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That's how From Soft make their games. Very little will be explained, you'll be expected to piece things together yourself. Reading item descriptions is always useful and will reveal the lore.
If you're still struggling you can grind and level up for a while now.
Unfortunately there arent nearly as many items in the game to help you piece it together, because enemies drop bullets and blood not their armor which would have a description on it. Think of how many enemy armors were in demons souls - dark souls 2 and how many descriptions that could be read. Not the case this time...
Which isnt helpful, because imo the game makes you want to know whats really going on and the lore far far more than any of the Souls games. In those games I wasn't that interested in the story even after I started to read about it. But with this? I'm reading as many lore posts as possible on the web trying to understand it all, because its a much more interesting story in my opinion.