Television Better Call Saul | Includes Breaking Bad Spoilers

Slow episode, not sure we needed the 20 minute montage of Kim phoning people and getting huffy about it.

oh damn, yes. That was just ... so long. Shes not an interesting character at all, and they havent made her any more so by spending that much time on her.
Stopped watching after the first episode of Season 2 because I thought it was just shit and the previous one was crap as well. I loved Breaking Bad but this is rubbish, does it change in the following episodes or should I still stay away from it ?
Must admit I've found it all way too slow for my liking. I'll probably see the rest of this season, largely because of how much I loved BB, but if this doesn't improve, doubt I will bother with season 3.
I'm finding that I like the Mike side stories the best. Its a shame the series doesn't revolve around him
The weird thing is that even when it's slow and you're urging something to actually happen it's still a pretty decent watch.

Apart from Kim phoning people and putting post-its on a window.

feck that.
The weird thing is that even when it's slow and you're urging something to actually happen it's still a pretty decent watch.

Apart from Kim phoning people and putting post-its on a window.

feck that.

Yes I like it in a way, probably would like it more if I hadn't seen Breaking Bad as it will never live up to that series. Either way I find myself waiting to be able to watch it every week which is a good sign I guess.
Yes I like it in a way, probably would like it more if I hadn't seen Breaking Bad as it will never live up to that series. Either way I find myself waiting to be able to watch it every week which is a good sign I guess.
Hmm, not sure about that. I think having seen BB gives you that expectation of something being around the corner. Without that I think I'd he a lot less patient.
I like it but I'm not sure why they're so reluctant to step it up a gear. I guess they are just very determined to set a totally different pace to Breaking Bad.
Hmm, not sure about that. I think having seen BB gives you that expectation of something being around the corner. Without that I think I'd he a lot less patient.

Maybe. I think I keep expecting more violence and more drugs but then have to remind myself this is a different show.

Without watching BB maybe my expectations would be different
Yeah, it is a bit slow for my liking, but for some reason I still look forward to the next episode most of the time.

It seems like the series could still be around four-five years before the story of Breaking Bad happens, unless Tuco's sentence gets reduced to much less than two years.

I was hoping that we'd see a longer period of 'during' Breaking Bad, but I get the feeling they're just going to have to skim over that. Would not be surprised to see this cancelled by Series 5 though, so I hope they have plans to get the ball rolling and tell most of this story a bit quicker at least. Mike meeting Gus is probably when everything will kick off.
I maintain that building the show around Saul only works if it is a sequal. Have him in Mexico or something trying to keep hidden but also make money in Meth

Having a law based prequel is stupid and doesn't work. If you do a sequal, you build it around Tuco, Skinny Pete, Jesse, Mike, Nacho, Gus, Hank etc about how the meth game was before Walt got involved
One of the problems i have is that Saul was a funny character and hes been so limited in that this series (the scene at the police station with the guy who lost his cards and the video). They need more of that but mixed with Mikes side stories.

I really am thinking of maybe waiting until the season is over then binge watching it.
The weird thing is that even when it's slow and you're urging something to actually happen it's still a pretty decent watch.

Apart from Kim phoning people and putting post-its on a window.

feck that.

I agree with that.

I know it is slow and nothing really is happening half the time but I still find myself enjoying it a looking forward to the next episode.
I've enjoyed the 2nd season so far but that episode was the worst so far and back to the monotony of season 1. The Mike storyline is the only thing that is keeping it on my tv.
I love this series but agree that it is slow paced. Personally though I feel it works quite well for the most part. That said, the last episode was definitely the slowest/weakest so far with too much time spent away from either Jimmy or Mike.

Not that I particularly dislike Wexler but she should be more supplementary than the central focus that she became in that last episode.

I think the makers have slowed it down deliberately to make a different style to BB, but always bring back a good bit of excitement just when the fans need it. I predict a decent episode next week in lieu of the lack of progress last time out (fingers crossed!)
Two old faces in this episode...The Mike storyline seems to be more interesting than sauls...
Nothing big happens except these little stories I don't even remember when I finish the episode but I still enjoy watching it. Only character I dislike is Chuck. Kim isn't bad, IMO.
Kim was better in that episode. I can see them both going down the route of screwing people over whilst working their regular jobs and eventually getting caught out.

Mike giving back the money didn't make much sense though but I guess that's his character.
Everything that has happened in season 1 and 2 could probably be summarized in 50 words. Every scene is so drawn out, and of course every episode starts with a boring 5 minute montage.

Still, it's a decent show.
How many times would you really try a cup holder before accepting your thermos doesn't fit?
Nah it was a lot better than last week's. Not even close. Although Saul seems to be going backwards.
They should have called it something else, it's as much (more?) about Mike as Saul/Jimmy.
Starting to wish this was just a show about Mike and the Tuco lot. Where are they going with the Saul arc?
I don't feel like I'm watching the series for the story but rather just for the Breaking Bad related moments, the things I'm most excited for are the introduction of Gus and Jimmy becoming Saul.
I agree with the majority.

It's very drawn out. Feels like nothing has changed since the first episode of season 2. They really need to pick up the pace
I'm really enjoying it, it is a bit slow at times but very well made and it has a great story. I cant put my finger on why I'm enjoying it so much because apart from Mike its not as if the characters are that likeable. It has a good balance of comedy and sincerity along with a well written story.

I have never seen breaking bad, is it made in a similar way? I would say better call saul is one of my most favourite ever series.
I actually can't fathom how someone that's never seen Breaking Bad could enjoy this :lol: although maybe it's slightly tainted by association for those that have watched BB given the tremendous quality of the show
I'm really enjoying it, it is a bit slow at times but very well made and it has a great story. I cant put my finger on why I'm enjoying it so much because apart from Mike its not as if the characters are that likeable. It has a good balance of comedy and sincerity along with a well written story.

I have never seen breaking bad, is it made in a similar way? I would say better call saul is one of my most favourite ever series.
Why would you watch a prequel to a show you've never seen?

So many references will be going over your head.