening to it. He is like an even more boring version of Van Morrison. And that's an insult I'm not handing out lightly.
I try to ignore these sorts of threads, but: what the feck did Franz Ferdinand do to deserve being mentioned in a list alongside the Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight and the fecking Ordinary Boys, never mind unfavourably to Muse and the bloody Killers.

Edit: I've just seen the Velvet Underground linked to the Raconteurs post. I'm running away.

Haha, to be fair it's all subjective - maybe it was a bit harsh to include FF in my list.

I'd certainly compare them unfavourably to Muse, but, you like what you like :)
I get this one completely. Their best stuff was during that era when we had 'The Bends' and 'Ok Computer'. I really like Kid A and In Rainbows, but they're not to everyone's tastes. However, they've reeeeeally slowed down with their last two albums, to the point where they have become boring. Can't listen to anything past In Rainbows. Tbh, I barely make it past Ok Computer now - that was their peak.

Funnily enough, I see the same exact thing happening with the last two Arctic Monkeys albums. My mate and I have coined the term 'Radioheading' to describe when a band gets too far up themselves and starts losing/ignoring the thing that made them good in the first place.

The Bends is such a fecking good album. I wish they would just make more music like that instead of the dirge they do now.
Separator is one of the best songs ever and it's on King of Limbs. Lotus Flower is a banger as well.
Surprised we've made it 3 pages without anyone mentioning some band well known for holding a graph in their hand.
I fully admit it may come down to just taste but that's what I hear when my wife makes me listen to him.
Oh, I get it. Bowie was out of his cool phase when I first listened to him, and there were a lot of his songs that I didn't like at the time. However, I had a girlfriend who was way into him, and slowly but surely cracks formed in my defenses. I think the Berlin trilogy [Low, "Heroes", Lodger] are a good place to try again, if you are so inclined. The greatest hits packages tend to diminish his genius, I think, because he had such radical stylistic changes over the years. My personal favorites are Diamond Dogs and Aladdin Sane. Try again, please! You'll thank me for it, eventually.