Barcelona: Charged with corruption .... again!

with what? Debt?

isn’t reducing debt why they sold some of the Tv rights?

If in the future it is profitable for Barcelona, why not?
Within 3 years Barcelona will have finished the reform of the stadium and about € 200M more are expected per season.
I'm quite well travelled. Barcelona is easily my least favourite city I've ever been to. The attitude of the locals to people who they think are tourists is pretty disgusting.
The attitude probably comes from the fact that the UK sends thousands of troglodyte 'tourists' to Barcelona every year and all they do is piss and shit themselves in public after drinking for two days straight.
A lot of Barca hate and very little actual information in this forum. I mean I get it. We deprived United of two Champions Leagues. It makes sense in their side. What I don't get is why Bayern and Chelsea hate us. I mean last time we trashed Bayern was in 2015 and they have humillated us three times in the last 2 years, why do they still hate us?
If anything, they should be glad Pep went there and taught them how to play modern football.
Barca and Real Madrid are some of the very few clubs not backed by millionaires. Some of the very few clubs that do live entirely of the money they generate. This is how all clubs should have remained. If we and even Real Madrid have so much debt is because we were forced to compete for players with teams bloated with non-football money like Chelsea themselves.
No one cares enough about you to hate you. I can just about work up the energy to mock hate Liverpool but even that isn't particularly serious. You've got a massive thread on a rival fan site for a few reasons - 1 its a year old and whatever about your financial situation this season last season was definitely notable. 2 Our primary transfer target this summer plays for you - see the massive dortmund thread when targeting Sancho. 3 Your current plan is risky as feck and absolutely everyone recognises it.
It isn't just United fans, and Chelsea fans and Barca fans. Your being laughed at by Aston Villa fans and Brighton fans and Arsenal fans. And liverpool and City supporters too. The entirety of football thinks your being irresponsible as feck. Maybe its because your plan is risky as feck and not because were just trolling you?
I mean... where do you get your info? hahahaha.

20 years? it is actually 25.
what rights? you don't know. only LALIGA TV rights (not champions for example).
"a fraction"... what fraction? it is always a fraction of something. it is basically a loan at 5% interest (from quick numbers you can make) where risk is divided between barça and the buyer of the rights.
most of the money of the "levers" actually go to reduce debt (for example 100M are directly paid to GS today with the money of the 2nd lever). barça already got 500M from the rights and has spent around 100 in players and has reduced the wages A LOT in the last 2 years.
barça is actually trying to sell FDJ, it is him who doesnt want to leave.

the 3rd lever (a part of BLM studios) can be used IN CASE OF FDJ not wanting to leave (not direct relationship, but important things to weight). BLM is not profitable at this moment anyway.

you don't say it here but you can read it all over the place: "barça don't pay their players". wrong. barça is playing what their contracts say. if barça don't pay would be relegated, period.

and to put things in context... 99% of the posters here are united (makes sense), chelsea and bayern fans... so...
- united: owned by a billionaire who doesnt give a f*** about the team. he is celebrating the "fantastic" season you had with a dividend of 8 figures coming directly from your revenues.
- chelsea: a nothing club that would still be a nothing club if the friend of a criminal war would have just stayed robbing in his country. 2bn (twice barça debt with waaaaay lower revenues) debt that has been sustained by the russian blood daddy. the club with highest debt of the world year by year.
- bayern: selling 25% of the domestic league rights is horrible and shortsighted. however, selling 25% of the club itself to pay a stadium is a brilliant idea!!! 25% was sold at 1Bn valution 20 years ago (on average through 3 operations). bayern worths today probably 4-5 times more. but those weren't levers... it sounds funny. those were "strategic partnertships", which sounds super serious!!!! ahaaaammmm!!!

barça is a very bad financial situation due to the felony of bartomeu (ive been telling that for YEARS), but spending 25% of the money from the sold assets is not going to head us to bankrupcy. it can actually help (or dig a bigger hole), time will tell.

@Niemans your patience is beyond anything ive ever seen.
Can I have some of what you're smoking?
Can those three sell their shares if they want to?
I am actually not entirely sure about the setup but believe that theses 3 strategic partnerships come with a fixed term.

They hold the shares (and additionally further pay a yearly sum) to be allowed to use it for marketing purposes. Allianz has the naming rights for the stadium, Adidas provides the kits, Audi provides cars to players and staff, etc.

There were rumors about BMW bidding for Audi‘s shares so it seems to be within the clubs power to bargain and switch their shareholders.
@Blackwidow @Hansi Fick Am I missing something? (I didn’t google… :nervous: )
Can those three sell their shares if they want to?

yes, why not?
they can sell their part for a valuation 4-5 what they paid 2 decades ago.
they have also being receiving dividends derived from their ownership.

What control has Bayern lost?

25% of the voting rights are not property of bayern. bayern only owns 75% of bayern.
when you give dividends, bayern only receives 75%.
i might be mistaken because you are super smart but 100>75.

Oh, it is definitely true. Allianz, Adidas and Audi (3 local Bavarian companies) each bought 8.33%. However, Bayern didn’t lose any control since the club still holds more than 75% themselves. There is no blocking minority.

To put it this way: Bayern sold some minor shares to build a stadium that dramatically increased their revenue and, therefore, the club’s valuation which is great for Allianz, Adidas and Audi.
Barca is selling NFTs to pay off debt.

You can also put it this way:
- selling 25% of the club and paying dividends to those companies: "minor shares", "didn't lose any control"
- selling 5% of the revenues for a limited amount of time: "joke of a club", "you are fecked"

now you tell me who is bayern and who is barça.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm quite well travelled. Barcelona is easily my least favourite city I've ever been to. The attitude of the locals to people who they think are tourists is pretty disgusting.

the story who touched no one :lol:

I'd make a post about it in the General forum but none of the recently signed up Barca trolls would be able to view it. It was also in response to one of your lot questioning why Chelsea fans dislike your club. Every person I know who went to that game said that it was the worst experience they've ever had at a match.
the story who touched no one 2 :lol:

Admittedly I'm ignorant and haven't bothered to understand the finer details of their situation. But aren't they essentially selling their future earnings in a desperate gamble to achieve short term success? To me the way they are operating looks utterly reckless and mental

enough said, don't you think?

to me the way you are posting looks utterly reckless and mental

In general I agreed with what you and Niemans have said, the only exception is FDJ's contract. He agreed a new contract with deferred wages to help out the club, and ethically he should get paid for what he is "owed" when Barcelona is trying to sell him. Saying as an Arsenal fan.

i honestly don't know the exact details.
but i do agree that contracts are contracts, they can be renegotiated if both parties agree but they always have to be honored.
if he signed something that is not convenient for him if he is sold, he needs to honor that. same applies to barça paying the extremely high wages he has and that he didnt deserve, and the ridiculous clauses bartomeu (who should be in jail long time ago) put on some contracts.

Can I have some of what you're smoking?

great arguments, as usual.

It's always important to look at to whom actually the shares were sold to. Adidas, Allianz and Audi are all Bavarian companies whose interest in the club isn't monetary. They need the club as a marketing vehicle, and hence they have a vested interest in not depriving the club of money.
None of these companies meddle in the clubs doings, so there is no control lost.

yes, it is important to look at whom owns the shares, but it is also better not having to look, dont you think?
and i honestly dont get why you said that you didnt lose any control. if you sell shares, you lose voting rights (and dividends, etc.).
and those are shares that you cannot sell in the future. following the same approach, you are a " 3 stadiums distance" from losing full ownership of the club.

i dont say that it wasn't the right decision from bayern (or the opposite), but facts are facts.

i bet that comments would be very different if barça says tomorrow that is going to sell 25% of itself.
The attitude probably comes from the fact that the UK sends thousands of troglodyte 'tourists' to Barcelona every year and all they do is piss and shit themselves in public after drinking for two days straight.

I'd disagree Barcelona and certain parts of Spain has a bad reputation with tourism from the locals / domestic for years.
Yeah they've acted questionably towards De Jong but look how they've reacted in the transfer market to dropping down to the Europa league (once) and seeing their biggest rivals win the big pots.

Now compare that to united's reaction to last year and subsequent years of mediocrity whilst our rivals have been winning everything - they are the ones genuinely moving like a big club. They are making moves and doing everything they can to close the gap and be competitive. Fair enough.

I'd agree with this if the financials weren't without risk, short term "success" being leveraged against future guaranteed revenues is typically a cause for disaster.

Unless Barcelona can guarantee to be a powerhouse competitively there's not much credibility in their approach. They have a manager who is still unproven in the task at hand. Further consider that they are behind the likes of Madrid domestically, European competition not close to the likes of Liverpool, City and perhaps even Chelsea it's a hard task at hand.
I really like the approach @MexicanCowboy is taking with @P-Ro

1) Start off with a heartfelt "I'm sorry you experienced that" message.
2) Take a giant shit on the initial message by aggressively telling someone what opinion they're allowed to have.
3) Blame the poster for their misfortune.
4) Claim they're a lil bitch who can't handle the world.

It's inspiring. If inspiration came in boxes like a shit Ceramic Tile Warehouse, that is.
I got triggered by him saying Barcelona is a shithole since I love the City. But I agree I shouldn't have said what I said. I was just angry.

I've heard many times that the people from Barcelona are impolite with foreigners but that's not quite true. The problem is mostly the kind of tourists that usually visit the city. A lot of young guys who want to party like there is no tomorrow. The locals do dislike that kind of people. On the other hand, many times I just walked into a small store bought a beer and talked to the clerk and everything was just fine. They asked me where I was from, mentioned they like this or that Mexican song, etc. Pretty friendly people but It depends a lot on your behavior because they are more serious and less tolerant to stupid behaviors than, for example, people from Sevilla.
with what? Debt?

isn’t reducing debt why they sold some of the Tv rights?
With the Super League money or the Super League lawsuit money. They truly, truly believe they will get one or the other. They have said as much plain as day, but it’s like no one is paying attention.

They are getting their ducks in a row to sue to start the “lever” (Super League) that allows themselves and Madrid to break away from the shackles of La Liga for good, OR to get the compensation they believe they are owed to cover their debt.

That is why they are acting so smug. That is why, much to the confusion of everyone, Madrid and Barca have been acting like members of the same street gang and not bitter rivals.

La Liga and Serie A were the only leagues that truly almost went under. La Liga is the only league where two teams are allowed to determine the payout of everyone else on things like tv deals. Those two historic teams faced the very real prospect, well before Covid, of eventually not having other league teams to play. So they use their muscle and leverage in the football world, including sponsors, two convince teams that if they don’t get on the train they’ll be left behind. They want a league that will start out billed as a replacement for the champions league. But the way it is set up is more like NFL Europe; which the members becoming solidified franchises … until it is the only primary league.

The fans stood up and put some steel back in the backbone of some teams, and caused others to rethink the greed. The only teams that never technically backed out? The originators, Barca and Real along with Juventus are the only people still insisting the league is going forward.

It’s not “Barcelona hate”. I used to have an Iniesta Jersey. They weren’t my favorite team, but they had my respect. But now they have declared themselves the literal enemy of the other major teams in European football. There is no just getting around that.
So already losing 40% of TV money for the next 25 years just to pay debts (not completely paying them of) and buy players playing for them like what? 1 to 5 seasons?
So already losing 40% of TV money for the next 25 years just to pay debts (not completely paying them of) and buy players playing for them like what? 1 to 5 seasons?
I think this one brings it up to 25%. First was only 10%
The easiest way to look at the deal is that Barca have sold, at least, 1.037bn euros worth of TV revenue for 527mm euros. In return for forfeiting at least 500mm euros worth of revenue over the next 25 years, they get a huge chunk of cash up front. It’s not a great deal at all, but it gets them out of a hole. The biggest issue I can see with it is that they are continuing to spend massive amounts on players, and give out contracts that are financially suspect. Like a 4 year deal, on massive wages, to a 34 year old.
If in the future it is profitable for Barcelona, why not?
Within 3 years Barcelona will have finished the reform of the stadium and about € 200M more are expected per season.
€200M from what? Isn’t the renovation just 11,000 additional capacity? It’s mainly just renovation than extension, which is another big expense for the club.

They're really selling off the family silver for a one-time hit? I really thought I must have misunderstood something, but apparently not: all this talk of 'levers' is just Laporta on some primo branding. Reading some of the posts from Barca fans on here, seems it worked.
Barcelona got to about 1 billion income pre-covid mostly thanks to global relevance and bandwagon new fans who just follow the team because it wins. United can afford to spend 9 years without doing anything relevant and still have a great budget and be able to spend 200 million. Barcelona can't afford that. A few more years being shite and nobody but the very old fans will watch Barca.
Of course it's risky and it may lead to bankrupcy, but allowing the team to be crap will lead to bankrupcy as well.
€200M from what? Isn’t the renovation just 11,000 additional capacity? It’s mainly just renovation than extension, which is another big expense for the club.

No, it's not just a renovation of the stadium.
Madrid is renovating the stadium and will have the same capacity, and the income will go up between €150-200M.
No, it's not just a renovation of the stadium.
Madrid is renovating the stadium and will have the same capacity, and the income will go up between €150-200M.
How will the income will go up €150-200M? Even at the full 110,000 capacity that’s an extra €1300-€1800 per seat/fan per year.
How will the income will go up €150-200M? Even at the full 110,000 capacity that’s an extra €1300-€1800 per seat/fan per year.

Many VIP boxes, hotel, shopping centers, events of all kinds...
How will the income will go up €150-200M? Even at the full 110,000 capacity that’s an extra €1300-€1800 per seat/fan per year.

Looks like one more pie in the sky, their match day revenue was around 140 million, to get additional 150-200 million because of some renovations seems unrealistic but nothing about Barca looks realistic. Their president looks proper politician and fans believe everything.
A lot of Barca hate and very little actual information in this forum. I mean I get it. We deprived United of two Champions Leagues. It makes sense in their side. What I don't get is why Bayern and Chelsea hate us. I mean last time we trashed Bayern was in 2015 and they have humillated us three times in the last 2 years, why do they still hate us?
If anything, they should be glad Pep went there and taught them how to play modern football.
Barca and Real Madrid are some of the very few clubs not backed by millionaires. Some of the very few clubs that do live entirely of the money they generate. This is how all clubs should have remained. If we and even Real Madrid have so much debt is because we were forced to compete for players with teams bloated with non-football money like Chelsea themselves.

I can’t speak for Bayern fans or other Chelsea fans, but I really do not care about Barca one way or then other. Used to dislike them a lot back when we used meet in the CL every other season. These days, meh. They’ve been one of the biggest stories of the summer though, and it’s fun to laugh and speculate about their situation and these magical levers.
I really like the approach @MexicanCowboy is taking with @P-Ro

1) Start off with a heartfelt "I'm sorry you experienced that" message.
2) Take a giant shit on the initial message by aggressively telling someone what opinion they're allowed to have.
3) Blame the poster for their misfortune.
4) Claim they're a lil bitch who can't handle the world.

It's inspiring. If inspiration came in boxes like a shit Ceramic Tile Warehouse, that is.

If in the future it is profitable for Barcelona, why not?
Within 3 years Barcelona will have finished the reform of the stadium and about € 200M more are expected per season.
€200m more a season, from a stadium extension? How much are the tickets?!

And even if that was correct, (1) that’s turnover not profit (completely different things) and (2) it ignores how much Barca will ‘lose’ every season from the rights they’ve sold off (ie, they haven’t just got to increase profits, they’ve got to do it by more than what they’ve ‘lost’).

It’s like me saying I’ve got lots of credit card debt that I can’t afford so I’ll get my mate to give me a load of money to settle it on the condition I give him 25% of my salary for years to come. Then saying it’ll be fine because I can pay him off in a few years because my salary will likely go up OR I can draw on new credit cards… while in the meantime, I’ve gone and bought a new car, had an AI holiday and bought all the family top of the range IPhones instead of tightening my belt.
Anyway, Barca remains the most popular club in the world; this insane thread confirms it.

Or perhaps it's just obsessive Man Utd/Chelsea fans, who knows.
I can’t speak for Bayern fans or other Chelsea fans, but I really do not care about Barca one way or then other. Used to dislike them a lot back when we used meet in the CL every other season. These days, meh. They’ve been one of the biggest stories of the summer though, and it’s fun to laugh and speculate about their situation and these magical levers.
Barca have completely fecked you over with Kounde to come! Utd fans can’t stand Barca and they’re actively trying to help us sign our dream player this summer.
This is some Dr Stange nonsense that’s happening this summer. You should be seething and we should be cheering them on.
Pre-covid Barcelona's matchday revenues per year were around 160m€. It would be something if a 10% increase in capacity and the addition of few VIP boxes led to a 100% revenue increase.

You can also put it this way:
- selling 25% of the club and paying dividends to those companies: "minor shares", "didn't lose any control"
- selling 5% of the revenues for a limited amount of time: "joke of a club", "you are fecked"

now you tell me who is bayern and who is barça.”

The shareholders of Bayern get dividends each year. A couple of years ago, the dividend was $15m meaning the 25% shareholders got $3.75m.

Barca have just sold off what… hundreds of millions, a billion? of future income.

25% of the DIVIDEND INCOME (those three shareholders aren’t going to sell the company) and 5% of REVENUES are totally different things. Totally.

I get fans defend their clubs but you can’t just say ”25 is a bigger number than 5 so you’re all stupid.“

EDIT. For clarity (hopefully)….
  • 25% of divs = good
  • 5% of years of income = bad
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Pre-covid Barcelona's matchday revenues per year were around 160m€. It would be something if a 10% increase in capacity and the addition of few VIP boxes led to a 100% revenue increase.
You’re forgetting mes que un club? That’s like a magic spell when it comes to finances.

A bit like when I used to say abracadabra to my kids and ’find’ a 10p piece behind their ear… but multiplied by 2,000,000,000.

You can also put it this way:
- selling 25% of the club and paying dividends to those companies: "minor shares", "didn't lose any control"
- selling 5% of the revenues for a limited amount of time: "joke of a club", "you are fecked"

now you tell me who is bayern and who is barça.”

The shareholders of Bayern get dividends each year. A couple of years ago, the dividend was $15m meaning the 25% shareholders got $3.75m.
Another thing he missed (and you did as well) is that Bayern didn't sell part of the club (which would be legally impossible), but they sold 25% of the professional football team (meaning other sports at the club aren't effected).

Owning 75% of the team means the club has full control over it and can decide how much dividends will be paid.

And legally the club is a non-profit organisation, so they essentially take the dividends to subsidize their other activities, but that also naturally limits how much dividends they take.
Pre-covid Barcelona's matchday revenues per year were around 160m€. It would be something if a 10% increase in capacity and the addition of few VIP boxes led to a 100% revenue increase.
It would be more about money they’d make from hosting events etc, look at the deal Madrid have done with sixth street? Mind boggling numbers involved.
It would be more about money they’d make from hosting events etc, look at the deal Madrid have done with sixth street? Mind boggling numbers involved.

Effectively. Finally someone who understood it and that I put it in another post.
Another thing he missed (and you did as well) is that Bayern didn't sell part of the club (which would be legally impossible), but they sold 25% of the professional football team (meaning other sports at the club aren't effected).

Owning 75% of the team means the club has full control over it and can decide how much dividends will be paid.

And legally the club is a non-profit organisation, so they essentially take the dividends to subsidize their other activities, but that also naturally limits how much dividends they take.
I didn’t miss it, I just didn’t comment on it as just replying to his point about ‘25’ and ‘5’. But thanks.
It would be more about money they’d make from hosting events etc, look at the deal Madrid have done with sixth street? Mind boggling numbers involved.
It’s 360m…over twenty years.
Hardly life altering, it wouldn’t even cover De Jongs wages for a year.
Also tying themselves in for 20 years isn’t something for Madrid to boast about
It would be more about money they’d make from hosting events etc, look at the deal Madrid have done with sixth street? Mind boggling numbers involved.

Sixth street purchased 30% of the stadiums operations, it's not a 150m increase in revenue per year. If you tell me that Barcelona will increase their revenues by 30m-40m per year then I can agree but not 150m-200m.

You can also put it this way:
- selling 25% of the club and paying dividends to those companies: "minor shares", "didn't lose any control"
- selling 5% of the revenues for a limited amount of time: "joke of a club", "you are fecked"

now you tell me who is bayern and who is barça.”

The shareholders of Bayern get dividends each year. A couple of years ago, the dividend was $15m meaning the 25% shareholders got $3.75m.

Barca have just sold off what… hundreds of millions, a billion? of future income.

25% of the DIVIDEND INCOME (those three shareholders aren’t going to sell the company) and 5% of REVENUES are totally different things. Totally.

I get fans defend their clubs but you can’t just say ”25 is a bigger number than 5 so you’re all stupid.“

The difference here is:
1) You have to pay the revenue portion even when you make no profit whatsoever, but dividends are entirely optional
2) Dividends are on profits, which are usually 5-10% of total revenue for the best run clubs. You're basically selling 2.5 times that as a lever.