They've "passed" United? they win two PL titles and fall flat on their face in Europe year on year and they're now beyond us?
Only the last season matters. The previous 100? Who remembers them, I mean honestly?
They shoved 4,800 Ipswich fans into a home section and left the away section completely empty. The rags still haven't announced an official attendance, doubtless out of embarrassment, but it's been reported as 34,569 - about the same as City's attendamce last season against Sheffield Wednesday at the same stage in the same competition which they mocked us for.
We know sky have their tongue up the rags backside and yeah they've gone all giddy on them saying what they said.
I remember sky telling everyone utd was top of the league for about 10 hours and they went overboard with that.
Apparently this next one isn't Bluemoon but it was posted there and they agree completely (I edited out the swear words obviously).
We gave these C**TS the keys to our set up , we showed them what we were doing with the owners money from day f**king one and they were treated with respect.
They repaid that hospitality by continuously INVENTING sh!t up by slating our club at every given chance.They claimed we were ruining football, not all of them , but lots of them.
Pellegrini didnt win manager of the year when he won the f**king prem and the CC, instead giving it to buck teeth (Shortly to be sacked for spunking over 200 million pounds on shit) and lets not dare mention Silva or Aguero who had ZERO chance of being writers player of the year.....noooooooooooo..that acolade goes to their favorites clubs player.
Pellegrini has gotten under their skin as they got under they can eat sh!t and f**kign die, they will write sh!te no matter what we say or do.
I hope Pllers keeps on winding them up....and we should also consider banning a few of them that make sh!t up from our stadium...only invite Martin Samuel.
Amen, the whole English press was treated like royalty when we began our adventure - they had their chance and they f**king blew it, then they wonder why we give them absolutely nothing.
I just quietly revel in the smug satisfaction that our MO is pissing them off.
When people don't understand they frequently get defensive. When they refuse to hold an open mind and choose to stay ignorant, they get bitter.
They also have an FC United thread. As impartial as expected.