L. Marinov wrote the following post at Sat, Aug 23 2008 2:44 PM: Yesterday Blitz information agency posted a comment regarding other news sites misquoted their news, they`ve never said that Berbatov headed to Manchester, they`ve reported his manager Emil Dantchev went to Manchester because he "got a signal". They claim that signal is both clubs have reached an agreement about the deal and the way of payment of 25m pounds for the Berbatov`s transfer. They also claim that Berbatov gonna do the medical exams this weekend or monday and that the deal gonna be a fact before tuesday. This is the link to the story, but its in bulgarian:
http://www.blitz.bg/index.php?sport=7941 I dont know if their source is trustable, but they seem pretty confident about the deal. I hope we gonna see Berbatov in a red shirt monday

PS. About the Sun`s jibberish bout Berbatov already signing "red" shirts, Its just a total lie, take a closer look at the "signed" red shirt of the fan and the shirt he is actually signing - they are totally different. I think it actually is a CSKA Sofia shirt (one of his former Bulgarian clubs). In all of his interviews, he said that he will never say or do something bad for the people in Spurs, even the janitor. He knows that club gave him alot and he will never do something disrespectful like that...