Gaming Baldur's Gate III by Larian Studios (PS5, PC, Mac, Xbox Series X|S)

Why so much talk of the 97 metCritic rating when there are barely any reviews out? I have no doubt that it will get 10s across the board given it appears to be brilliant but the lack of reviews is so odd.
Why so much talk of the 97 metCritic rating when there are barely any reviews out? I have no doubt that it will get 10s across the board given it appears to be brilliant but the lack of reviews is so odd.

It’s been out on PC for two weeks.
I cant beat the wingy cnut fighting the mindflayer in one of the first rooms. I am determined to but I have died thrice :lol:
I cant beat the wingy cnut fighting the mindflayer in one of the first rooms. I am determined to but I have died thrice :lol:

Keep the mindflayer alive as long as possible with Shadowheart, he does most of the damage.
Shadowheart with Spirit Guardian - Radiant is basically a cheat code for Act 2 (so far). I just have her walk blinding and blowing up dudes.

Also, if you are having issues with protecting Halsin's portal just stick her at the top of the ledge in front with this bad boy on and launch fireballs from Gale and/or MC
This game is massive.

Thought I was basically done with act one after the main area and mountain pass and clearing the crèche and then I stepped into the under dark which is also huge and that whole forge area is also huge and oh my god what else is there?
The amount of content I missed the first time around (I started over midway through act 1) is just silly. It's like an extra game worth of content.

Also, I love Gale and Astarion. Astarion actually spoils something
When interacting with a mirror he says: nope, still nothing, hinting he's a vampire before you actually know
Githyanki Creche
I had a really hard time getting through the end of it without vlakith wishing me dead over and over. My usual trick of threatening to murder people to get my way really wasn't helping matters. Lots of fails with lots of betrayal's by Lae'zel and just when i think i've gotten through it (with dead Lae'zel :( ) the fecker wishes me dead.
My eventual success was completely silly where i failed a check immediately and the knights decided to kill me straight off the bat. Lae'zel was seemingly distracted and decided not to turn on me for a change so i finished that fight pretty handily, expecting to get wished immediately. Vlakith thought i was pretty great for murdering her friends so i reluctantly agreed to go kill the person in the box, immediately decided i wasn't doing that, got lucky on a roll to avoid Lae'zel turning on me and went on my merry way.
I'm sure there'll be no consequences (other than the creche full of unconcious gith leading to the exit)
Githyanki Creche
I had a really hard time getting through the end of it without vlakith wishing me dead over and over. My usual trick of threatening to murder people to get my way really wasn't helping matters. Lots of fails with lots of betrayal's by Lae'zel and just when i think i've gotten through it (with dead Lae'zel :( ) the fecker wishes me dead.
My eventual success was completely silly where i failed a check immediately and the knights decided to kill me straight off the bat. Lae'zel was seemingly distracted and decided not to turn on me for a change so i finished that fight pretty handily, expecting to get wished immediately. Vlakith thought i was pretty great for murdering her friends so i reluctantly agreed to go kill the person in the box, immediately decided i wasn't doing that, got lucky on a roll to avoid Lae'zel turning on me and went on my merry way.
I'm sure there'll be no consequences (other than the creche full of unconcious gith leading to the exit)
Unconscious? Shit, there was not a single identifiable body left after I rampaged through on my way out. I am messing around with a crossbow Ranger/Fighter multiclass and it is bonkers. Also, if you visit the Githyanki infirmary first and try the "treatment" you can knock out 30% of the creche and also get a dialog option by which Lae'zel stays on your side.
Damn, after finishing Act2 and turning Shadowheart away from Shar towards Selune, she changed her hair color to blonde. I want my black haired gothic girlfriend back :(
Act 1 at the Wyrmforge something annoying happened. I went there and talked to a few of the dwarf guys, then went off to do some other stuff I’d missed out on and then when I went back… they were all gone and Nere was already dead! Really annoying as it doesn’t feel like they make it obvious in the initial interaction with Nere that you’re running against the clock. Feels like a missed a massive chunk of the game.
Starting to get into this now but it's so imposingly large and easy to get lost in side-quests you dont even realise are side-quests :D
Act 1 at the Wyrmforge something annoying happened. I went there and talked to a few of the dwarf guys, then went off to do some other stuff I’d missed out on and then when I went back… they were all gone and Nere was already dead! Really annoying as it doesn’t feel like they make it obvious in the initial interaction with Nere that you’re running against the clock. Feels like a missed a massive chunk of the game.

Same, was also dead when I found him, had no idea why and didn't realise there was any clock, sexy boots took my mind off it though. I had a similar thing happen elsewhere in act 1 when everyone was already dead when I got round to visiting, guess that quest was also on a clock, post sex scene took my mind off it though.
So..... How good is it? .... and how consuming is it?
So..... How good is it? .... and how consuming is it?
I'm sure I had a wife. I think her name is Flanger? Flumper? Thumper? feck knows, I'll just go back and play this for a few hours until this random blonde woman who lives with me asks when I'm coming to bed.
So..... How good is it? .... and how consuming is it?

Whenever I want to quit, I get this face


And then I have to keep going :lol:
See that's what I'm fecking afraid of, I cannot get consumed by this I've got too much shit going on. It looks sooo good too! :(
So the game was constantly crashing when i was there (dont use vulkan for it) so i saw a lot of variations on situations. The time sensitive nature of it is due to him being trapped in a room full of poison gas. Time is measured by long rests and i think its primary effect is how many gnomes survive. Too many long rests and he's dead at the entrance from gas or dwarfs isn't clear. Save him in time with explosives (you need 2) and he comes out and the dwarfs turn on him and try kill him. I think after my first long rest i got a message about nere running out of time. I had a long rest before i let him out with the 2nd explosive and came back to him dead and rubble cleared, game crashed a couple minutes later so i just did the fight without rest.
I was wandering around trying to help out gnomes and murdering pretty much every dwarf i came across. Theres some neat and imaginative ways to kill some of them. I've been pretty consistently opposed to the absolute so nere was always going to get killed one way or another. Most of the dwarfs turned on me in the fight despite me siding with them (temporarily) but i think some of the dwarfs are absolutists and others not so i probably murdered most of the mercenaries.
Unconscious? Shit, there was not a single identifiable body left after I rampaged through on my way out. I am messing around with a crossbow Ranger/Fighter multiclass and it is bonkers. Also, if you visit the Githyanki infirmary first and try the "treatment" you can knock out 30% of the creche and also get a dialog option by which Lae'zel stays on your side.
Oh i'm a goody two shoes and i was way too pleased about avoiding lae'zel turning on me to risk annoying her on the way out. Shadowheart accidentally killed a few with spells, first was a mistake but i thought it was funny and fit her character so a couple more got a nuke thrown at them on 2 health for being kind of rude earlier. I did get the 'cure' on the way out but i've gotten enough of them to know what to expect and after a brief conversation with the doctor (a rude doctor) i figured that would probably kick off a fight with the entire creche before i could talk to the inquisitor

I let Astarion
bite me, I feel dirty :(
Yeah me too and me too. I figure he owes me now and i volunteer him for all the random cures. He got Volo'd
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So I walked into a barn and
disturbed a bugbear fecking a huge female ogre whom got mad, so I killed them.
So the game was constantly crashing when i was there (dont use vulkan for it) so i saw a lot of variations on situations. The time sensitive nature of it is due to him being trapped in a room full of poison gas. Time is measured by long rests and i think its primary effect is how many gnomes survive. Too many long rests and he's dead at the entrance from gas or dwarfs isn't clear. Save him in time with explosives (you need 2) and he comes out and the dwarfs turn on him and try kill him. I think after my first long rest i got a message about nere running out of time. I had a long rest before i let him out with the 2nd explosive and came back to him dead and rubble cleared, game crashed a couple minutes later so i just did the fight without rest.
I was wandering around trying to help out gnomes and murdering pretty much every dwarf i came across. Theres some neat and imaginative ways to kill some of them. I've been pretty consistently opposed to the absolute so nere was always going to get killed one way or another. Most of the dwarfs turned on me in the fight despite me siding with them (temporarily) but i think some of the dwarfs are absolutists and others not so i probably murdered most of the mercenaries.

Never happened to me. Just started act 3 now on my 2nd playthrough.
This game is amazing. First time in years I've had to stop myself playing after hearing birds outside :lol:
Wait, you can control other characters during the party and set them up for sexy times with folk? Shadowheart and Lae'zel romance on the next play through...
Wait, you can control other characters during the party and set them up for sexy times with folk? Shadowheart and Lae'zel romance on the next play through...

You can and I did exactly that. But I got a weird bug, that from that point onwards Lae'zel only offered sexy time if I talked to her with Shadowheart. And even earlier save games were corrupted by it, so reload didn't help. Watch what you ask for :devil:
Never happened to me. Just started act 3 now on my 2nd playthrough.
The crashes? I think its on amd cards. They've probably patched it since. It was probably a week ago i was there. Had one or two elsewhere (on vulcan again which seems less stable and i stopped using) but nowhere near as bad as in Wyrmforge which was crash central.
I'm near the end of act 2, I'm kind of half way through about 5+ quests at the moment and i started a new character or 5. Theres probably loads of act 2 left to be honest.
A party of a Fighter main character with Shadowheart, Marlach and Lae'zel (funno the spelling) just murders everything in act 1. High armour rank is crazy good against all those puny gobbos.
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Lae’zel’s annoying so far and I kicked her out despite my team needing a fighter :lol:

I didn't find her after we fell off the ship, so i'm definitely using her on my next playthrough.
Please with Karlach, though, she's a beast.
A party of a Fighter main character with Shadowheart, Marlach and Lae'zel (funno the spelling) just murders everything in act 1. High armour rank is crazy good against all those puny gobbos.

Ive found shadowheart to be weakest link. I think she just offers nearly nothing in combat.
Ive found shadowheart to be weakest link. I think she just offers nearly nothing in combat.

She has good abilities, plus healing of course.
I'm no expert, but i think the bless spell is very strong.
I plan my next playthrough without her, but i think i'll miss her... going to have to chug a lot of health pots!
Ive found shadowheart to be weakest link. I think she just offers nearly nothing in combat.

I don't share that opinion. I find clerics very strong and useful in the game. They have strong abilities to buff the group, keep it alive and can remove negative statuses. Blessing for one as @Grylte said or sanctuary as a bonus action saved me many times for example. Also her radiant damage is very strong in Act 2 against all those undead. You can even use her as a tank when you give her the legendary healer mace, that also blinds undeads in certain range. Last but not least, her summonings are also very useful. The weapon can do and tank damage and the guardian is very strong.