Gaming Bloodborne (PS4)

I was on the fence as to whether to get this, but you've just sold it for me.

I've only tried the Dark Souls games briefly at Eurogamer and sucked horribly at them, so I just noped any chance of me buying them.

Might persevere with this one though.

You have to persevere in this game and should know that you would be killed several times.
I'm falling into the same trap I did when I first started Dark Souls. I get impatient and start trying to rush. Especially if I die while I have a lot of souls and I want to get back to them. I need to get back into the methodical style of play. You become you're own worse enemy in these types of games.
I'm not even close to beating Cleric Beast, at best I'll get his health down halfway.

I wonder if I level up if cleric beast gets tougher to beat.

I dont think so. What weapon are you using? I think the 2 strength starting weapons, saw and axe or w/e are better because you get the range to hit him

I'm using the cane/whip and skill scaling and I ended up using a couple of molotovs when he was low to finish him off, as I didnt want to risk it
Loving this so far, enjoying the methodical trial and error gameplay while I get used to the gameplay and pick out strategies. Enemies that gave you a hard time gradually get much easier as you figure them out, currently stuck on the bit where you get to about 4 dogs and some other assholes, but it doesent feel repetitive or like each death is a massive loss.....yet :nervous:
So about the ending...

Endings. There are multiple. If you finished and dont want to know about any of the others, look away now.

So the first 2 endings most people will get... Awful. Same as usual, hoohaa another game another repeat the cycle ending - even though its supposed to be a new ip.

The 3rd ending takes some work, but looks a bit more satisfying but its still incredibly straightforward.

Edit - Actually someone has a theory that is linked to the old one in demon souls. That makes this ending far more interesting... the differences between the two worlds wouldnt seem to make sense

I've seen one or two posts that theres a 4th ending, but havent seen any evidence of it yet
Pretty close to the end by now I'd think. Level 60 and I have most of the weapons, kirkhammer is still by far my favourite. At +9 it's an absolute beast.
I'm not sure if I'm just better at this one then the others but for me it's definitely an easier game then Dark souls 1... Similar difficulty wise to Dark souls 2 I'd say, though with DS2 the thing that made it easy was that it was really easy to grind souls and level up. These bosses for the most part are pretty easy to kill.
Pretty close to the end by now I'd think. Level 60 and I have most of the weapons, kirkhammer is still by far my favourite. At +9 it's an absolute beast.
I'm not sure if I'm just better at this one then the others but for me it's definitely an easier game then Dark souls 1... Similar difficulty wise to Dark souls 2 I'd say, though with DS2 the thing that made it easy was that it was really easy to grind souls and level up. These bosses for the most part are pretty easy to kill.

Have you tried the other weapons as well like Blades of Mercy and Ludwigs Holy Blade? I'm still trying to figure out what to go with and the hammer seemed a bit too slow for me.
Just got the game yesterday and man do I suck at it. I played Demon's Souls a few years back and it took me a long time to adjust to the level of difficulty and to be patient. Bloodborne is a whole different ball game as you're expected to take the offensive and it is a much faster paced game. I died like a million times before even getting to Cleric Beast and now I have to figure out how to beat this monstrosity. Luckily now I can level up so I hope that helps me get through.
I've played about 6 hours and I just managed to kill the two wolves in the first area... I might have to trade this in. I'm hopeless at it.
I've played about 6 hours and I just managed to kill the two wolves in the first area... I might have to trade this in. I'm hopeless at it.
Don't worry, it will come with time. Once you learn to to go past certain areas you won't forget it and will improve as a player. Patience is key. If you enjoy gameplay then give it more time.
Just got the game yesterday and man do I suck at it. I played Demon's Souls a few years back and it took me a long time to adjust to the level of difficulty and to be patient. Bloodborne is a whole different ball game as you're expected to take the offensive and it is a much faster paced game. I died like a million times before even getting to Cleric Beast and now I have to figure out how to beat this monstrosity. Luckily now I can level up so I hope that helps me get through.

Stay very close to it because this way it can't hurt you, use blood vials every now and again and beat it with your right handed weapon and a torch. It won't take more than 5 minutes to kill it that way.
I don't know how long it's been since I've woken up and instantly want to play a game. It has me hooked!
I don't know how long it's been since I've woken up and instantly want to play a game. It has me hooked!
Me too :lol: got a Kirkhammer but I need to improve my strength to be able to use it. I will be grinding today anyway. I cannot find enough stones to improve weapon though, and you cannot buy then, can you?
Yeah, if you get past werewolves go to the house on the left and up the stairs at the end, there is your gate.

Improving character is straightforward, yes? Just pick skill and buy improvement?

What do I need the Hunter Chief Emblem for? It allows me to enter Grand Cathedral's round plaza but I don't even know where it is now. My heart is still racing from my last run to the boss.

Anyone got answer for the emblem question?
I'm falling into the same trap I did when I first started Dark Souls. I get impatient and start trying to rush. Especially if I die while I have a lot of souls and I want to get back to them. I need to get back into the methodical style of play. You become you're own worse enemy in these types of games.

I find my worst enemy is getting over confident as you get better at killing previous enemies you go in thinking its easier and a bit more gung ho, then get your arse handed to you.
I find my worst enemy is getting over confident as you get better at killing previous enemies you go in thinking its easier and a bit more gung ho, then get your arse handed to you.
Aye, the enemies at the bonfire at the beginning are like that. I beat them almost every single time but the times I don't it's because I rush things and want to get past them quickly.

I don't know where to go now frankly, I mean I know I have to find myself in sewers but I'm not sure whether it's better to use the shortcut on the side of the bridge where there's a hidden entrance into the sewers or look for entrance around where I am now (the place where I defeated Cleric Beast). I don't think I'm going to go there today though, don't have much time to play and the time I have I'd rather use to bring myself to level 20. The stronger I am the more time I'll get in the sewers the first time I enter them properly (because I don't fool myself, I'm going to die at least 10 times before I can even think of visiting second boss who's supposed to be somewhere down there).
I find my worst enemy is getting over confident as you get better at killing previous enemies you go in thinking its easier and a bit more gung ho, then get your arse handed to you.

The best tip I can give you is leave the game for a while.

I got beat by Cleric demon last night. Decided to leave it for the night. Woke up this morning and beat him first time.

For me at least it's a game I play in fits and starts, especially if I keep dying.
This game is so addictive I can't stop playing. I've defeated the third boss who was quite easy and gone quite away ahead of that without really knowing where to go. I found the hunters before trickier to deal with. Have been bumping into Giants and all kinds of stuff now. I even got captured and taken to this weird area. It's the first time I've been totally freaked out in the game but I got out of it in the end. Trying to find the next boss now.
I cant recommend the saw cleaver highly enough. It has the perfect balance of power and speed. I've also found a rifle spear which is also pretty good for more ranged attacks.
I find that when you are in a new area it pays to take things really steady but when you master it you can cut through in no time at all. I love all the little shortcuts and the mechanics of the game.
If you are finding it tough just keep trying to master on dodging and the timing of your attacks. Once it clicks for each enemy they become quite easy. Don't forget to level up with your blood echoes and don't be scared to use blood vials they are everywhere.
Anyone got answer for the emblem question?

Don't waste your souls on it. You'll come across the locked gate eventually but there's an alternate route to the plaza which doesn't require the emblem.
How is it with dodging instead of blocking? Does it make it easier or harder?

And why did they remove magic?
How is it with dodging instead of blocking? Does it make it easier or harder?

And why did they remove magic?

Harder at first but I'm more than used to it now.

It's supposed to be a proper melee game. No using arrows or magic to snipe and spam enemies from a safe distance.
I beat that big fecker with the cloak and axe on my first go and now can't beat him again. Very frustrating.
Pretty close to the end by now I'd think. Level 60 and I have most of the weapons, kirkhammer is still by far my favourite. At +9 it's an absolute beast.
I'm not sure if I'm just better at this one then the others but for me it's definitely an easier game then Dark souls 1... Similar difficulty wise to Dark souls 2 I'd say, though with DS2 the thing that made it easy was that it was really easy to grind souls and level up. These bosses for the most part are pretty easy to kill.

The Gamespot review said it wasn't as difficult as Dark Souls. I wonder if some of those saying it's more difficult used the shield before?
Anyone got answer for the emblem question?
You use it to open a gate close to cathedral ward, there's an alternate route to open it as well but if you use the emblem you get an NPC side quest thing that you don't otherwise. Don't worry about it til later when you get there.
I've played about 6 hours and I just managed to kill the two wolves in the first area... I might have to trade this in. I'm hopeless at it.
Just stick with it, you'll learn and get better the more you play it.... The key is to wait for the enemy to throw the first punch, you dodge around it and then give him a few hits then back off for the next punch. All about patience and that works for pretty much every enemy.
Me too :lol: got a Kirkhammer but I need to improve my strength to be able to use it. I will be grinding today anyway. I cannot find enough stones to improve weapon though, and you cannot buy then, can you?
You can buy them later on but they are pretty expensive , easier to just grind for them but again, yoh get those grinding areas later on.
Have you tried the other weapons as well like Blades of Mercy and Ludwigs Holy Blade? I'm still trying to figure out what to go with and the hammer seemed a bit too slow for me.
I'm trying to get the blades of mercy, part of a side quest and I'm at the last part but its hard as feck. The holy blade scales with arcane the more you level it up I think, and a lot of people use it I noticed, but I'm mostly strength so its not much use to me. The hunter axe is by far the best starting weapon though. This thing called a tonitrus is quite good too.
Had an hour or do with the game this morning. Got my arse handed to me a few times but started getting the hang of it. I managed to get up to the bridge with the wolves on and tried to lure one out on it's own. The other fecker came as well though and i had a hectic battle, nearly got them both but in the end they did me. Got straight back up to them though and made use of molotovs to quickly down one of them and simply fought the other normally. Got myself the shortcut then and decided i'd have a run at the boss. Got him to 60% ish health and got wrecked. Think i can do beat him though with a few more tries.

The stamina bar is what kills me mostly though. My first instinct is always to spam dodge since i'm shitting it and that either leaves me with no stamina to attack, or enough for one or two attacks but then i can't dodge. So i know where my blood echoes are going when i level up :lol:
I'm trying to get the blades of mercy, part of a side quest and I'm at the last part but its hard as feck. The holy blade scales with arcane the more you level it up I think, and a lot of people use it I noticed, but I'm mostly strength so its not much use to me. The hunter axe is by far the best starting weapon though. This thing called a tonitrus is quite good too.

I'm using the Holy Blade for now. It's +6 and scaling with strength as well; got it to around 200 damage. The stagger with the two handed attack is ridiculously helpful against big guys.
Are there any save points around the area those two black giant wolf things are walking around, guarding the passage?

Edit: Never mind, I died. Going to give this game a rest for a while..
Are there any save points around the area those two black giant wolf things are walking around, guarding the passage?

Edit: Never mind, I died. Going to give this game a rest for a while..
On the bridge? There's a path to open a shortcut right next to them
Just saw on Reddit there's a similar exploit to the demons souls one... Might use it for the shards and chunks given how they aren't the easiest to farm
Are there any save points around the area those two black giant wolf things are walking around, guarding the passage?

Edit: Never mind, I died. Going to give this game a rest for a while..

Dodge pass the wolves and the guy stood behind him. Run into the open door and head downstairs. You can then open a shortcut to the first lamp. There are a few guys in the house so be careful. Also beware of wheelchairs.
The best tip I can give you is leave the game for a while.

I got beat by Cleric demon last night. Decided to leave it for the night. Woke up this morning and beat him first time.

For me at least it's a game I play in fits and starts, especially if I keep dying.

Pretty good advice mate, jumped in this morning and played for an hour without dying, steered away from the wolves and went the sewers route. Opened up a few shortcuts too, just need to explore a bit more later when I'm back on then have a go at the first boss wherever he is.
How do I get new weapons?

Find them.

There's a new cleaver/saw in the sewers. You need to carefully drop down onto one of the rafters. There's quite a few pickups scattered around the sewer.

Edit: I forgot you can buy them at Hunter's Dream as well.
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Pretty good advice mate, jumped in this morning and played for an hour without dying, steered away from the wolves and went the sewers route. Opened up a few shortcuts too, just need to explore a bit more later when I'm back on then have a go at the first boss wherever he is.

Yeah the frustration you get from dying makes you make mistakes.

I'm having no luck against the second boss, I keep getting to him within a couple of hits from death and he pulls some aoe attack out a fecks me up.

I currently have about 6000 echoes llying on the floor of the boss arena.